Many young women in France will vote Le Pen

They're generally the most brainwashed leftist population group, so if even them vote FN now, I think we can make it!

Other urls found in this thread:égieExtVFLR1.pdf


Remember that picture going around of those French girls saying French women love big black cock? I guess it's bullshit.

God speed France

Why though? Le Pen is retarded. She is all talk without tangible solutions.
Melenchon is /ourguy.
> anti-EU
> anti-jew bullshit in Syria
> anti-NATO
> anti Rothschilds shills

Why are you still being stupid?

Commie scum

>young frenchies trending more nationalist
>hordes of boomer cucks still vote for open borders cuckservatives because "muh pensions"

I fucking hate boomers. They don't give a single fuck about the fact that they and their polices are permanently ruining white countries, because "lol we'll be dead by then anyway! It'll be our children's problem!"

The election is the 23 right?
I wish you the best of luck, my prayers will be with you

Autist who can't form an educated opinion because he's never actually paid attention to French politics or watched any French debates.

Make an argument other than HURR DURR LE ANTI-SJW LADY

I hate boomers with a passion, not only have they RUINED the world in some cases beyond repair, but they then go on to blame US! (Gen Z)

she's repulsive. how could anyone vote for her? why can't frenchies produce a charismatic right wing candidate instead of this old hag?

You are talking about The Don.

Don Fillon; next leader of the armies.

Sorry frog, but that's a lot of bullshit. It was the same before Dutch elections:
> muh millenials are conservative
> muh millenials vote right-wing

After-election results showed that majority of young people voted for ultra left cuck parties. If you don't believe me - go outside and talk to random youngsters in the street.

Fillon would be much better than Le Pen by far.


> anti-EU
He recently said he wants to remain in the EU
> anti-jew bullshit in Syria
Le Pen is non-interventionist
> anti-NATO
Same for Le Pen
> anti Rothschilds shills
he's a freemason

Also, Melenchon is pro-immigration and a total retard economically speaking
Dude will just create massive inflation

>poids numérique

Wow it's fucking nothing
Especially when most FN voters dont openly admit they are on social networks

> hammer and sickle

fucking kek

Fuck outta here, remember this shit?? (pic related)

>why can't frenchies produce a charismatic right wing can--

only Albane is qt

Oui je sais bien que c'est pareil pour elle. Sauf qu'elle ne propose rien d'utile. Et je n'ai pas envie d'avoir un banquier passer devant.

> retarded economically
And Le Pen is????
If you've seen all the Grand Debats and programmes you'll have noticed they all are. Except Fillon who is essentially out for being a dumbass.


If it comes down to Le Pen and Marcon it seems likely that Le Pen could defeat him

Melenchon voters would despise Marcon for being a Rothchild banker and pro-EU while Filon voters would admire Le Pen's conservative stances.


Is Jean Lassalle the Jeb Bush of France? Where can I order my hummus bowl?

Hmmm... Seem to remember the same shpill presented against someone else...

At least Le Pen isnt planning to raise the wages out of nothing (causing massive inflation) and to close nuclear plants (causing the prices of energy to rise and more indebtment)

Le Pen may not improve the current economical state, but at least she won't deteriorate dramatically it like Melenchon

Interesting that even in (I don't know how to translate that) even the insoumis cucks are not first.

How bad are Fillon and Melenchon? Because Macron sounds like the anti-christ given flesh and I would sooner tolerate some limp-fish moderate over Macron. I'd sooner vote for Hollande over Macron. Macaroni sounds like a French version of that German guy trying to replace merkel.

Melenchon voters are fanatical retards who care more about progressive bullshit (more immigration...etc) than economy
They will never vote Le Pen

What does poids numérique mean?
And I thought Macron and Le Pen were tied for first?

>madame figaro
t. homo cuck

I'm an engineer, and fully against closing nuclear plants. I had a presentation about energy transition here in HK and the importance of keeping them around to reduce coal. But
I'm also against voting for asshats who just talk about unviable imaginary borders/walls and just talk about what clothes people should wear.

you're a dumbass. Stop watching France 2.

Look him up. Funny guy. Better than Jeb!

number of mentions on social networks
you dumb cuck

>I'm also against voting for asshats who just talk about unviable imaginary borders/walls
She won't build a wall
She wants to reduce the current unchecked mass immigration, which is feasible

>and just talk about what clothes people should wear.
Yeah, let's allow the masses of ummugration to impose us their backward culture instead of forcing them to assimilate....

It's how much people talk about them in socials networks

>saying russian whore will save France

poids numérique means "influence/presence on inthernet" i think, tat's a weird term I dont understand why they make this thing.

God Emperor Fillon will lead us to victory:
Vae Victis!

Poids numérique = presence on the internet (facebook, youtibe, twitter)
Mélenchon has a very big présence there, but it doesnt mean anything about what his real score will be (as most of his internet support are underaged teenagers in their rebellious commie period)

Macron and Le Pen are still first in real polls

>openly admitting you are going to vote for the (((nazis)))
>risk getting socially crucified
Satan please

La france a ce probleme d'immigration depuis 60 ans et s'en a jamais occupe correctement.

It's not a question of what people should wear. They're there. Many are born there. They will get in somehow. It's a question of tougher immigration laws / droit du sol, like in Switzerland. And smarter dealing with the Syria crisis. I think.

I agree with reducing immigration. But this is precisely one of the main reasons Melenchon is anti-EU. Borders are part of what he wants to renegociate treaties for or Leave. His pro-immigration stance is about better internal distribution of refugees/immigrants. Like not just piling a bunch in Calais.

We will never manage to assimilate immigrants if there is a neverending flow of them that keep entering the country (as it allows those already there to remain in contact with the inferior culture of their original countries through the newcomers)

Stopping all immigration would be necessary to assumilate those already there
And as no candidate propose this, we must chose the one that at least want to reduce immigration (Le Pen) and barrage the one that wants more immigration (Melenchon)

Mélenchon will never leave he is just playing poker to get what he wants from E.U.

>Voting in a literal jewish cock sucker

Well, it's France after all

Vive Marine!!!

>But this is precisely one of the main reasons Melenchon is anti-EU

Mélenchon isnt anti-EU
He clearly said it in his last meeting
He wants to change the EU, but that will be economically only, not on immigration
Immigration is something he loves, he wants more of this

He doesn't want more though. Check his interview today with Bourdin.

He wants to be smarter about the fact that you can't stop all of them. And the numbers are going up.

And yea, I'm sure he's just planning to twist the EU's arm. But that's not bad. There's many bad things about the EU, but there's many good things to keep

At the end of the day, there's plenty of criticism to make of him. But trusting Marine to actually do anything useful or smart is not for me.

Marine would be another Trump. Deliver on just enough for support, realize the job is hard, and flip flop on a bunch of stuff. Look at Britain now. How well did mindless populism help?

What's gonna happen in general elections?

Nah, he clearly doesnt want to do anything about immigration
His "smater way" to stop immigration is basically retarded shit like "we will stop the war in Syria and climate change so immigration will stop lol"

Even though he clearlt knows that:

1. He cannot stop the war in Syrie (it will go on ever if France withdraws)
2. He cannot stop climate change (France contribute to like 2% of it)
3. Neither the war nor climate change are the main reason behind immigration. As long as France will be superior to African and Middle Eastern shitholes (aka forever unless France falls as low as them, as its clear these place will never improve), there will be immigration

The only way to reduce immigration is to stop immigrants at your border and to send back those who sneaked in

Non, we just watching you, you and others melenchonists trolls

Yes :-)

I was voting Fillon until he decided to go full retard

And Mélenchon would another Maduro
I think I'll go with the Trump










Thread theme (I know its German but think about it)

As an American who do I stand to benefit the most from them being elected?

It won't matter much. US/France relations are pretty unchanging

Well, you have clearly been proven that Melenchon would be much worse than Marine, but you remain on your position because you """feel""" that Marine would be another Trump, although everything points to Melenchon being the worst

Sorry, but you've been brainwashed

Ah non putain pas dès le premier post, sans déconner quoi...

it's a white flag?

>french guiana

You have a different location but the same french flag. What the shit is this?égieExtVFLR1.pdf

It's, unfortunately, not only about stopping others from coming. Read this, basically some muslim UN is organizing to keep muslim populations in touch with their culture and are pushing political islma in Europe. We need to destroy muslim "cultural centers".

is this considered rare?

When colonialism became a bad thing, France got around the stigma and revolutions by saying that its colonies were 'intrinsic parts' of France and not colonies but 'overseas territories'.

They're clever cunts those frogs.

I really hope Le Pen wins...

We and portubros did the same thing,the difference is spaniard really meant it ,except for Philippines we basically didn't treat south america like colonies at all they developed their own industry and their own everything we didn't have the whole must buy from the metropolis shit,that didn't start till much much later


>voting for the look
Can you sound more like a servile goy?

This is the sort of fabricated no-data hillariefags ate up all days until they lost.

One of the french colony.
Located in South America at the north of Brazil.
This colony is mainly populated with sub human brazilian like shit skin however they are true patriot.

They try to take her down but let us think she's already on the second round. It is not done yet, we must keep the propaganda;

It doesn't mean anything, that's the trick. It's false data, from private companies.

>I'm also against voting for
democracy makes you angry, well that's not our problem

What's France's back-up plan for after having left the EU? The absence of free-trade will ensure German hostlities, which will in turn make France lose her ability to project global influence. Instead of deploying her troops around her various colonies or in Francophone Africa, she'll need to protect her northeastern border - her only strategic weak-spot. Also, trade itself will become a problem. While Berlin can turn to Eastern Europe and Moscow, to whom will Paris turn?

>But trusting Marine to actually do anything useful or smart is not for me.
Seems you have retarded snowflake syndrome more than anything then.


She's stopping politics though.

Moscow is supposed to be the plan; that's why she met Putin.

Right-tards on suicide watch, they're doing their worst campaign ever, here.
Melenchon FTW.

Happy with either Le Pen or Melenchon

Why would Putin accept your offer over ours? We are the bigger economy, buy more oil from Moscow and cover the center of the Northern European Plain, which is important strategically as well as economically.

They can't neogotiate with you, like they can with france.

We have a better relation with Russian than you Hans. Russia and Germany are like worst enemy in Europe

He can accept both you know.. we do not sell the same things..

Interesting choice of source faggot

The melenchon troll and his ridiculous memes

There are no eternal enemies in politics. And if you think there are, you're foolish. The moment Moscow's and Berlin's interests align, they'll become allies.
>implying we won't pressure them into telling you to fuck off if you leave the EU

Melenchon = immigration loving freemason
I used to think "at least he wants to leave the EU", but that's not even the case anymore
His victory would be by far the worst scenario

This is because they are sluts and scared of le evil muslim bigot

Melanchon memes are the worst memes I've ever seen even for /leftypol/ they're garbage

Get fucked roach, I encouraged German Turks to vote yes just to make your life worse.

That's kind of true, I'm surprised how you made that work for the campaign.

(((they're pleased)))


Still preferable to Fillon/Macron which are status quo.

>I used to think "at least he wants to leave the EU", but that's not even the case anymore
