What the fuck is his problem?
DO5 Hate Thread
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can a nigger get a back story XD
Just a prank bro
> Youtube family vlogger
> Does """Pranks""" on his kids that usually involve having his kids cry, and fight for views
> Called out on the internet for child abuse
> Internet hates him
> Caught lying multiple times
> Calls anyone who calls him an abuser a "hater"
> Does this post
> Says "9/11 was not Muslims"
You can't make this shit up.
Are these the ones that did that 'fake ink' prank where they were screaming at the kids?
And other things. Such as shoving their son into a book shelf. Getting him to slap their daughter etc.
Yep. These are the ones. And it was more than just the ink prank.
They will end up on Dr. Phil by the end of the year.
Screencap this.
yeah the ink one started with the dad literally screaming "GET THE FUCK UP TO YOUR FUCKING ROOM" when there's like 4 or so young children and we're talking under 10 in the room
apparently one of the kids is adopted too
and they think this is alright
what the actual fuck
Oh shit I think they deleted all the videos
I hope he isn't lying about having to go through court to keep the kids. Both parents are horrible.
Lurk moar phagget
I want opinions from Burgerbros on DO5 denying 9/11 was done by mudslimes.
>a youtube prankster who thinks he has some type of political influence where if he goes out by exposing some 9/11 shit he will be recognized a hero
hope one runs a plane into his house
allah akbar
Those anyone have the video of the stream on the mother who lost custody of her two children, and the kids having to stay with DO5?
It redeems them in my eyes
It makes them fucking mental. Holy shit.
Muslims are the gun. The question is who pulled the trigger.
He and his wife are fucking retarded. What do you expect?
>9/11 truther
>we've been through this before
>Giving a fuck about some random hick beating his kids.
Reddit needs to go.
Emotionally tormenting and verbally abusing your kid is not a prank.
That fake ink one really activated my almonds. The way he says "it's just a prank, breh" at the end made me go nuclear. Like, he and his wife were screaming profanity and abuse at the kid so hard it made his siblings cry. The obvious way to top off that one is "it's just a prank, breh." Not even an "I'm sorry bud" at the end. Also how they flinch like crazy the whole time. You know they've seen worse than what's shown on the videos. Then the way the kids read off that outro like a robot. Fuck man.
Fuck those hicks man. Need to be put in a wood chipper. I couldn't imagine doing that shit to my kids even if I was legitimately angry with them.
maybe he should focus on actually raising his children rather than reaching 800,000 subscribers.
People are pathetic.
>> Says "9/11 was not Muslims"
it wasn't