Found this on twitter, do you goys think it is correct?
Other urls found in this thread:
> implying you can't hate Jews AND Muslims
>Implying that aligning yourself with white nationalists isn't the quickest way to say "I'm not worth listening to"
>implying the jews aren't helping
>Fill Europe, your major backers and trading partners, with islamists that want to kill every Jew they find
Sounds like an amazing plan. I'm glad the Jews think filling countries with nuclear arsenals with these guys is such a clever trick. The goys won't know what hit them.
The jews and Saudis are working together on this. Fuck Muslims and fuck JIDF.
Who's making Europoors take in rapefugee's in the first place?
wahabis are crypto jews, fucking deaf dumb blind idiots.
Exactly, they work together; Wahhabists force them over and Jews guilt the Whites into taking them in
Top kek.
The Saudis have been the most frightened people to have transitioned from goat herder to modern global player. The US has them right where they want them.
(And by US, I mean the joos)
>using goybook
>green texting outside Sup Forums
>not knowing that the US is the biggest financier of terrorism in the world, financing Islamic terrorism as well
Pathetic goyim
>(((saudi))) isnt turkish donmeh kikes
nice laff
Yes, they are.
jews approve of their arch nemisis getting to power across the globe because it fufills their biblical prophecy which is what they want. they believe that at a certain point god will make an appearance and give them infinite dominion over the earth and in heaven.
It's a jew x saudi fanfic, actually.
Saudis are currently annexing Yemen to offer up some of their land for Greater Israel.
>implying hating jews and muslims equates to you being a white nationalist even though you are not white
shiggy diggy
>le awoo grill profile image
Is it really any surprise that the poster is an alt-lite thinks-they're-redpilled-but-not-really cuck? Bet he thinks Israel is our greatest ally because dey'z a demucrucee in duh middle east n shieet (haha we love our Jewish friends don't we folks? xD get our Jews a coat! based Jews!)
>using greentext format on Facebook
>Using Facebook
Please compromise your health and die
It is common Sup Forums knowledge that Saudis are just shitskin-colored jews.
They are one and the same.
>autism awoo ptg crap
>greentexting on facebook
>being on facebook