Why haven't you started worshiping Jupiter yet Sup Forums?

Why haven't you started worshiping Jupiter yet Sup Forums?

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If I wanted to worship a massive blob of gas, I'd fuck your mother.

>we call the christian god Dievs
>we call the main baltic(romuva) god Dievs too
lol dumb christcucks

reminder that europe is culturally/traditionally "pagan" and christcuckery is just reformed judaism




>american education
The planet was named after the god

Leave it to a faggot Brit to praise something so irrelevant and gay as jewpiter
Its not like you are all being replaces by true believers of Mohammed or anything

Storm god is an fagget.
We met him at Milvan Bridge and ran him.
Nice get tho.

>british education
Pagan gods aren't even real.

I have proof they are real

folklore and culture is more valuable than a foreign reformed jewish "god"
who also is not real


Jupiter = deus Pater = sky father (which is why we still talk about Mother Earth)

Same etymological root as Tiwaz/Tyr (Norse war god)

And that is where we get the word Tuesday from.

True story

That bullshit Hollywood Roman armor design.

>He still doesn't worship SATURN/MOLOCH yet.

I pity you weaklings.


I do worship the same gods by different names.


>Mighty pagan legions
>BTFO Eternally at Mlivan Bridge
>Pagan Europe died out
>Faggot LARPer ignores how "Christcucks" genocided them

shots fired

I like the White Nationalist Christians but i think the rest belong in the gas chamber.

because I worship the sun


the Indo-European Sky Father Tiwaz (Sanskrit Dyaus, Greek Zeus, Latin Deus, Lithuanian Dievas, Latvian Dievs, Prussian Deiws). His name means both 'god" and "heaven', and as such he may once have been regarded as creator of the world as well as god of light.

Jupiter got a bigger dick than your god
>virgin marry didn't even feel yahweh's tiny dick penetrate her

baltics is pretty high percent non-christian. is paganism big? know of any website with slavic paganism stuff?

Mars/Ares is better, for example.

Fun fact: jews worship Saturn.

We're all created in Gods image dude.

>Doesn't even pick Odin

>gets BTFO
>Attempt to redeem himself comes off as whiny an faggoty
Just stop lad, it's over and you're a disappointment to our flag.

Because Thor is mightier

You Odin fags need to meme more. Just look at this Aryan might.

I only worship uranus.


those are some really clean looking sheets for someone like that


>no sleeves/gloves in the snow
because his worshippers are retarded

>worshipping a cunt like Zeus/Jupiter

Lol, nigga, sacrifice some goats or doves to him so he doesn't destroy your country, but he is a shit god to follow

>based Apollo
>based Roman version of Mars
>based Greek version of Athena
>based Hermes/Mercury

And thats just from the Olympians, there are many better gods to follow. At the end of the day, just praise your family and ancestors gods.