Why should't racially abusive language be illegal?

Why should't racially abusive language be illegal?

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Because then we'd have to throw even more niggers in jail.

because the goverment will use this as an incentive for more censorship

the most I have heard "coon" is when the ghetto negro berates the negro who spells words correctly and can count past a hunnid for being a "house negro" or "coon"
on here, nazi central, they're just called niggers

We only have one word for our language to adress niggers, and it literally translates to, wait for it, nigger. We also call'em Ebola, Malaria, gorillas and list goes on, they don't particularly hate it, it's the soft language in the US that made niggers deviate like this, I miss the old US.

>at walmart
>at the camping secrion, naturally
>talking with my buddy about huntin
>beboppin, hiphoppin basketball american jazzes by
>was nonchalantly speaking of raccoons getting into my trash
>hear a combined shriek and "bixnood" coupled with the squeak of nikes echoing down the aisle
>carry on conversation

i swear these niggas be sensitive af

Perhaps you should identify yourself by more than your race, and you wouldn't be so offended?

Me too greatest ally.




why would only racial insults be made illegal? people have a ton of traits. why not ban insults in general? no more calling people rural and suburban retards.

At least he still has a big dick.

Let me tell you what I got told in kindergarten "sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me....now get over it faggot"

Niggers being alive should be made illegal.


oldest ally actually


Yeah sure, prob like a little shriveled up tootsie roll

Should of called him a bitch ass nigga instead.

Very amusing

Well-endowed dudes would never make this.

Where does it stop?

It's legal and protected under the first Amendment
Explain to me where in our common law, anywhere, it gives you freedom from offense
There has to be material injury for anyone to care
Kill yourself, snowflake
If you can't handle words, seriously- save yourself a few more years of suffering

why shouldn't shareblue posts be deleted?

Why should it be? Personally, there is no racial slur that could possibly offend me.

none of the white slurs really seem to stick.

Forgot my place. Our Anglo brothers obviously come first.
Can't trust the French or Israel for obvious reasons.

>what are false flags
how fucking new.ru

70% single motherhood for black people in the US
hmm I wonder if that might have something to do with it

Then the faggots who say Sup Forums is echo chamber will win.

Faggots who spam shitposts, however, should be banned.

Because words cannot physically hurt you and if they emotionally damage you as much as you claim to want to sue or something you are the problem, not the one yelling nigger.

I resent that.

fb and bp.

Dat some gud weed, nigga?

Dun got dat cough off dat chronic, nigga?


Define "racially abusive".

in some cases it already is illegal, think anti discrimination laws.

when the first post is best post, it means op's post was a shill post.

This. It's like saying he is a fake nigga. Not sure why that is a insult in their culture.

its rly hard for a white man to accept truth about blacks and their penises. they seem themselves inferior because of that so they have to make themselves feel better using racial slurs. as a woman i can tell you that even tho blacks have much bigger dicks it doesnt rly matter. its not all about penis, i mean yes sex with blacks is better, pleasure is much greater but on the other hand whites are more valuable partner in life

I was actually gonna suggest that it is probably because it's coordinated. Great minds, user.

This is paramount

"Please pull up your pants, sir."

Bc we dont take kindly to pussies here in Merica.


>Should of
yee yee dats dat real ass nigga tawk rite dere

>Random guy at Walmart calls you bad name
>Literally in tears



what a baby.


The other conclusion that I came to is that it's something so stupid and obvious it doesn't need a discussion.


Coon are great and friendly animals. I almost shed a manly tear when I was driving by the road and saw this dead coon, and around it were 4 little coons, obviously it was their mother. I stopped my car to just look at them, then they all looked at me, then fled slowly. Very slowly.

They're all black, though.

A black guy paid to suck my dick.


I meant killing them, denying them work, entry to hospitals, housing, common services, words are useless.

I'm native and people call me a chug and it doesn't bother me like why would it at the end of the day im drinking listerine with your tax dollars

confirmation bias

>Dat feel when 9 inches and thick

Because AntiFA?

Nah fuck coons. Little shits fuck up my plants, make a mess of my garbage, and have fucked with my dogs. They're basically mini niggers, I shoot raccoons on sight.

It pretty much is. You can get fired for it and get your career ended because of it. You can also get sued too.


Why do niggers think being called bad words and crying about it is supposed to make me feel bad?

Toughen up you spazzy pussies.


C'Mon you can tell this dude is nice as fuck


Because that's the first step on a path to being slaves instead of citizens

>saving pictures of cocks on your hard drive

just shut it down

I think it might be the sub human IQ and lack of actual emotions, but I am sure that doesn't help.

every single black person would be in jail, as opposed to just most of them like it is now.


jesus christ dude that thing almost goes to her elbow

I'm gay and let me tell you about black dicks
They are normal size
They are ugly
They look like turds
Blacks stink they have bad hygiene
Blacks are STD ridden


I'm surprised a black person would be so offended that they would cry...

I used to get called a wop when I was younger (back when Italians were the most ethnic people you'd see) and it just made me think less of the person...Any outward display of racism like that just confirms their brainlet status in my mind.


By nice you mean he's a pussy.

If he was white and he cried about someone calling him a name, you'd call him a pussy. He's a black pussy.

Fuck off, speech police fag.

no you moronic faggot

Why would anyone give power to the language?

It really isn't

>The Czech that always roleplays and make BBC thread speaks

This board is just too unaware about its "anonymous" users.

>be liberal retard
>the government needs to outlaw bad words
>go protest government because nazis in government now
>trust nazi government to be reasonable when it comes to determining racially abusive words
>also some nigger is crying fuck borders and laws and shit

you should shoot yourself instead, faggot

Screaming "kill _______ people" while brandishing a weapon is not acceptable. Saying it online or in a conversational tone doesnt cause disruptions and is acceptable. Calling someone a nigger or a fag or calling out blacks on their high crime rates or Muslims on their terrorism or sluts on their degeneracy should be allowed. If you intentionally insult people then don't expect to have any friends but you shouldn't get charged with anything. "Hate speech" is the beginnings of sharia law and will turn us into north Korea where insulting leaders or ideologies can get you killed. Already in some european countries insulting leaders gets you in shit with the (((law)))

Go fuck a coon then kill yourself, coon lover. You sound like some bleeding heart faggot that's never had to deal with those undesirables.

The bantz are on point as usual.

It's Coon Man!

Look at those lips!

Yep heard this also. Really surprised me that niggers do this to black folks.

>I'm too retarded to properly secure my property even though I know I live near wild animals who will go in it.
>Better just shoot stuff instead, yee-haw!

I feed them all the time and let them hang out on my porch and they cause no problems. Maybe they can just sense you're a dumbass.

kinda weird to think they berate other black people for not wanting to act like ignorant niggers.

Coon? Racoon? Eric Cartman's THE coon?

He's only crying because a White person called him a Coon. He's Racist.

When they stop using it themselves. Then ban the word nigger. Cant all really be offended by the word when you use it on yourself and friends now can you