Aren't whites supposed to be superior? Then how come they suck so much at football...

Aren't whites supposed to be superior? Then how come they suck so much at football? I mean we took your european sport and made it ours, a brown sport, not a white sport. And the funny thing is that we are a poor country without resources and managed to beat every single rich white country. Doesn't that simply imply that we are inherently superior to the white race?

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exactly how brazil national team got btfo by germany remember 6-1 , also ronaldo is better then messi atm

But most GOATs are European.

7-1 = 6 my friend, since then we have been unbeatable


Ronaldo's Portuguese. We're not white, remember?

not white but still european


So I'm guessing you agree with the OP's assessment then?

> Sup Forums is one person


Sorry, seems to me like the general consensus is that we're not white so I don't know why people would be bringing up Ronaldo to refute the OP. Seems like riding other people's coattails, is all.

kek savage

that just make us stronger

German team was told it was insensitive of them to win against brown people, so they have been letting you win ever since.

>have three good players
>one is called Hulk
>we rule footbol now xDDDD

brazil please

Germany is argueably the most succesfull team of the last 4 world cups.

1 Cup, 2 finals, 4 times among the best 3.

Most world cup goals of all time. Best world cup scorer of all time.

Brazil look good right now, but come the nest world cup is when it matters.


7 1

Are you retarded? Don't answer.

Training facilities for a professional team don't have anything to do with your country's financial situation, that's the job of private "donors".

Just wanted to clarify that, the rest is cheap bait so you can have it.


no, it means all you have are balls and fields
we have everything else
you are literally good at a game because you are poor, congrats
I bet you guys are also awesome at rock fights


Surviving in rural areas creates humans evolved to be primarily physically adapted to their areas. When a sect of humans solves problems that normally require physical means so well that future generations dont have to deal with it our brains begin to become smarter. We are more intelligent than you will ever be our emotional capacity is far better developed you are closer to every other animal


yes your superior, you happy now?

Messi is white. Case closed. Kys OP.

t. Never won a cup

Opinion discarded

oh god, just kys.


Pardo master race

digits confirm

One man doesn't make a team, unfortunately and all the coloreds suck on argentinas world stage. Di Maria can get hit by a bus that goes triple for the goalie. Higuain or whatever his cucked name is

Seguro que sos un negro envidioso


Tell me, what was the score when Germany BTFO the shitskins in the world cup or whatever last year?

soccer isn't a sport

Are you 2,5 years old?



Because since then, you have been playing southern American shitholes who fall to the ground after even the slightest touch.


Yeah, like Argentina and Uruguay which both have more WCs than Netherlands

Netherlands? More like "Neverchamps" amirite?

>I mean we took your european sport and made it ours, a brown sport, not a white sport.

>modern povertyball consists of diving, crying, arguing with authority, grandstanding, and acting without a shred of sportsmanship

Yes, you certainly did make it yours.


Who cares about football, it's obvious ice hockey is the white mans sport

>Canadians, get the fuck in here bros


rip brazil

I think Portuguese are white, nobody is dividing Europe along these subversive lines. We stand together.


Ohhhhhh! He's talking about soccer.

As a canadian i give zero fucks about soccer.

Come talk to me when you dominate hockey

It's just statistics man. More brown countries play therefore they have more of a chance to get lucky against a white team.
Also america thinks the sport is gay and lame. If we thought it was worth playing we would be dominant.

Was Hitler angered when Jesse Owens one the Olympics?
No, because it was understood letting blacks in the olympics was akin to allowing gorillas in a wrestling match or cheetahs in a track race.

Human beings cannot compete physically with animals - and if a few can than they are truly exceptional
Talk to me when a nigger wins a chess tournament or invents something


Don't know a worldwide whiter sport.
Swimming comes in a close second but only in America.



Because these poor browns can only afford to play kickball when all the whites are teaching their children how to cope with a computerized world. Nothings going to stop the wealth gap from exacerbating ad infinum. In hundreds of years the world will be split into a new caste system where the lower level is genetically inferior intellectually. And im not talking just sub Saharan. You will see some whites fall from the caste because they were stuck in a brown shithole.

German team is full of turks

Unrelevant country saying unrelevant things

The funny thing is that european succesfull teams are full of non whites.

Brazil is more relevant than your country, and its economy is larger you dumbass.

It is true however that we portuguese have the most negro blood in all of Europe, manly in the south, but non-Mediterranean elements in the Portuguese population are rare and of little importance. A few Nordics are scattered throughout but are particularly concentrated in the north. Traces of Dinaric blood, as we have already seen, may likewise be found on the northern coast. ... On the whole, the absorption of Negroes by the Portuguese has had no appreciable effect on the racial composition of the country. In a sample of 542 Portuguese people from all over the country, sub-Saharan mtDNA L sequences were detected at a frequency of ~5% (2.2 in the North, 4.3 in the Center, and 8.6 in the South). This gives the Portuguese an estimated total of 2.5% Negroid ancestry, which ranges from a comparatively large, but not racially significant, 4.3% in the South to a mere 1.1% in the North

Italy is pretty white are they not?

I don't know but at least Cristiano Ronaldo, judging by his skin, is not white.

>Germany is the most successful team of recent memory
What is Spain?


Because that's the only way nigger can have a chance at life. So the play desperately to become football players.

Hahaha, you got hammered by Germany in your own World Cup

Well he comes from an Island called Madeira near Africa so I guess we really waz kangz n shit

our european sport was played a different way when it was invented mate

>Uruguay is the whitest Country in South America.
>Uruguay is the most successful team in its Continental championship cup.