A Jewish resident of the Jerusalem area (55) was interrogated Thursday on charges he posted on Facebook...

> A Jewish resident of the Jerusalem area (55) was interrogated Thursday on charges he posted on Facebook, expressing "sympathy, sympathy and sympathy for the actions of the Nazis"
A 55-year-old Mizrachi man expressed his support for the extermination of Ashkenazi Jews on facebook: "He imagines that I have the power of Hitler, sitting on a chair with a bottle of wine and putting them one by one in a furnace of a thousand degrees, how much I hate them"

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All Ashkenazi jews should burn.
They are nothing but scum and their food is gross like all white people food.

Are you mad? Poor Mizrahi, can't get a good job. It's because of the Askenazis, for sure!

ידעתי שאיזה אשכנזי מסריח יגיב
איך היה לך בפסח?

היה פ'סדר, הייתי על Sup Forums איזה שבע שעות ביום

מה לא הלכת לסדר? אם אנחנו רוצים לשמור על האליטה הציונית הגלובליסטית אנחנו צריכים להישאר מאוחדים

Let us not forget a significant amount of the diseases the Jews have most likely originated from that line.

>Jews will never gas each other and save the world

You would be surprised how many sephardim, mizrachim, etc love Hitler for killing ashkenazim.

Also several orthodoxs praise him for killing secular jews. Ovadia Yosef said that the Holocaust was a punishment from God to the secular jews and that they deserved it.


ברור שהלכתי לסדר חחחחחח

They're turning on each other. I thought kikes stuck together.

Jew fights are the best fights, I think everyone can agree Orthodox Jews are the worst kind of Jew.

How do you feel knowing your god emperor is being cucked by the long thick circumcised shlomo of Bibi?

nein! "like a pack of wolves, they will turn on each other when they have no common enemy to fight"
-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf ch. 9

Race war now! Kikes gassing kikes imminent.

איזה הומואים כולם כאן הם חושבים שאנחנו רבים.
כל הגויים האלה כל כך מגעילים אותי

666D chess

When you fuck up the timeline so bad even the jews jew eachother

>he doesn't know about the self hating jews
im a jew and i literally can't stand other jews.

Who actually like Jews and why?

For as much as i distrust jews i never learned until now how little i truly know about them.

הגויים לא יודעים, הם לא מסוגלים להבין איך פועל העולם הזה

Ashkenazi jews are why the world hates jews 90% + europe blood that pride their heritage as racial not religious, disproportionately atheist and leftist, act like a race based clique and use it to pedal their race cult to the top, then force leftist "mortality" on the unwashed masses of "goy".

Ya I don't like them and I don't suspect any jew that has suffered undue persecutions and mischaracterization does either, they're a plague and I hope every single one of them migrates to Israel and their own brothers turn on their usery.

To be honest this shit would be no different than denominations of Christianity holding animosity towards each other. Protestants vs. Presbyterians and so on.

It's nothing more than sectarian anger.

The worst type of jew.
Go swallow some more arab muzi cum you beta-jew stereotype

lmao says the jew who's probably hiding in a bunker in israel. Get cucked by the muzzies some more you piece of shit

>הגויים לא יודעים

Abal ani yodea

Presbyterians are Protestants

>t. jew

tfw not living in Israel anymore

Thank yahweh.

Reminder that Mizrahim are /OurJews/:
>No history of settlement in White countries
>No historical buildup of resentment & grudges against Whites
>No Mizrahim amongst the 6 million, don't care about Shoah
>Hate Muslims
>Content in Israel, will not settle in White countries
>Have low Arab-tier IQs, can never be a collective threat to Whites
>Hate Ashkenazi & Jewish Leftists
>Support strong-man fascism & far-right politics generally, including Hitlerian NatSoc
We need to meme Mizrahim into taking over world Jewry and sidelining the Ashlenazi Left.

only beta-jew cucks who need a jewish safe space live in israel
nuke israel right this moment

cucked? we bomb the shit out of arab scum.
while you american jews do your best to fuck us over.
muzi loving, bleeding heart spineless rats.
why didn't Hitler burn you all?

> 9
>I knew that some stinking Ashkenazi would respond
>How did you have Passover?

>It was okay, I was on / pol / seven hours a day

>What did not you arrange? If we want to maintain the Zionist and global elite we should remain united

>Of course I went to a united order

>The Gentiles do not know, they can not understand how this world works

>Gas everyone here. They think we're fighting

Fucking lel. Jews are nothing if not entertaining.

-I like Jews (or have no issues with them),
-I observe that even this extreme self-hating Jew does not deny the holocaust, he condones it (seriously or not).
-If I'd be Jewish, I'd be proud of it. I wouldn't have minded being born Jewish.
-I find the dumbest thing on this site are the antisemitic and anti-Israel posts.
-whatever else this sites wants to accomplish is damaged by it. It's obvious all the shills know this and use it to make this site as toxic as possible (maybe not the JIDF?).

Those are some crazy google translate skills you got there goi.
it's not "arrange" you tomato nigger.
I was talking about the seder, mario.

I guess all the newfags forgot this

personally I never really cared. we get jewed either way, at least with Trump we might have immigration reform which is what I cared about.

him being jewed was known to all but the election tourists

אוי ואבוי, הגויים יודעים, סגרו את זה

It's funny how ''Askhanazi Jews'' have (nazi) in their name ending
I agree, they are worst much worst and dangerous then other Kikes

>Have low Arab-tier IQ's, can never be a collective threat to Whites
I like how you made being a group of retards out to be a positive, user.

No one cares about your irrelevant culture. But the convo still makes sense, so why don't you go back to sucking the blood from the foreskins of mutilated babies? OK kike?

For a heeb you've got bants, you'll burn last.

Literally control the world and every part of your pathetic goi life.

But not before you die of a heart attack, burger.

Your culture controls nothing. Jewish people hold powerful positions in society, this is true, but your anachronistic culture is irrelevant to 98% of that society. On top of that, you are merely cogs in an Empire that destroyed your civilsation and made your culture an anachronism to begin with.

That's the best thing about Mizrahim: Arab minds without Arab numbers.

for now. you know once whites become a minority in the US Israel is fucked. what you kikes fail to realize is that white evangelicals are your most fanatic supporters.

nigs, spics and gooks don't care about you, nor will they ever. once they run shit your US military guard dog and defender in the UN will be gone. you may take us out but you won't be far behind.

sand niggers will destroy you all without the US

Unlikely, I take super male vitality and only drink filtered water.

t. shitskin arab mad at ashkenazi having literally the highest IQ in the world vs his probably sub 80 retard IQ


>A 55-year-old Mizrachi man expressed his support for the extermination of Ashkenazi Jews on facebook

Jews are biggest enemy of Jews


Once Europe gets conquered by the Muslims, they will turn themselves against the jews and destroy Israel.

The jews will make the biggest mistake of history trying to destroy the white goy by thinking they will control/cuck the arabs in the future.


but why do we hold so much power?
Because we and our culture are superior. We are better in every way. You have no other choice but to bow down to your masters like all other dirty, filthy, stupid gois.

Wrong. Sup Forums thinks in the short-term and assumes secular Jews are the worst when they're the ones with the lowest birth rates and the most susceptible to their own propaganda. Meanwhile, without a shred of irony they maintain the double-think narrative that orthodox jews, aka the only ones with the highest birth rates, are good because they don't like secular jews.

I reckon the Zionist kikes plan to stage another Holohoax at the hands of groids, in the future. Not sure how effective it will be, but it should be interesting nonetheless.

That's interesting.

But the arabs will cuck them.

They're just playing nice with the kikes for now.

Once they take the West... poor kikes...

I have no fear of sand niggers. Arabs hate Arabs more than they hate jews. They will destroy themselves. It is nothing more than a waiting game at this point

I can tell that you are masturbating furiously right now, to your fantasy of racial superiority and control. But you have to remember the keyword here is 'fantasy'. That's all it ever was or ever will be.

Never get redpilled in Israel.

That's what it was all about. It was a cull by jew leadership. Get rid of all the merchant looking likes that stand out. Leave the mixed likes that blend in.

Trust me, I'm a lot more disgusted by you.

You have to hide behind language, that's all your people do.

Then what is the point of this fucking board?
what do you do here but stroke jewish cock all day long? I'm just trying to have some fun here and get wanked by gois.

Those fucking sneaky hebes

Why is sociopathy so common amongst Jews?

and all you people do is get fat and bomb brown people. you dont see me complaining about it.

Good non-goy!

but do you think the Russians are Chinese will put up with your shit without the US standing behind you? you forget nigs and spics don't give a fuck about muh holocaust, sorry buddy but they lack the empathy whites. liberals are already turning on you here. Israel is an "apartheid" state and they demand a two state solution. you know as well I do, a two state solution is the death of Israel. you may not fear sand niggers but they are out breeding you. I think it's hilarious how your liberal dogs are turning on you and your only hope is white evangelicals. funny you kikes tried so hard to wipe out Christian culture but now it's the only thing keeping you alive.
they did their job too well
probably but you'd think they'd know that empathy isn't as prevalent in the other races. muh holocaust will never trump We Wuz Slabes

Because how else could we enjoy drinking the blood of little priest sucking boys?

>you dont see me complaining about it.

Because it's done at the behest of your advice, why would you?


It's like you want to be psychopaths, but your mom won't let you.

It's rather cute.

Someone is doing "divide and conquer" on the jews!!!
Holy shit goys, we have to get some of that action!

I think you might be getting too hung up on the masturbation analogy. As for what this board is about that should be painfully obvious.

>hitler is bad
>genociding palestinians is not a problem
Typical zionism.

Jews are here to stay Accept it and move on.
We survived worse, we are like rats or roaches.
No matter what you do you will never get rid of us.

>No matter what you do you will never get rid of us.
Hitler had a final solution that would have worked if burgers didnt interrupt!

You have high linguistic IQ and shitty IQ in other areas, you know how to play games with words to trick people, that's it.
You have no idea how any of your schemes will really play out in the real world because you lack the proper intelligence of the white man.

Ashkenazi Jews are like the outcasts of Judaism. They all originate from Europe and aren't true Hebrews. They just are in it for the gibs. God never once mentioned that His people were Ashekenazi Jews, only the children of Israel were His people, so in essence, AshkeNAZI Jews aren't real Jews.

I don't have to get rid of you, your self-loathing will do that inevitably.

>population is still growing strong
for people who praise Hitler you have no idea what genocide is.
And who cares? I know you hate jews but isnt less sand niggers a nice compromise?

>Ashkenazi Jews

Sure. Except jews are sand niggers too.

>less sand niggers
You haven't caused less sand niggers, you've just flushed them out of their homes and sent them into our lives, now we have to deal with them you nigger.

I wasn't suggesting that. I'm just saying you're kind of fucked if things continue down their current course.

>le edgy emo merchant

The self loathing thing is true for non israeli jews, or fake jews. A jew who does not support Israel is not a real jew and you should try to get them to your side really.

We're reaching levels of Jewry that shouldn't even be possible

Is it safe to say that Mizrahis are better then Ashkenazis?


Greed knows no limits, just because you are from same country, that won't protect you. Every country needs to remove its non-nationalistic cancer.

>The self loathing thing is true for non israeli jews, or fake jews

I always wondered if you guys socialized them that way on purpose. Pretty shitty.

which in our case is the ashkenazi scum

Why in the world would you won't to be born into a hated society that you dislike yourself and disagree with 90% of its traditions yet it doesnt help how much you actually stray away from Judaism people would still call you a Jew, although its a dumb religion and not an ethnic group?

A fucking leaf, what a surprise.

>The self loathing thing
This guy didnt hate all jews, but only the power mongers who screw normal people over.
This actually makes him even more patriotic!

Most Israeli jews just hate arabs and want their own country.
Can't we just agree that all leftist jews and sand niggers need to die?


I love this.

Get rid of the talmud and maybe ill let you live.

Israeli jews ARE sand niggers too.