Pol Retardation

I cannot understand some of you faggots.

You recognize that the West is superior due to their culture and
their lack of backward thinking, or rather a hatred of backwardness.

You shit on religions like Islam and the hindu cast system, for good reason,
as they are backward.

then when someone says we have to do something because Christ or Christianity informs it,
you go fucking bonkers and say
>not my kike on a stick

Dont you retards see what athisem and irreligiousness is doing to europe and the whites? low birth rates, "Feminism", and tolerance of backward, foreign cultures because of the moral relativism that secularism spawns.

Tl;Dr Christianity made based societies, even if God doesnt exist, why not live by its tenants?

>Reddit spacing

>inb4 back2reddit fag
I've never been on reddit, I stay here for politics and porn.

I seem to recall a Europe that didn't tolerate a filthy brown cunt religion. They worshiped a sky father and his sons. They worshipped whores and nature. They slaughtered there way across the lands of mud peoples. Fuck your cunt god user. Fuck him back to the sandy tents of the human shit that shat him forth.

ليوم تذكير الله ملاك العلم يأتي الآنالله ملاك العلم يأتي الآ

Friendly reminder that Israel/CIA/Shariablue create religious threads in an attempt to cause infighting among us. It's classic D&C (divide and conquer). Ignore religion threads: the OP is NEVER sincere with his questions or points. It all just to start a fight.

Most Christians are on the bottom of the dominance hierarchy.

Most appear functionally insane, that it become impossible to associate with them.

Im serious, im no fucking shareblue.

If I am a shareblue trying to cause infighting then what the fuck are you, some secular kike trying to supress legit questions?

>christians on the bottom

i didnt realize you live in a country that has the most money and is the most christian with the most freedom.

fucking retard

While I agree. I find it hard to buy into anything religious because even going to highly christian schools since forever, Mass, Prayers and all of that feels like a chore. I can't believe people would live by these things. Sounds like a punishment.

All religion is retarded. Everyone knows it deep down. A spiritual belief in god I suppose could be reasonable. But any dogmatic religion is retarded. We also no longer need religion for society, we have morality systems through ethics. Kantianism, Virtue Ethics, Utilitarianism, etc, we don't need a skydaddy to tell us how to act.

well like i said, even if you dont buy the whole God thing, wont you support a homogenous culture of christianity?

Plenty of my red pilled friends know that its essentail, and they have gone to mass in agest

This. What bad things does Christianity teach...

>inb4 outdated old testament laws which no longer apply

Have you ever taken philosophy? some of those are in clear opposition to the other.

besides, its philosophy that got us into this. Philosophy gave us relativism, race and gender as a social construct.

Philosophy doesnt answer everything either, there will always be disagreements,

what skydaddy says, goes. or burn



who creates those paintings?

I think these fucking 16 year olds just dont like being told jacking off is wrong and that sex before marriage is bad, even though half of them wont touch a girl untill well into their 40's

While I find the idea or concept of God to be reasonable, I find religious doctrines and dogmas to be ridiculous.
> religious deist with an interest in natural law

My point was that there is no reason to have dogma threatening you to go to hell when there are superior ways of determining what is right and wrong. Relativism is not taken seriously in ethics at all. And religion has an equal amount of retarded shit in it, like not eating pork.

>Tl;Dr Christianity made based societies, even if God doesnt exist, why not live by its tenants?
jesus christ, user...

>be you
>didnt take the zoroastrian pill yet


Can Christ cucks even defeat this? A deist could.

Sure I could and sure I would! I completely agree with you that Christianity made based societies! But it still doesn't motivate me to wait another 5 minutes to prey when all I want to do is tuck into a my fat steak. Maybe I could do this KNOWINGLY if I was sure it would increase brain capacity or something along those lines. But knowingly worshiping an 'entity'? Not my kettle of fish tbqhwyf. I wish it was easier to put into words user. But its a subject that's a lot bigger than I am so I find it hard to bring i justice.

Most protestant churches don't teach that masturbation is a sin though.

Sexual immorality can have a lot of interpretations... masturbation is only somewhat condemned in the Talmudic law, which also permits pedophilia.

I dont know, I found it on pol

if you think God's existence is logical because without him, nature wouldnt exists, wouldnt it make sense he tell us how to live naturally?

>inb4 lots of different relgions and laws
well we've had christianity, and we're the best. so...

>relativism not taken seriously
well it is in european households and got them into this mess. it didnt come from my religion.

and we are taking about christianity, which lets you eat whatever.

and dying is the only motivator of man

I just struggle with now the never changing doctrines... change!

Point taken on the masterbation bit

I have seen a lot of anti feminist studies that show that very promiscuous women are usually more depressed than their counter parts, isn't waiting for marriage, a christian and religious tenant, a naturally good thing?

The problem of evil is one of, if not, the worst arguments.

...He said while using inventions that came about from knowledge te church tried to prevent.

Wew lad, everything about modern life you owe to science. The church would have you praying in destitution just to retain power.

I do agree with that though.

Not with Christianity. The whole concept of an omnipotent god who knows everything you will ever do and still sends you to hell makes no sense to me. Going by that logic abortion should be mandatory so all of the babies do not have a chance to sin and are sent straight to heaven.

That depends on what sect you are

if you believe humans have the free will to stray from God (we have it and do it) then your argument is sheit.

>It all just to start a fight.
isn't that the point of having anonymous discourse? we can "fight" for our positions without fear of damage irl. if you have already proved your position to yourself and don't feel like wading back into the fray, just stay out of the thread. just close your eyes!

We expect argument based on empirical data analysis.... Refering to christianity is equivalent to "it's the current year"


Actually, Jews fear Christianity because when it is strong there is a sharp rise in Antisemitism.


>advocating Christianity
>while watching porn

All religions get bits and pieces right, but I think the reason that they get anything right is that they are reflecting some element of natural law. I'd rather go right to the source by studying nature. I'm more socially conservative than my fundamentalist Christian parents, but that's because I base my views on the book of nature and reason rather than a (((holy))) book.