He said he'd do it throughout the campaign, what does he have to hide?
Why hasn't he released his tax returns like he promised?
The only thing that Trump releasing his taxes would do is give more ammunition to our enemies.
If he did anything illegal the IRS would have caught it.
I hope he waits until October 2020.
Democrats being obstructionist after complaining that Republicans had done the same thing? You don't say!
Yes realese your thousands of pages worth of tax returns so 150 million amateur tax auditors can nitpick evey dollar you earned, thats a winning strategy.
>the government is so incompetent the last administration was the worst
>its okay the IRS are great and would have found something if drumpf did anything illegal!
the post
maybe its because im a kraut but the republicans are more in the senat and the president is a republican too, so they can shit on what the democrats say, or not ? i mean do they need the coorporation with the dems ?
IRS is for the slaves, not the establishment
lurk more new friend
>mfw Trump's tax returns are just like Obama's birth certificate
It literally doesn't matter.
>He said he'd do it throughout the campaign, what does he have to hide?
He said he would return his taxes when Hillary releases her emails. So why has she not released her emails what does she have to hide share blue shill?
Correct. Democrats have no power so they bark all day long. All fucking day.
The only people who care about this are the people who would never vote for him, so what does he have to win by releasing them?
Democrats wouldn't cooperate anyways, they are all fucking liars.
Only republicans are expected to cooperate with them on democrats proposals.
I hate democrats more than I hate niggers.
>Democrats wouldn't cooperate anyways
Pretty much this. They're nothing but a side show anymore.
Trump could probably bring unemployment to zero and still have Democrats unwilling to cooperate, so idk what they think this ultimatum will do.
>OK pass my bill and I'll release my tax teturns
>Bill passes
>Releases 05 tax returns again
Are we really LARPing as goldfish that can't remember Maddow's nothingburger BREAKING REPORT on his leaked 2008 (?) tax returns?
>people are actually trying to defend trump with "well how about that guy? he totally did X..."
Are you retards enjoying your "winning" still?
I still can't believe they tried that. I watched it just to see that moment when she realized how fucking stupid it made her look but still couldn't go back.
leftists care about tax returns because they desperately hope there will be some smoking gun russia connection... also occupydemocrats is cancer
>she never realized how stupid she looked
>regressive lefties still thought it was a victory
lol fucking impotent democrats
Funny how when liberals refer to illegal immigrants they are
But when republicans want to cut taxes libs refer to it as
>Tax Reform.
tax cuts reeeeeeeee, no! govment need ur money fo dem programs
>>Releases 05 tax returns again
>He said he'd do it throughout the campaign
Um, no sweetie...
Show me the fucking law that requires him to release them or shut the fucking fuck up about it.
Certain parts of it, like the executive branch, were highly incompetent. The government is really good at shit they want to be good at (making money and connections for themselves, controlling public opinion, etc), and bad at things that benefit the citizens.
Groups like the IRS and CIA have the tools to take out or at the very least character assassinate anyone they need to.
Depends on the thing being decided. Some types of bills/decisions need a specific majority (like 2/3) to agree and even though one party might be 55% of Congress, they can't pass a resolution that needs 66% total approval, so they need some of the other party to agree with them. Other things would just need a majority, so 55% would be enough. So we have congress spread out over the spectrum on the left and right.
literally a highway roadblock during morning rush hour.
They're just trying to fuck over as many people as they can.