Wait, I thought Texans are redpilled conservatives?
Wait, I thought Texans are redpilled conservatives?
Texans are all spics.
Texans are spics and bluepilled Christian (((conservatives))).
Where do you think all these illegals are going?
Conservatives also don't like wasting money on a worthless eye sore
illegals aren't texans
Found the """Texan"""
Probably polled cities full of Katrina leftovers and wetbacks, only rural and suburban patriots want a wall.
>in 2017
Being so close to where it's supposed to be built you'd assume they would hear about all the downsides of it, like how it would be catastrophic for all migratory species of the environment
Haven't you learned how fake polling works yet? They will poll a majority of liberals from an area they're pushing an agenda, like say houston or austin, then a small amount of those that disagree, then say "all X," where X = whatever group they're trying to use.
Inb4 they only polled Austin
It's not a real fix. We need to end welfare and birthright citizenship. There are plenty of ways to go around over or under the wall. Huge waste of money.
-Texan who is fixing to dip out of spic and niggermerica
Not a Texan, just a (((doctor)))
The cities are liberal, but the rest of the state is deeply conservative. Which is why A democrat hasn't held the US senate seats, the governorship or control of the Texas house in decades.
This poll was probably confined to the urban areas. Most people in Texas want a wall.
The polling results are probably a combo of ranchers and their shills not wanting any inch of their land taken by the big bad gobierno, AND the fact that the closer you get to the border, the more Mexicans you find living in Texas, who want their cousin Josue to be able to visit for Christmas without having to get a tourist visa.
You are a disgrace. My ancestor died at the Alamo with the bodies of 15 spics around him so you can run and hide.
Dallasfag here. We're overwhelmed with niggers and spics. Trust me, we want them gone.
fucking cucks need to get out of my state and move to commiefornia
So did mine. And then they were killed by American northerners. Fuck America, the niggers have won
Like beaners?
Prolly polled austin or a disgusting bordertown.
what lmao
this is absolute bullshit
almost anyone outside of austin is as republican
Wall has become code word for beaner amnesty and a taxpayer funded (((Trump Family)) monument.
If they only asked the legal residents here then that number would be vastly different
>I believe polls because the Talmudvision tells me to the post
>not knowing the difference between conservatives and trump
Tell that to that DACA kid based Sessions just booted, MS13 terrorist designation coming soon followed by beaner internment camps.
>yfw they only polled San Antonio and El Paso
>illegal mexicans being included in polling
brutal blackpill
Pretty much this. More than half the """Texans""" I meet travelling are all named Gomez, nunez, etc. and are only half a shade lighter than the average Mexican. Pretty rare anymore to encounter a white Texan (by northern yankee standards) they all got "beaned."
Though they will insist they are white, and prattle on about "muh texan independence/secession on demand" without realising they lost that perk after getting their asses handed to them in the civil war.
AND this is why we hate the north
Just looked into it. Seems Texas Lyceum the pollers are nothing more than a neo-con group. Funny they started in 1980 right when the US spic problem was kicked into high gear. I guess the Texas neo-cons really love their cheap labor.
>just build a fucking wall in the middle of a owned propriety dude
t. no one ever
All these cucks taking these polls as truth.
One guy finally gets it right.
I know you're just trying to be funny, but take for example what happened when you built the huge dams. Blocking off the rivers messed with the salmon's migration paths. This is tons of salmon that doesn't get to fertilize the forest floor and provide food for a lot of the animals there. So fucking the salmon up the ass messed up the entire forest and everything in it.
Now imagine what would happen if you block off the entire southern entry of the country
Why do illegals who already crossed the border care if there is a wall or not? Genuinely curious.
>Do you believe a southern border wall is in the nation's best interests?
>No hablo ingles
>I heard 'No'. How about you, madame?
>donde esta la cola di paro?
>'Don't', well I think that's pretty clear
Texans are dumb.
They polled a bunch of wetbacks. Real Texans want real border control.
That may be true about the ignorant city folk, but the real Texans know what's up.
> Texans
The poll must have been conducted in one of the big cities like Houston, Dallas, or Austin.
Even in red states like Texas, there are lots of libs and blue-pills in the big cities. I also imagine that there are lots of illegals being sheltered in the cities. Thankfully, the rural folk always there to keep the cityfags and libs in check.
This. Polls are never to be trusted. Why do you think Hillary was polled as having a 99% chance of winning the election? You can make a poll have any conclusion you want it to have by only polling people who are likely to give you the result you're looking for.
Eh, most of the people I know who are against the wall here in Tejas are against it cause we know it wont do shit, just enforce border laws.
They massively oversampled dems and independents.
Only 27% were Republicans.
They also mildly oversampled latinos
Howdy partners. Texan on holiday here. Just gotta set summn' straight with y'all. We Texans don't tolerate no brown coloured folks in these parts. Whenever I see a spic, I pull out ma colt .45 and make him skiddadle far far away from ma ranch. Since y'all yokels can't understand this y'all better stay over yonder because if I catch any of you city slickin' faggots tenderfootin' around ma hick town off route 66 I'll make you a goner by hook or by crook, mark my god-darn words.
Then the beaners can't get it and breed?
>Before election day
>Trump wins, some of the averages were off by 20+ points in a few states
>(((They))) let some time pass
>Hey goy....er..I mean guy look at this (((poll))). DRUMPF BTFO LMAFO!
Every poll to this point has been completely wrong what makes these any different? This is a state Trump won big yet they don't want the one thing they were literally chanting for at his rallies? He would ask " And who's gonna pay for the wall?" to the crowds of over 20k and they would scream "Mexico!" Not "We don't want a wall! Build bridges not walls Mr Drumpf! #Imwithher!"
Impopular meassures can topple a goverment faster than what you may think.
Most Texans are spics and the few white ones that remain are some of the most cucked in the nation.
What a good fucking goy you are, believing in the Jew's (((polls))). Surely, the Jew polled an accurately representative segment of the population and not a segment that he hoped would provide him with the result he was hoping for.
(((Texans)) weigh in on (((poll)))
Sounds like some bullshit poll that only got answers from Austin. We all Redpilled down here. 'Cept those damn Austin degenerates filthy Shills for Hillary all of them.
Texans are the cause of illegal migration, by employing illegals decades ago, now turning into Mexico themselves. Have you checked Jeb Bush's wife?
Texas lyceum also predicted hillary would get 49% of Texas vote.
These are the tricks (((they))) pull. I know how (((They))) were doing statewide polling, they would poll Republicans in Utah a place Trump wasn't doing as good as previous Republicans. Then poll Dems in New York or California. Then they would come out and say "Look Republican support is dwindling while Democratic support is through the roof!"
get a national id card. cut the gibs for illegals. force deportation.
those will be more effective than a symbolic border wall.
but we should have border walls on our north and south border.
we should also weaponize our coast so that foreign subs cant go through it
magnetic mines are cheap and would shut down all this shit with north korea
They suddenly realize a bunch of land is gonna get confiscated by the gubbermint.
61% *of those who were polled
>Texas Lyceum
>MOE ± 3.1
Well, let's see those polls, actually
Q11 Suppose the Tea Party movement organized itself as a political party. When thinking about the next
election for Congress, would you vote for [Randomize] the Republican candidate from your district,
the Democratic candidate from your district, or the Tea Party candidate from your district?"
>1. Republican candidate 25% - 71
>2. Democratic candidate 43% - 123
>3. Tea Party candidate 9% - 24
>4. Don’t know 23% 64
> Total 282
Gee wiz, let's see what's the deal with the wall then
Q28. Would you favor or oppose building a wall along the US-Mexico border to try to stop illegal
1. Favor 35% - 342
2. Oppose 61% - 591
3. DON’T KNOW / REFUSED / NA 4% - 33
Well, doesn't seem like the numbers were scremated much
I wonder...
White/Anglo - 214 Favor, 184 Oppose, 17 DK
African American - 19 Favor, 95 Oppose, 1 DK
Hispanic - 91 Favor, 267 Oppose, 13 DK
FBI Undercover Agents - 17 Favor, 46 Oppose, 3 DK
Half the white and 1/4 of the spics and 1/5 of the apes are for the wall
the other half of the white, 3/4 of the spics and 4/5 of the apes are against the wall
80% of the 18-29 age band, 85% of the liberals and 75% of the moderates also oppose the wall
Oh wait
RACE. Would you say that you are…
>Would you say
You have to go back.
why are ppl still looking at polls after brexit and trump win is beyond comprehension
I'm very much against illegal immigrants but the wall has always been stupid as fuck, waste of money.
Blame the Mexicans. If they could follow simple rules none of this would be necessary.
Texans want the wall, we have for YEARS when I was in 8th grade during Bush's final years I wrote about how we need a fucking wall in a paper. We fucking hate these spics ruining our beautiful state. Even the Americanized spics hate the illegals.
Because if there is a wall they can't bring their entire extended family over.
Wow, at this rate Trump is never getting into the Oval office.
We are conservative. Unfortunately we share a border with mexico and have been flooded with beaners.
Yeah, we are. That's why we don't want 30b dropped on a project that's a bigger meme than your country.
Prosecute the corporations, farmers restaurants and home owners that supply illegal aliens with employment and give ICE full reign to raid and deport those here, regardless of how "integrated" they are. There, no more illegals from Mexico.
Basically, if you just enforce the laws that were already there they will stop. Business has colluded with special interests to inhibit the enforcement of law, however.
>> Hillary has a 98.2% chance of winning
>> Say it with me.... Madam President
100% agree. Matter of fact businesses who employ illegals should be burned to the ground
I'm from Texas and white, even my uncle who lives in kingwood and is a liberal to the core (also I highly suspect prefers pole and not the hole) was fanatical about Trump and the wall.
Shit my whole family is and even my spic co-workers who are legal citizens want it because they're starting to lose jobs to their cousins. I'm pretty sure this is a restricted poll from a traditionally blue county, my county which has been blue 20+ cause of spic flood flipped red if that says much.
That's a commonality. Maybe they polled Montrose or Austin.
Guarantee you that they only surveyed the border counties and the cities for this poll. Border counties are where all the mexican nationalist scum are congregated and vote blue, and.cities are full of white liberals and Katrina spillover(although thanks to gentrification that's changing). I'm Hispanic, my entire family voted for Trump, my extended family.voted for Trump, and all of them support the wall.
they probably polled borderfags (illegals) or cityfags (cucks)
They rely on illegal immigrants to works their farms cheaply.
Texas is majority minority
That's just the south and SA/Houston
You go outside the 610 and country and church and chinstrap beards beneath camo hats, packed into a jacked up f150 with a glass pack. There's a massive didice between the city proper and the suburbs that act rural.
>dip out
Nigger where you gonna go?
Good fucking luck with that shit.
Pssh like we can't beat some goddamned niggers.
Humans > animals.
That's the ecological redpill
t. Ecologist.
I frequently travel back and forth between my relatively small rural-ish hometown and San Antonio. The difference in the political atmosphere is fucking night and day. The SA suburbs were full of Hillary and Bernie signs 6 months ago, but as soon as you hit the highway, you would see Trump signs everywhere.
>on holiday
Brit's can't NOT sound gay.
[citation needed]
i love my coach
10/10 i really thought i was reading something a inbred texan wrote