Here we go lads, place your bets.
Here we go lads, place your bets
1 shekel on Le Pen.
Shekelshoa Trips: Rising Dawn
10,000 shekels on le pen
>1 shekel
fucking jews
Does she really have a chance?
Why is she kissing an antisemite? Isnt that illegal in France?
just wait
Have a (you)
Who is /ourguy/?
>Less that a quarter of French people want Macron to be President
>He'll be President anyway
Explain to me how he'll be different to Hollande?
>Identical foreign policy
>Identical immigration policy
>Slightly (only slightly) more sane on economic policy
>Literally a French Tony Blair
5 years from now France will still be as shit as it was under Hollande and they'll vote for a neocon instead and think "NOW OUR PROBLEMS WILL BE SOLVED!"
1000 litres of maple syrup on Le Pen
Marine Le Pen, but Marion Marechal is more Sup Forums tier plus shes a qt
France is fucking shit. You easily manipulated cuck faggots got tricked into being shills for another person who doesn't and never will give a fucking shit about you. You are literally the biggest douchebag fools on the planet. Kill yourselves.
If everyone under 40 teamed up we could have bashed in the heads of every rich aristocrat fuck who made our world hell. But no, one half had to fall for gaydebunkunism and the othet half thought you were on THE APPRENTICE.
Dumb fucks.
This Andreas Khol guy looks like George Soros
You can always close your browser, user. No one is forcing you to post, or even lurk.
Are you a faggot?
France is fucking shit. You easily manipulated cuck faggots got tricked into being shills for another person who doesn't and never will give a fucking shit about you. You are literally the biggest douchebag fools on the planet. Kill yourselves.
If everyone under 40 teamed up we could have bashed in the heads of every rich aristocrat fuck who made our world hell. But no, one half had to fall for gaydebunkunism and the other half thought they were on THE APPRENTICE.
Dumb fucks.
None of you would ever give up your anime, video games, or tendies for a day to put yourself on the line for (((your))) beliefs.
Fuck off, you are literally doing the same. I rarely post here because of those chicken tendies, this is the gutter of the (((internet))) If you dont come here for bantz or happening threads you are autismo incarnate. Join basedstickman and bash some Antifa head. Simple as that
Go shill elsewhere
Le Bénis 4 Présidente
Le Pen + Mélenchon for memes and Eurocrat tears.
Wait their money is literally called shekels. Is Israel all an ironic joke?
Macron will win unfortunately.
>any chance of winning
Top kek
I put my money on la penna for the first round too.
She has about 0.0% chance of winning according to mathematicians.
Man, this bed is so comfortable user, take your pills and come lay down with me, you're sleepy.
Macron is litterally Hollande's puppet.
He's, and i quote the guy who made him into Rotschild, a "prostitute"
You cant be THIS new. You have got to be a troll
J-just like Trump, r-right guys?
I love Hofer but the brutally disappointing truth is that he lost
FPÖ ist der besten Partei im alles Österreich! Van der Bellen ist ein Schlappschwanz, ein Sitzpinkler, und ein Warmduscher!
Jeden Franzose muß Wahl, für Le Pen Präsident! Frankreich muß ein Sieg für linke Politik nicht zulassen!
You are really funny. Here is a triple sized burger for you.
Can any frogs post some links where results will be posted once they in?
Gee, where have I heard that before?
Got the OP from this "Live feed"
I see the preditor
Report yourself
I bet against Le Pen because it would be too good to be true.
So if I lose my bet I'll still be happy.
kinda fun that they show the pound gaining on value while election