How can one man be so fucking based??

How can one man be so fucking based??

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This thread is going nowhere since most 2017 Sup Forums acks are idiots with no comprehension of history

Eh, I'll bumb it. He was our opponent, but one worthy of respect.

Bismarck Memes






I'm reading some books about Bismarck right now.
I've bought them 2 years ago when there was the 200th anniversary but only managed to read them in the last few weeks.
One of them called "Bismarck - Ein Preuße und sein Jahrhundert" by Christoph Nonn and the other one that I've just started is called "Bismarck - Größe - Grenzen - Leistungen" by Hans-Christof Kraus.
Then I've also read a biography and another book related to Bismarck.

Up to now I have to say the one by Christoph Nonn is the best one. It really explains things that aren't obvious for historians of that era or people who are very well versed in the events of the 19th century.
I have to say almost all the books that were released in 2015 and that I've read are trying to give a balanced or even slightly positive picture of Bismarck. That wasn't always the case in Germany: In the 1970s he was viewed as a war mongerer and anti-democrat and whatever they wanted to throw at him. Now the picture is more differentiated.

Was his slow orientation to the liberal nationalists necessary? Was it preferable? There is no doubt that it was successful. He could detect currents in the political climate like noone else at his time.
Would Bismarck have been around if 1848 were successful?

hehe, good one

No hard feelings, right?

You're the only ones not getting fucked over this time after all!

nope, but that's only because you guys treated us so well in '39 to '45...


Bismarck was a great man for his people (and Denmark was douchy dicks in 1864)

>I hate krauts who disagree with me, but i hate other countries even more.
t. Otto Von Bismarck

Bismarck would have hated you fuckwads.

It really is a shame that Germany can't be proud of their history anymore

Yeah, okay, breaking the non-agression-pact was kind of a dick move.

Is it true it's illegal to sing the first line of your anthem?

He really is an amazing figure

He was a great opponent.

No, it's just ... uncommon.
Officially only the 3rd stanza is our anthem.
But people aren't that butthurt anymore as they were 10 years ago. The knowledge about the Vormärz and why and how people behaved in the Metternich era are much more public now.
You can actually have good discussions about the first half of the 19th century here. A positive development.

Are Bismarck memes a thing?

That's what you got for abandoning Austria and allowing Italy to exist.

Gimme a rundown

Real shame. I can't imagine what it must be like to be German and force yourself not to look back with a smile.


>puppet masters a pointless destructive war with france for the sole purpose of "uniting the country" that causes a conflict fucking up europe beyond repair the next two hundred years
Yeah great guy



literally who?


Nice ones.

Napoleon III has a fucked up foreign policy tbqh, he lived in the shadow of Napoleon I and wanted to act like Napoleon did. Sadly, he never had the means to do it: the unification of Italy was a bittersweet victory and because of how cocky he was, he thought we could single-handedly defeat a newly German state formed around Prussia.
I still like him tho.

>ywn sit on the porch at bismarck's estate and shitpost about all the liberal fags in the landtag while drinking beer