why are women such subhumans?
why are women such subhumans?
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>Duiven die etnische zuivering uitvoeren
Are you implying men don't od the same shit, OP?
fuck off anglo, and let the pigeons do their w ork
>tryin to save another living thing is subhuman
>trying something that has no fucking chance of working
>trying something with a high probility of making you sick, and by proxy, other people around you
>having empathy for other living creatures, even if you are stupid, makes you a subhuman
back to /r9k/
oh that takes me back
You truly are drunk germans
Underrated gets
>having empathy
not the same thing as being brain dead
>mouth to mouth with a flying rat
I already get an aneurysm when i see people feeding those disease ridden parasites. But this is just too much.
I hope she dies
go have some empathy for sandniggers then faggot
stop acting like you're on our side, you brazilian baboon
same here
Noice. Anyway, non-whites and women continuously do the most illogical shit.
and just because someone is braindead doesnt mean they cant be empathetic
wow, what a huge leap in logic that is. go skin a cat and eat it, its almost dinner time
>mfw killing pigeons almost everyday with airguns in the garden with my friends was a hobby.
>and just because someone is braindead doesnt mean they cant be empathetic
top kek
top argument
>but eastern european women aren't as bad
what you said is contradictory and just proves that you yourself are brain dead
it's not contradictory
because obviously we are talking in typical Sup Forums hyperbole terms about stupid people and not about literal braindead vegetable people
>and asian
I don't have to be in your side to hate stupid people coolgate
then you better hate yourself and your country full of STD, shemales and child prostitutes and the most fucking crime ridden shithole on the planet.
no doing stupid shit is subhuman
go back to twitter woman
>this is the teacher in charge of educating people's children
says who
degenerate pothead faggot
go suck a sandnigger cock as well
>says who
literal facts mate. highest homicide rate on the planet, and the top most dangerous shitholes are all places in brazil
it takes great bravery and heroism to put yourself on the line to save lesser creatures. not that i would expect an integrity-less numale like you to understand
>it takes great bravery and heroism to put yourself on the line to save lesser creatures
nah, just naivity and stupidity
only a coward would confuse the two
only a retard doesn't get that she was too stupid to even know of the risks involved and didn't consciously make the decision to risk ruining her life for a fucking rat
justify your cowardice with any words you choose, it makes no difference to me
justify your lack of knowledge about the risk with your false sense of sacrifice
you can't sacrifice something you do not know is on the line
who the fucking fuck would try to do CPR on a goddamn fucking pigeon
>living thing
Fecal bacteria are living things. Go give them some love and care.
It's a pigeon. Most empathy it deserves is wishing for it's death to be swift and painless.
empathy is overrated desu
empathy for competitors/enemies is entirely different than empathy for animals. strange that some people can't understand this
pigeons are a cancer. the only empathy they're worthy of is a swift extinction.