
How come Sup Forums never talks about the real problem in the world?

Consumerism & Debt

That's actually something you can change completely in your own life.
Instead you read and write and bitch about other topics where you are completely helpless as an individual, especially since you mostly are armchair activists bitching about other men fucking your women or other religions invading your nations most of the day: something you can't fix from your keyboard.

Because it's not a bad thing per se that people love shopping for things. People have always loved shopping, hence why there have always been marketplaces and merchants, it's just that nowadays with more money, people have the capacity to shop more. I know people have the tendency to buy stupid shit they are not gonna use, but I don't blame this on people, but rather the governments who cheer at the notion of outsourcing jobs and pursuing (((free market))).

this is the basis of anarchy and communism

You don't need 10 jeans and 20 shirts and 30 shoes and 50 dvds.

You don't NEED a new phone every year.

We just don't need 95% of the shit we own and consumerism is cuckism of the mind and enslavement of the wallet and your personal freedom.
It also destroys the planet.

Moderate consumerism , which is fine, doesn't exist anymore.

Can you list your material possessions?
Let's do an experiment.

I know. I for example have an old cracked-screen smartphone that I have been using for 5 years, and even though I have enough money to buy a new one, I don't want to, because if I can call with it, browse google maps and send/receive text messages, why should I?

I agree with you, just so that you know, but I wanna emphasize to you that people love to buy shit just because they can, to signal to others that they are successful. Consumerism is largely a product of free-market capitalism. People get a release of endorphins out of shopping and buying new shit, it's more of a pleasurable pasttime than about acquiring new objects.

There is literally only one way to make consumerism go away, and this is instilling into society strong values that overwrite (((individualism))) such as strong sense of national identity. That way, people stop virtue signalling with bought items and instead virtue signal by showing how far are they willing to go to honour their culture and national identity. The average Joe would not impress neighbors by buying a new car more expensive than theirs, but perhaps carve a wood sculpture, build a lovely traditional wooden home, grow a nice garden that looks easy on the eyes, or even act as a pillar of community by starting different clubs/societies aimed at developing the community by giving people with certain interests within a community a chance to gather and socialize, thus further strengthening ties within the community.

Until this doesn't happen, in a (((free-market))) economy you will still hear your average Joe trying to impress other Joes by stating how much Staceys they have fucked last week or how they bought a new BMW.

The momentarily endorphin surge people get from consuming is an addiction and false happiness like many others in today's society.

Spot on the rest of your words.

Individualism, egoism, showing off and consumerism is another method of breaking society , that's why i wonder how come no one ever discusses it here, The cuckery is getting a bit old and the fundamental goal is the same.

There will always be someone with a car more expensive.
The comparison race is s a meaningless race. Orchestrated perfectly by the people in charge.

>Consumerism & Debt
No one is forcing them to buy stuff and go into debt. It's not a world wide problem because of a few idiots who can't save their money

Probably these issues are less discussed here since consumerism (at least, for me) seems to be a symptom, not a root cause, and the root cause, which Sup Forums often talks about too, is globalism and cultural marxism, which often has connections with jews, but many times it's also white people shilling other white people.

To give you some hope, I have observed how people who become redpilled on Sup Forums by proxy stop participating in mindless consumerism without anybody explicitly calling out consumerism for them. I guess if your perspective on the world changes, it also changes your habits without you consciously noticing.

>No one is forcing them to buy stuff

Thats because people buy stuff with money they don´t have to impress people they don´t know. Its the root of consumerism and the necessary function of a capitalistic society. Its exploitation of human psychology and nature. We´re consuming ourselves to death for our slavemasters. Everything has to be a short ruse for a higly satured free market to keep growing.

>Its exploitation of human psychology and nature.

No it's the exploitation of idiots. A normal person can and will budget their money

define normal, i see my self as a normal person, but many others around me are going and buying every Iphoshit that hits the shelf

>How come Sup Forums never talks about the real problem in the world?
because it's not a separate problem. It's direct consequenses of capitalism. Selling things is the hearth of that political system.


Here's something to think about...

This a painful redpill. Ouch.

Let's not blame capitalism , you two come from communist shit holes so we all know how that works out.

The problem is extreme capitalism and endless greed.
Just as extreme communism made your countries the way they are.

Balance is usually the solution to most things and the actual natural state of the world / planet. Especially if we homo sapiens disappear.

The mall is the new church,debt is the new chain and social engineering is the whip, making people feel so bad they have to consume their way into happiness.

It's painful but very easy to understand.
When most people hear about this they have a mindblown look on their face. Try it.
That look quickly turns into cognitive dissonance and a lack of acceptance of this reality.

I am not blaming capitalism, I think it's a wonderful way to organize the society. I just blame unreglated, laissez-faire capitalism where commodity fetishism is the most sacred standard of the society. In my view, capitalism should not be the top goal, but just a mere tool that must be regulated in such a way it serves it's people's interest the best, just like in national socialism it did.

Fucking hell, this one really accelerated the electron transmission in my neural pathways desu

most people that do buy yearly phones have the money for it. It's not hard to do when you can do a payment plan and finish it off by next year.

anarchy is the opposite of communism. do you know how to read, or what etymology is?

Consumerism is an inevitable consequence of increasing complexity. You can bitch about it all you like, but if you're not even growing food in your back yard right now, you don't have a leg to stand on.

really JOGGIN the NOGGIN

We need things like good electronics, dinner at trendy restaurants, clothes that suit us to maintain the emotional balance. Those things ARE crucial for living(in italics). When it starts being a compensation -that is error.

Are you saying that material progress isn't real, and spiritual progress that is then reflected by not more then it is on material only counts? And that blatant consumerism is only a result of material attempting to compensate for lack of spiritual?

material and spiritual progress have to complement each other to achieve true balance

What we really need is modern nationalism, environmentalism, and the return of self sufficiency.