Spain BTFO!

I thought the french and their wine was a meme.

Think if we got muslims to attack the French wine supply, and not people. I bet the pitchforks would come out real fast.

Baguettes how do you feel about this?

Other urls found in this thread:

California wine consistently wins against French wine. Prove me wrong frogs.

You should stab their wine.

A wine crate with a bloody handkerchief and three pounds of marijuana is not wine, stupid Californian


So surprising that eurocucks are mad that burgerland consistently beats them at everything.

FUCK GABACHOS, arriba España

How can yurocucks even compete


bump and anti-gabacho edition when?

The French are a bunch of protectionist pseudo-communist niggers, more news at eleven.

You mean filthy niggers aka gabatxos. they cannot compete against spanish products

Frogs are always blaming us for shit lol.

I really hope they elect Melechon and keep tanking their economy.

>French wine
it is bullshit, that is real problem here, people prefers Spanish wines (quality/price)..literally they cannot compete against us.

can you see the written french? that image was taken in france therefore they are french merchants not spanish.

I know the lack of black people may confuse you, but still


>superior spanish product
>Disgusting cheap wine and chufa


The californias wine is way better than yurops, the only problem is that the local market don't like "domestic" wines, they think is inferior just for that label.

>superior french product
>Algerian semen cream


yeah gabatxo , top exporter this year in America.

If it's so disgusting why destroy it then? Nobody would buy it, right? Let the free market work.

I wish we could just be more comfortable with how superior we are.

This is what is really happening. French producers see their sales drop and they think its because Spanish wine sells better. While the later is correct, the main problem is that NEW french population don't drink alcohol. KEK

Buy chilean wine.

>being this mad his country has no meme product..

French peasants love to destroy stuff when they get angry about something.

Wine should be cheap, French jews don't understand this and meme the price up

La Rioja White Wine is God Tier
Fuck off France

Don't get butthurt cuz your wine is shat

You are my favourite new world vinyard.

>that pic

>tfw workers will have to clean up all that fucking wine

buy this, we support Mexican products here, unlike filthy gabachos

it is not like 70s gabakeks

Actually you are the one who didn't get the joke

The jew merchant is supposed to be the Spaniard

The only wines that can come close are from Argentina or Chile. but there is that whole imported bullshit that people like.

It's a total commie move.

La Rioja and many other spanish wines are top tier and regarded internationally as such.

But we also produce cheap wines, nothing wrong with that, you have to fill the market for all kind of customers and needs.

Your soil is as poor as your country, what do you really expect?

>La Rioja

>even remotely close to anything free


Thank you Edgar.

Oy vey, good goyim, buy our wine


> be French
> destroy rival wine after paying to import it

Let's be honest, they destroyed it because Paris is a Sharia Zone

let me see...why is Spain top exporter? cmon gabat...use your brain

>La Rioja White Wine
The bottle you just posted is shit quality under 4€, you know that, right?

Pic related is Teruel. We have a party that we literally throw wine at each other. I mean A LOT of wine, you can get drunk just breathing. We don't care about French faggots spilling our wine, we have too much. They cannot compete because we have something they don't: THE WEATHER.

And they have something we don't have: THE MUSLIMS

So their demand is shrinking while they cannot produce as much as we do, the consecuence is that our prices are better and our sales way higher.

> being angry at people because they have cheaper and superior product

fucking frogniggers. the whole alcohol industry lives off of alcoholics pretty much so good cheap wine is in high demand probably.

France will be poorer than Spain in a decade or so


>Burgers actually believe this


now, it is Africa...New Algeria hahah

Because PLEBS want CHEAP quality at a CHEAP price.
You'll never compete, even in 12 centuaries, with our middle ranged wines.
Your wine quality is even shittier than italians.

>tfw only drink spanish tempranillos

Everyone is talking about French vs Spanish wine...but what about Italy Wine?

Are they good?

Remember me since when you're Spain?
Fucking ex niggerland.

boring desu


Just admit defeat frog m8.

French wine is a meme, tbqh. They're pretty much skating off their reputation. Spanish and Chilean wine are far superior.

>You'll never compete, even in 12 centuaries, with our middle ranged wines.
HAHAH, KEK keep throwing our bottles, New Algerian

Wait -- did they just pay for imported wine, then destroy it out of spite?

They're bretty good.

Spanish wine is the superior product because it offers top quality at a good price.
The frogs on the other hand can't sell their shit at a reasonable price because they love the smell of their own farts so much, they refuse to price their products properly because it HAS to be better since THEY made it.
What a joke.

Says the uncultured spaniard without taste.
I bet you've never tasted middle ranged french wine ~40€.
I've tasted a lot of spanish wines, most of them are shit, 2 or 3 are okayish-ish.

Wine is a scam by non-friends of Anglos


Some are really nice, try " Nero d'Avola " if you don't know it. Some Lambrusco are also cool in summer along a barbecue.

I love Montepulciano d'Abruzzo and I like Prosecco better than Cava tbqh

We are not much better in that regard, seeing as we have already a million muslims and 13% of our population is of foreign origin. I don't desire anything wrong to my fellow frogs even if they spill our wine.

Why would I spend 40€ in a wine bottle when there are good wines for a good price?

Anyway, why don't you leave the EU if you are against free market?

Who cares? the french caliphate will eventually ban it.

>Kahn unsuccessfully demanded her scorecard back — according to Taber, "she wanted to make sure that the world didn't know what her scores were."


La cifra ronda el 10%, que sigue siendo mucho de todas formas

>French wine is a meme, tbqh. They're pretty much skating off their reputation. Spanish and Chilean wine are far superior.
totally agree Nigel

10% + gypsies

>French winemakers attacking stock of french supermarkets, that will tell the spanish a lesso-

What butthurt faggots, like children who are not getting their own way, the libtards of the winemaking world.

If i was spain i would reduce the prices further to increase even more importation to piss these faggots off, what are they going to do next? Bomb the vineyards?

>yuro banter about wine
I feel so out of place

Why would you spend 40€?
To know what you're talking about before opening your retarded mouth.
I'm not against the free market, where did I stated that?
People ravaging spanish wine in supermarkets? I absolutly don't give a fuck.
But, seriously, man ; try to taste a "Château Margaux" someday. Yes, it may be a bit expensive but I can guarantee you'll not forget this one.
With all due respect (especially for your delicatessen, with some of them france can't compete)

you fags get so distracted by Sup Forumstardation that you overlook good shit like OP's idea to have muslims start destroying breweries and alcohol supplies

maybe if they burn some vineyards people will start understanding

This will not be tolerated. Expect La Liga.

Pic related. La Liga.

Albion, I love you, you made me giggle like the little girl I am.

>TFW you're never have blueberries shit talking to your neighbours.

Open a marple syrup thread then, you could brag about something

anyways,Legion is full south americans n andalusianos

So for all the non-connoisseur, spanish wine is shit.

Nice gay pride Rodrigo


n-not the wine

Then why is that our wine shops are full of spanish,italian and california wine and very few french wines that nobody buys?



Because you can't afford them

That's why they need the origin thing, that I don't know how they call in french, (denominacion de origen)

Same problems the argies have with our wines that are vastly superior.


you really believe that? I bet it's actually about 20% at this point.

>wine shops
Only faggots and tourists go to wine shops, you buy your wine in the chateau or at the supermarket.

Only middle class mexicans buy wines anyways, when tequila is much cheaper here, just accept it, frog wine is shat.

I don't know much about wine, but Rosé seems fine. I just can't stand sweet alcohol. I swear they make that shit just for women.

How do wineshops actually survive in France?
They are absolutely empty 95% of the time when you enter the owner just glares at you.

Isn't tequila going extinct because you get paid more to farm corn for American bio fuel?

It would seem to portray the opposite if your countrymen are attacking it, clearly jealous of the spaniard successes.

The people will decide what wine if good which is they want to drink and which is not, if the wine was bad then people wouldn't be buying it, but they are and frenchmen are mad that someone else is making a product that people want to buy over their own.

also how the fuck are people just allowed to destroy products under the guise of a "protest" and face no repercussions? where are the police? are your police that cucked they won't even a arrest a bunch of delinquent wine saboteurs?

Breaking each other's products like Korea, China and Japan.

What the fuck is wrong with the French?