Should people have completely unlimited freedom of speech?

Should people have completely unlimited freedom of speech?

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See Constitution and the foundation of democracy

Including personal data on everybody like private e-mails, medical records, etc. as well as sharing military secrets, etc?

sure, why not.

People, yes
non whites, no

We should have completely unlimited freedom of speech on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and every second Sunday.

freedom aint free?

as long as it doesn't offend anyone

I thought that's what America was about

Boy was I wrong

What about shit like yelling fire, or a direct death threat?

In the us, the only illegal speech is openly threatening a public official over social media. Even now


No. You shouldn't be able to publicly shame and slander innocent people without any evidence which is why we have defamation law. You also shouldn't be able to incite violence... But that's about it.

That's not what free speech means retard

I always find it funny that people feel the need to add the prefix "unlimited" to the term freedom of speech, as if "limited free speech" isn't an oxymoron.
What do you think Sup Forums?

Yes. Everyone has the right to be offensive. Nobody has the right to never be offended.

about which part specifically?

Go back to Canada.

Actually, it is. The SCOTUS refused to bar the NY Times from publishing classified information that it did not obtain illegally because of the First Amendment.

as long as it doesn't offend anyone /s
is that better tyrone?

A call to action is not protected speech. If I say to a nigger "i think you are a stupid nigger with a low IQ." that is protected speech. If I say "you are a stupid nigger we should lynch you." That is not protected speech because it is a call to action.

his whole speech is about free speech

You are wrong it is illegal to falsley shout fire in a crowded theater. The resulting panic and following anger are considered endangerment of others. It is illegal and should be.

still yes, with some stipulation that other freedoms are respected as well

the question was "should" (normative), not an existential one, though

No, it costs a hefty fuckin' fee.

Yelling fire in a crowded theater is a call to action.

So you're against true freedom of speech?

oliver wendell holmes later changed his opinion on that ruling and considered it a huge error of judgment on his part

Freedom of speech I am all for. However because you are free to state your opinions and beliefs does not make you free to threaten my life. Because I too am free. Does this make sense?

No. Absolutely anyone and everyone who utters so much as single a word I don't like should be compelled to burn in hell for all eternity.

Yes! Honour the losses of our forefathers.

>Because I too am free
Where is your freedom limited when we treat you?

They already do. It is granted by god via free will. Have you ever actually RED DA CONSTAN2SHUN????

fuck off spastic.

You should be free to threaten my life. I should be free to demonstrate why anybody worth shooting once is worth shooting twice in response. No need to quash free speech. Chances are, you'll behave under such a system, and so will I.

The only times an individual should be allowed to be reprimanded by the law for speech is when making a credible threat or causing loud public or domestic disturbances. Government officials, private companies, and the press should be held to a higher standard and prevented from spreading blatant lies or propaganda.

I hate seeing threads like these because they demonstrate how the overwhelming majority of people know jack fucking shit about the origin of rights in a free society.


God bless you pol

Put me in the screencap, what a fucking shitpost, easily worth 1700 on /r/Sup Forums

As long as you aren't calling for immediate violence or making threats, yes.


This goes back to the line in the constitution about the right to life liberty and the persuit of happiness. No you do not have the right to threaten me because it violates my right of life and liberty. You cannot take my right anymore than finestine can take my salt weapons with the evil baby killing features.

Yes but the key phrase in your post is "not illegally". The poster I was replying to was implying that private emails and military secrets shouldn't be made public. The wrongness of doing that is wholly irrelevant to a discussion on free speech because the crime is in obtaining those emails and secrets illegally. Free speech never comes into it.

Yes as long as you don't criticise Islam or Muhammmmed (PBUHH)

Yes, an open marketplace of ideas will help weed out the bad ideas. Without it you get bubbles and echo chambers.

Yes, but there are some catches. If you agree not to say something, in exchange for something else, then you don't have the right to say it any more.

I'm also in favor of an absolute right to disclose state secrets if you haven't previously agreed to not disclose them.

Yes to both.

Treat me to what? Beer? Cake? I'd like to know because I am a fan of treats.

Free speech is only useful to get us in power.

Freedom to live without fear?

Democracy + birthright citizenship + universal suffrage = Inevitable failure

Democracy is generally shit.

As long as my feelings are protected from it

So gay people can censor the bible or the quaran?

If you know that threatening my life will get you shot, are you going to threaten my life? Conversely, if I know that threatening your life will get me shot, am I going to threaten your life?

You don't need laws against speech to make you and I not threaten to kill each other. You just need the ability to fight back. With most people, not acting like an asshole is simply good enough.

That's because the question of barring the NYT from publishing classified information that it had obtained illegally never crossed the SCOTUS's path. Somebody, not the NYT, had obtained the information illegally, then passed it off to the NYT. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press most assuredly did come into it. The SCOTUS ruled that the 1st Amendment protections were stronger than any laws deeming any information classified. You want it this way, because there are a fuckload of people in government who will use secrecy laws to abuse their authority.


You don't have a a right to privacy protected by a constitution? Lol I can pirate media all I like without taking any precautions.

It doesn't prevent it though. People overwhelmingly self segregate along ideological and political lines which leads to echo chambers and undoubtably the deep divisions in todays western countries.

The internet made it worse because now it is even easier to self segregate, reddit, tumblr, Sup Forums dissenting opinions are met with scorn and vitriol.

Men should not be allowed to preach the destruction of the state, nor should they be allowed to preach blasphemy against God or His Living Son, Jesus the Christ. These prohibitions should be in all public places, and in some private settings.


>That's not what free speech means retard

Completely unlimited free speech means completely unlimited free speech - zero exceptions.

I should also be allowed to share binary code of software, movies, music. etc.
You can't have copyright on free speech.
And if I obtain your bank codes I should also be allowed to share them.

Switzerland...what happend to your flag?

Scorn and vitriol? Most place's don't leave contradicting opinions up long enough for anyone to even see them.

That's why Sup Forums is the best.

>Speech includes forms of communication that can't be spoken.

Fuck you and fuck your stupid people that believe in a fake god.

>You don't have a a right to privacy protected by a constitution?

Right now we do.
Because we don't have free speech.

But once we have free speech it's the end of privacy, copyright, secrets, patents, etc.

Well that doesn't stop people from talking shit and shooting at each other. Laws don't stop shit I am not advocating more laws I am only saying that yes free speech should be unlimited. However people don't quite seem to understand what constitutes as free speech. Read the constitution.

one zero zero one one one zero one zero one zero zero zero one one zero one zero.....

No ones business

I agree with you re internet becoming asocial networking for increasingly maladjusted people. Yet those different opinions are still flourishing. Singularity of purpose, everyone being friends and cooperating toward a single goal isn't possible, or even desirable, either.

That's dumb and you are dumb. Free speech means communicating opinions. It doesn't mean espionage is now legal. You have no right to my information.


Okay so say it all out, no mistakes. By the time you have done it, who cares. Also copy righted material is often encoded.

Right to privacy is not the opposite of free speech. You can be free to tell everybody everything that you know about me. That is not the same thing as having the right to break into my house to rifle through all of my private shit. If you're an otherwise normally adjusted 60 year old man who has a weird fetish for watching Sailor Moon, do that shit in the privacy of your own home, because if you make it public, you deserve the shit that you're going to get.

"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use." - Kierkegaard


>free speech zone

Just one of the first pictures that came up on google for free speech.

I read the constitution about once a year. It just says that congress shall pass no laws prohibiting the exercise of free speech. It offers no limitations, no exceptions, etc... It just says free speech. That is applied to the states under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment.

i don't know

I know Sup Forums wants me to hang for this, but I actually think the german anti-insult-laws (don't know how you would call this in English) are pretty good and do their job

For example: you can sue someone for calling you asshole and as far as I know even for not speaking to you in the plural form (honorific) in an inpolite manner

Revolutionary constitutions are pretty great.

And the state can take your children if you you say something "radical". A vague law designed to strike fear into Germans.

You arnt free.

Yeah, you really should hang.

this is why we kill everybody who don't share our believes

yes nigger

>are pretty good and do their job

>completely unlimited



means NO LIMITS, none zero nada.

Why is this so hard to understand for low IQ potato niggers?

free speech has no limit but espionage is not part of free speech.
Why is this so hard to understand for low IQ tulpen niggers?


The United States of America does have unlimited free speech, as well as the freedom and right to stay silent.

>Stealing from me is free speech.
It's the stealing my information part that is illegal.

Why is this so hard for Muslims?

Only if it endangers the child

You can't lose it for saying that you're commie or a nazi

That's because you've played pilpul with the term "free speech" and reified "protected speech" in its place.

You should be free to say whatever the fuck you want and then left to deal with the fallout of it. You can scream fire all you want legally but you're going to pay the trampled peoples medical bills.


Stealing a credit card isn't free speech.

Yes and the state will decide that. What a country of slaves.

the fuck does that even mean?

Yes. It ain't free if it ain't free. "Free speech zones" are utter bullshit and are physical thought-control tools. It's how universities and colleges are able to teach their indoctrination so easily- isolate areas of criticism and you can adjust both the initial appearance of contentment and control the flow of information.

but that doesnt mean you dont own your words
if you call someone a fag and they hate you so much for it they punch you in the face thats your own damn fault