Conspiracies theories you believe

The Titanic was sunk on purpose to eliminate opposition to the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank. Some of the wealthiest men in the world were aboard the Titanic for its maiden voyage. Several of whom including John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isidor Straus were allegedly opposed to the creation of a U.S. central bank. All three men died during the sinking. Conspiracy theorists suggest that J.P. Morgan, the legendary 74-year-old financier who set up the investment banking firm that still bears his name, arranged to have the men board the ship and then sink it to eliminate them.

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The Holocaust happened.

thats not a theory thats a fact, you goon


WW1 Jews didn't fight but wanted their own home land. They decided to wait out the fighting as to strike Austria when they were weak and take Austria for their own. They also infiltrated all forms of trade / banking / newspapers etc.

WW2 Hitler saw from WW1 that Jews didn't fight and therefore didn't deserve to have any land and lebensraum was born. 6Million jews killed was a potential 6Million soldiers during WW1 that all chose not to fight for Austria. After Hitler fell the Jews made rancid claims of crimes against humanity even though they tried to rule all of Austria / Europe via manipulation.

They jew'd the allies in creating a fictitious holy land for the jews as compensation for their manipulation / failed manipulation and now we have wars over Israel .


I believe the political class in USA has developed their own culture which most refer to as "the deep state" and it's influencing Trump to be the NeoCon they need
I believe they need this because they want to completely destabilize the arabian nations for their own benefit, and maybe, potentially, for Israel
I believe CIA organized the Kennedy Assassination
I believe The US Civil War didn't happen because The Confederates wanted to keep their slaves
I believe The "Russian hackers" is a false enemy

That's what i can come up with right away
But i have a question for you guys.
Let us assume that the "DeepState" does exist, and they are trying to manipulate world events. What will have to happen for this to be an accepted reality that historians will talk about as a fact of the era we lived in?

the official 9/11 story is a myth, that's not really a theory though, it's a fact...

WWI was fought by the US for JP Morgan

Also "6mil Jews" is a biblical phrase

The Titantic was NOT SUNK. The Olympic was sunk by deliberately ramming it into an iceberg.

They switched the nameplates over a weekend, because the Olympic had a broken beam, and could not be insured.

It's a good toast.

9/11 was never investigated as a crime, and media owners who promote the 9/11 myth are complicit

the whole entire purpose of our media now is to control how people think, it's 24/7 psy-ops against the people

>Titanic struck an iceberg and sank due to design flaws
>Olympic suffered several similar incidents, including being rammed by a ship designed to ram and sink other ships, and sailed for 24 years.

I was going to post about the Olympia, i think it was in conjunction with JP Morgan and the White Star Liners. JP gets the Federal Reserve, and the WSL gets the insurance money from LLoyds of London.

Are you Jewish ?

Stanley Kubrick wasn't assassinated because he revealed in The Shining that he filmed the moon landing at the behest of the CIA (although that definitely happened); he was assassinated because of the movie Eyes Wide Shut.



People say that Kubrick was invited and exposed to rich cult sex spirit cooking parties after filming Strangelove by Hollywood . This spooked him enough to movie permanently to England. He wanted to expose what he went through but, waited a while until the 90s.
Another conspiracy I heard was that Kubrick faked the moon landing after 2001 because the US government offered him protection from those same Hollywood elites. Once he made Eyes Wide Shut those elite had infiltrated the government and declared his protection void.

I believe this more then the government killing off Kubrick decades later

It comes from the Talmud:

Facebook isn't working with the government, they are a part of the government. Zuckerberg is just an actor playing the role of the CEO and inventor, the Winkelvoss or however the fuck you spell it, were the real inventors and had a plant (zuckerfucker) confiscate it on the DL and make it look like intellectual theft.

>Conspiracies theories you believe
The Holocaust did not happen as there is zero physical evidence for it happening.

I have never even seen a photo of a blood stain from the sandy hook shooting. It was definitely a hoax

Fuck jordan for cucking based isiah