
Can Sup Forums red pill me on chemtrails?

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It's nothing. Go to sleep.

A conspiracy pedalled by nut jobs who know little to no science.;

it doesn't exist

sleepy meme in the first post followed by satan's post. nice.

there's your redpill OP.

I fucking hate you

They can somehow manage to control the population by spraying us with some chemicals but they don't have the technology to hide the trail?

Dropping them sweet sweet chems

If that's how low your bar is for evidence then you must live a very delusional life.

The A380 is one ugly plane

OP started this thread to shill
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Not sure what your point is. You call people who provide peer reviewed literature shills?

U dont need science to see that something goes wrong on our skys. Trails, that are standing and expanding for hours, days or even weeks arent normal and not a natural creation.

Clearly doesn't understand basic atmospheric science. You know how clouds and raindrops form? You know that every single second a jet engine lets out about 1 litre of water from the burning of fuel? You know that microscopic particles in the fuel seed cloud formation?

Obviously they're not a natural creation. You must be trolling.

Was meant to say 1 litre of water per second.

It's water vapor dingus.

You have misunderstood it nicely, this art of contrails is not natural, as the water particles crystallize through the cold exterior. HOWEVER, chemtrails are not to be compared with contrails! See the pictures, or better live, WHERE the trails come from. Chemtrails come directly from the bearing surface or turbine, contrails form only after a certain distance to the wing / turbine, since they need time to crystallize, you better know better. And that was only an absurdity that makes the whole topic chemtrail stink to the sky!

It's a meme conspiracy that was created to discredit plausible conspiracy theories by making everyone who believes in conspiracies look like tinfoil wearing nutjobs. Normalfags are more likely to group conspiracy theorists together rather than see the individual ideas.

>or even weeks

Tell me how the earth is flat now kraut.


By your logic fog shouldn't come straight out a car exhaust on a cold day. But it does, if the right humidity conditions are met. What scientific education do you have?

ahahahah. IT IS U SHEEP, IT IS!

oh man, are you really dat dumb????
because a plane flies with about 600km/h or faster?????

Tell me, why does the "chemtrails" acitivity increased with the alst 4 years????? There are not really much more plains flieing than in the past.

Are we on /x/?

Lol try harder. How's the beer anyway? Never been to Germany before. I heard its' really cheap.

Thats because planes also arent a natural creation you dumb fuck.

ok gouda

Is it usual for the inner engines to be on a higher setting than the outer engines?

So have you got any evidence that those chemtrails actually exist? What do you think's in them?

Isn't it more likely that the steam starts condensing immediately at the outermost edge of the exhaust stream, but it takes longer for the bulk of it to cool enough to condense?

Chemtrails confirmed satans jizz.
This though. Anyway this is a slide thread

I wish I would have screenshot it, but a few months ago a pilot was on here and posted a picture he took from the cockpit of his CJR. In the MFD he had typed in "Chemtrail Release System" or something and made it looked totally ligit.

The MFD has "Notepad" function where you can put in anything.

If the government wanted to spread chemicals into the atmosphere they wouldn't do it in a manner that was visible. You're enthusiasm for the truth is admirable, but a level of science literacy beyond that of a sub-Saharan African would lend a lot of credibility to your argument.

You are interested in the truth, that's great. Read up on the science a bit more. Also, I am fairly sure we went to the moon as well. There were a lot of very competent scientists working on the space race in the USSR. If America faked it I think we would have heard something about it by now.

>Satan's jizz.
No that's miracle whip.

Mayonaise coloured benz I drive miracle whips :^)

Chemtrails are real, but the ones you have to look out for are the ones you can't see at all

That's when they're really spraying

they detect alien weapon systems

>Chemtrails are real, but the ones you have to look out for are the ones you can't see at all

exactly, they started putting these things in the sky so they can determine when extra terrestrials are using energy field based weapons systems, you can't see them otherwise but they disperse the trails allowing you to know when you are being attacked

>Hauling chemicals to 30,000 feet is the best way to dispose of them.

Jesus, if you wanted to disperse chemicals you just pump them in high smoke stacks.

How is this still a question as they have admitted they do this?

>Is it usual for the inner engines to be on a higher setting than the outer engines?
From what I know about aircraft, if one engine is running a lot slower than the others it might stall
They all run at nearly the same speed

Use to fly on C-130's in the coast guard. they would often throw those "chemtrails." I worked on the planes too, definitely nothing on there to distribute large amounts of chemicals

The American government would never experiment on its precious people.

So tired man, need to go to sleep now.

spraying aluminum to "combat global warming"
aluminum causes alzheimers
look at rates of alz. going up since 2001
look at rates of farmers having to buy "aluminum resistant" monsanto seeds to stay in business

>Sup Forums is the new /x/

I remember when this board at least attempted to give a shit about reality, facts, statistics, science, etc.

>asking 77 people

Publish a response to the paper if you don't agree with it and are smart enough to. Otherwise sit there and deny.

the government is poisoning people to reduce the population by giving all of the pot smokers fibromyalgia

Expected error on a sample size of 77 random realisations of the actual population is 1/sqrt(77) = 11.4%.

i like how the explanation for swirling trails is:
>military, research, or acrobatic
why would you lump these three together?
why would military/research not count as suspect?
this entire piece of shit is strawmanning the most absurd versions of conspiracy just to get some thirsty grad a paper and some recognition

Because the general argument is that it is being perpetrated by commercial aircraft, which is just fucking retarded. That's what most chemtards believe.

fuck you and your digits and your strawman pseudoscience trash

Few ways one can look at it really.

1. Bullshit; why would any logical "powers that be" poison the very air their children will breathe?

2. Plausible; if creation of a 2-part virus was created, thus making chem trails in general - harmless, unless carriers have the pre-cursor inside them.

There was a program called Utopia in England that depicted a shadow organization that infiltrated the British government, created a fake Russian Flu epidemic, the vaccines were loaded with a 2 part sterilizing agent; and the planes that dispersed the 2nd component is released from "crop duster" type planes - and everyone in the world except the Roma got sterilized - i dont know what would be worse though, chemtrails; or a future of Roma ¬_¬

chemtrails aren't real, that's the redpill, only retards who believe literally every conspiracy theory out there believe chemtrails.

The average IQ of a chemtrail believer is astonishing low, coincidence? Nope.

Go ahead and make some orgonite for all you doubters. Just do it, you don't have to place it anywhere special. Enjoy the flyovers and harassment.

No need to get so mad brah. If you think Environmental Research Letters is pseudoscience then you should contact the editors and explain how. That would be fun.

Fucking hilarious how so many are entrenched in denial. You watch your blue sky get fucked up daily from these planes but hurr just contrails.

Theres no such thing as "Chemtrails" take a look at this explanation by NASA:

Contrails are clouds formed when water vapor condenses and freezes around small particles (aerosols) that exist in aircraft exhaust. Some of that water vapor comes from the air around the plane; and, some is added by the exhaust of the aircraft. The exhaust of an aircraft contains both gas (vapor) and solid particles.

Geoengineering Earth, Exposing The Global Climate Modification Assault

You can't simply assume the powers that be to be logical. There are mathematical laws to stupid. Irrational actors invariably appear in absolutely every group.

Your unproven assertion is both asinine and irrelevant.

Chemtrails are real. They are adding heavy metals to the atmosphere for weather manipulation and to make men into docile, brainwashed pussies so we can't react to the psychological and subversive invasion of our nations by an unseen (((enemy))).

I used to live in rural Wiltshire and I remember coming home from a friends house at 2am and the air would fucking stink!
