Gay French Men Voting Le Pen

"There are priorities in France other than homosexuality. I myself am in a same-sex couple and there have been many advances in this area," Cedric explains.

"But for me there are more pressing issues like the economy, the national debt and unemployment."

We ask him if he's worried about LGBT rights and, like most of the FN supporters we speak to, he thinks the same-sex marriage thing is a bluff: a ploy to win conservative votes.

It's a view that's at least partially backed up by the facts. Counter-intuitively, the Front National has more high level gay figures than any other major party, people like Marine Le Pen's closest adviser Florian Philippot.

Cedric, for one, is prepared to take the risk.

"In my view, she won't do it. If the FN were to win, I think she would prioritise other things."

Polls suggest the party is now more popular in the LGBT community than perhaps many would want to admit.

Of the 3,200 gay French men the dating app Hornet spoke to, one in five said they would be giving Marine Le Pen their vote.

Other polling in the aftermath of the 2015 regional elections suggested the FN was more popular among married gay men than the general population.

So what is it about Marine Le Pen that appeals directly to some LGBT voters? For many, it's her tough stance on immigration.

"Where are the gays most in danger? In Islamic countries," says Pascale, who doesn't want to be photographed.

"Gay people are being crucified - it's a danger and I don't want it coming to France, definitely not."

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is this supposed to make me like le pen

Based faggots.

>"There are priorities in France other than homosexuality. I myself am in a same-sex couple and there have been many advances in this area," Cedric explains.
>"But for me there are more pressing issues like the economy, the national debt and unemployment."
Big contrast to the US coastal LGBT urbanities.

Trump didn't really mention much about wanting to repeal gay rights and I voted for him.

t. coastal urban gay


Anybody who has a brain, and can solve 1+1=? knows that mathematically Marine can't win.


KEK this is obviously BBC propaganda

What's that you said, all French men to vote for le Pen?