Trump Dementia Watch:

Trump Dementia Watch:

Over the weekend Donald Trump humiliated himself by not remembering to put his hand over his heart during the Easter Egg Roll, and then taking a kid’s hat from him and autographing it before randomly flinging it into the crowd – seemingly forgetting that the kid had just handed it to him. Then he went on Fox News and unwittingly revealed he didn’t remember that Kim Jong-Il gave way to Kim Jong-Un in North Korea six years ago. Then he began repeatedly referring to his close ally Paul Ryan as “Ron” during a Tuesday rally in Ryan’s home state. And this came after Trump bombed Syria and then immediately announced that he had bombed Iraq instead.

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He's 70 years old. You'd forget things when you're that old. I know my grandparents do.

> no sources
> 2/10

So a kid gave him his hat to autograph, and trump signed it and threw it into the crowd? Fuckin savage.


I checked out the "Ron" thing and it seems like he's referring to Senator Ron Johnson. I've been at a Trump speech -- there are lots of little asides to people in the room that don't translate well over TV.

Blümpf BTFO

Fuck stumpf and fuck white people

actually what OP conveniently left out was that the Kid that gave him the hat was in the crowd and Trump threw it perfectly to him.

Dessert is more important than middle eastern shitholes

>such low energy bullshit

That disappoints me, as a Trump supporter. The original story was hilarious. Worth it for the lels.

Drumpt BTFO

Watch last half of this video, the hat story is negative propaganda.

>he can't keep all the different timelines in order
Proof he is a multi dimensional traveler and this explains the Mendela effect?


Proof Confirmed by his eminence

He was talking about cake, man.

the hat throwing thing is fake news. video was cropped. he clearly, and accurrately threw the hat back to the kid.

but seriously, we can't let this guy get his hands on the nuclear codes

>Donald Trump humiliated himself by not remembering to put his hand over his heart during the Easter Egg Roll

Mark Dice is such a faggot, I wish he could just do the video without his retarded commentary.

>not remembering to put his hand over his heart during the Easter Egg Roll
i don't want to defend him but why americans make such a big deal over some fucking bullshit?
literally who gives a shit

Yes confirmed

This is fake news, kill yourself OP. You're a senile nigger

still better than Hillary

Which of his pills have the CIA spiked?

if he travels time why doesn't he just become the presi-

About the hat trump threw it into the air and the kid In the blue shirt caught it and had a huge smile the only angle msm shows is the one without the kid

Trump didn't throw it into the crowd. He threw it straight up in the air so that it came back down to the kid.

Yeah, 1 of the 7 things listed isn't true

The only video I can find of Trump actually throwing the hat to the kid is Phil DeFranco's. @ 5:20