Varg aint down with Le Pen

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How's Varg's command of French?

It's a practical solution to an actual problem. Why would he be?


He's not wrong

Stop trusting politicians

Lol this.

Also don't forget to read the rules about announcing sage

Who gives a shit. Varg is a faggot. I don't like LePen either. Her policies are akin to natsoc, and I hate any form of socialism. But her election would decidedly destroy the EU. And I'm definitely down with that.

are you some kind of libertarian or something?

French not being a real people is a pretty mainstream piece of knowledge. France is fake and irrelevant as a nation in Europe.

He's right but he dosen't care about pragmatism and the safety of people who aren't living innawoods.

why is he in france? and who does he support then, The Don?

Varg has to stay relevant, so his strategy is to be edgy, as far as his audience is concerned.

Mostly... but fuck open borders. There's people that want to destroy the US. Simply letting them in nigger-esque stupidity. I guess I'm kind fo a nationalist libertarian. I care very little about social issues, but I do strongly believe they're best left to the states. I believe in true free trade, but not trading with corrupt countries that oppress their people to artificially keep wages low (China, Mexico). Free trade with westernized countries is ideal.

>trusting a murder the talks about morals

oh wait he's just that kind of faggot

fuck this guy

he inherits the worst of the norwegian traits of being an arrogant know-it-all asshole.

He doesn't speak it at all. Pretty much sums up the guy. Even dirty immigrants from third world countries eventually learn it.
Guy marries a French chick, lives in France, probably benefits from welfare, still doesn't speak the language..
Fuck this guy. Get a job Varg. Stop LARPing.

Not surprising. He's basically a muslim with white skin

WTF happened to Seasick Steve?

He speaks multiple languages including french

>proceeded to ramble about Gallic nationalism being the true French nationalism and ancient fucking Rome for 9 minutes

Why would x be nationalist?
Why don't you clean your beard you fluffy pedo?

Varg is blackpilled.
He won't be happy with anything less than apocalypse

Can't handle the truth Tyrone?

Can anyone post about the Gaul celtic tribes. What exactly happened to them, and how much of France is gaullic?

From what I know he speaks Norwegian, English, French and German

His point is to stop pinning you hopes on politicians. Do something yourself.

>if you kill your enemies they win.

>probably benefits from welfare
Better than being a wagecuck whose taxes goes to some rapeugees housing.

Where does this meme come from?

No he doesnt. Show me a footage of him speaking French. PROTIP: you can't (except for a couple words).

>dude just wait for Hitler XDDDD

He doesnt get welfare you retard

he gets tax cuts because he has 5 children

He has done more for the white race than you

pssst schlomo

>he hasn't taken the black pill yet.
The only way to fix any any of our countries is for a military take over, or for systematic collapse.

audibly kek'd

He gets at least 400 monthly just for having kids. This plus RSA, probably his wife also gets it.

Well, yeah, he's not stupid, of course he wouldn't support that whore.

The truth is Varg wants Melenchon to be elected so there will be more welfare state also for himself.

He's repopulating the white race

How is this bad?

>married a girl with mental disorder (he himself confirmed this)
>pumped her 5 kiddos
>"s-savior of white race guise"

Source on mental illness?

Provide proof or fuck off. He has stated he lives of his music, merchandise and his RPG's. And even if he is, so what? Do you think being a wageslave to the kikes is better?

He's a crazy faggot, yea, but at least he's producing children unlike most cucked whites

I am not saying breeding is bad. Of course this is good. But Varg should be more humble. In many ways he is an autistic loser.

Well, to be fair, she is a commie. But there is no way to run France outside of communism at this point. So the criticism is moot.

And then what? US, Russia and China divides us into a neat little spheres of influence once again.
Or are you waiting for a collapse of all powers? Lol ok, keep waiting, meanwhile i'll go on voting to solve the issues like ((EU)).

We're all autistic losers

shes a kike

who cares? varg is a confirmed nigger loving faggot atheist/satanist.

>she's a commie
What are you even talking about
Protectionism isn't communism nigga wake up

Varg is an idiot and a murderer but a broken clock is right twice a day. Le pen is a Zionist and a Russian puppet
Pic related

He never committed murder. Justifiable homicide=/=murder
>implying Pen doesn't want more welfare state

This god damn idiot keeps contradicting himself.

>Hurr durr No Gauls left in Gaul they all got killed by the Romans.
>Hurr durr No Romans left in Gaul they got all killed by the Franks.
>Hurr durr No Franks left in France becaus- wait what?

This shithead needs to pick up some history books and actually READ.

>is a zionist
that's why the french aipac is telling everyone to not vote for her right ?
That's also why she isn't allowed to go in Israel right goys ?
Or perhaps she's playing 7 dimensions zionist chest

She's a nice looking woman for her age. Would you rather have to look at some moldy old communist, some numale or her for 6 years? This is why you should vote Le Pen

Search his recent video on autism.

Varg is a confirmed welfare queen some user posted proof in another thread recently

Varg is a faggot, Le Pen is far better for Europa than his welfare leeching ass will ever be

He also still gets money for Burzum and makes money from his Roleplaying Game.

>She's a nice looking woman for her age
Are you blind?

So? He's an idiot

His wife is an Asperger. Not sure where I read this, probably somwhere on his Youtube channel or Website.

Beeing an autist would explain why he is saying that Autism is such great thing and our European ancestors had all autism.

So French are not French at all, they are Gallic.

Thanks for the keks
>autism is actually the norm and a result of neanderthal DNA
>non-autists are broken
>also my wife is autistic but this is not my way of mentally dealing with that move along

Is Varg right? Did the Romans really genocide the Gauls?

>muh evil christians

fuck off seriously

>US, Russia and China
It's a globalised economy. If a collapse does occur it happens in a domino effect. The US and China has already got us by the balls.

wtf I hate Varg now

She betrayed her father. What does that tell you of what she will do to France?

muh welfare

Fucking leaf...

>Hurr durr No Gauls left in Gaul they all got killed by the Romans.
Caesar claimed that he killed a million Gauls. Men, women and children during his campaigns. Modern estimates put it at the hundreds of thousands. Which is still high for that time.

>Hurr durr No Romans left in Gaul they got all killed by the Franks.
The Romans got pushed out of Gaul. Your point?

>Hurr durr No Franks left in France becaus- wait what?
He said the ruling class were Franks. Thus when the French revolution came, they became obsolete.

>lmao guise don't vote for Le Pen, like seriously, do you really want a patriotic "christian" (xD) in power, like lmao just let the commies win man it's gonna change something believe me xD

Is she going to deport the millions of North and sub-Saharan Africans, Arabs and Asians from your country?

I just think it is hilarious that Varg is constantly wishing for the downfall of society, thinking he is some untouchable mystic force...when in all reality he will be basically defenseless with 5 a bunch of kids on a small rented farm. He is LARPing, folks.

What good is this truth if it doesn't get you anywhere beside jerking yourself off on an anonymous image board
France gets less white everyday and this faggot is content to let it happen if the entirety of France doesn't miraculously overnight see the light of his unworkable esoteric flavor of nationalism

Holy shit no. You've got it completely ass-backwards.

This is how things went down.
>Romans invade Gaul >Genocide >Gallo-Roman Culture is born from the fusion of a few Gallic tribes allied to Rome and Roman settlers
>Germanic Invasions smash into Gallo-Romanic Gaul: Suebians, Salians (proto-Franks) Sarmatians, Alans, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, and others overrun Gaul and slaughter gallo-romans
>Franks arrive, defeat all in successive wars wars. Roman rump states crushed, Visigoths and other barbarian tribes expelled.
>Franks turn into pagan Merovingian kingdoms
>Merovingians turn into Carolingian Kingdom and embraces Roman Catholicism
>Carolingian Kingdom evolves into united Kingdom of the Franks aka FRANCE.

France is full of Franks except for tiny hold-outs of Basques and Bretons in the furthest corners of the country who survived the wholesale slaughter of their people.

See above, you retard. Varg's central claim that there are no Franks in France, that they were a tiny minority ruling over a majority Gallic people IS 100% false.

The Gauls are more or less extinct. Deal with it. The French Revolution was Frankish commonfolk killing Frankish nobility. Varg is an idiot.

Who the fuck cares what this cuck thinks?

NO ONE will do, keep in mind that your fucking civil war will NEVER happen unless every single french people starve to death, you don't start a revolution with feelings, but with hunger

So here's the options:

we don't for vote Le Pen, and things continue as it is now, full open borders, full islamic shit, without any end, ever

or we vote for Le Pen, we have "muhh evil christian heritage", borders are closed again, islamic bastards will be sent back or jailed, every single islamic propaganda will go with them, we crash the EU, and time will make the shitskin disappear out of France with race-mixing (muhhh one drop rule) 99% of Sup Forums already have one drop so fuck off

>It's a globalised economy. If a collapse does occur it happens in a domino effect. The US and China has already got us by the balls.
That's never going to happen. Most you could hope for is a slightly worse than 2008's recession, and that's not going to "spark" anything.

Sarmatians and Alans were Iranic. Related to Persians and Scythians

So its better that the white race is being reduced to literal spergs?

Yes, and they reached as far as Gaul and beyond during the Barbarian invasions with allied tribes.

What exactly is he LARPing?

>Frankish commonfolk killing Frankish nobility
Stupid fucking leaf.

>you don't start a revolution with feelings, but with hunger
That's exactly his point. Crash the capitalist system. Le Pen only gives a false sense of security.

>and time will make the shitskin disappear out of France with race-mixing
You just outed (((yourself))).

>Most you could hope for is a slightly worse than 2008's recession, and that's not going to "spark" anything
Who knows? But if things are going well, no "extremist" parties are going to get in.

you know we have been invaded by shitskins before, right ? do you see them when you look at us ? no, because we outed it by breeding and racemixing, so again i'd rather have "peaceful solution" that will take time but will work at the end of the day, than having my whole country starving to death, and probably watching my whole family die in the revolution, just because some faggot in his basement doesn't like "evil christianity"

He is right, fuck LePeen. The EU needs to stay intact until we completely martyr Sweden.

You mean those raids during the dark ages? That's such a false equivalence, and not comparable to what's going on now. They didn't come close to the numbers that you have today.

You sound like such a cuck. Willing to pollute your blood and heritage like that. That's of course assuming that you're even an actual Frenchman in the first place.

My Ancestors :')

Stay mad Dutch boi

Varg has no authority regarding anything, he's of average intelligence and sometimes has some interesting historical insight regarding Nordic mythology, but beyond that he offers nothing.

yeah he doesn't want her to win because she'll deport his leech ass

Fuck this faggot. He lives in a fantasy world.

defeatist cuck

why would he be with le pen?
ukip is zionist, le pen is zionist, afd is zionist, sd is zionist, drumpf is a zionist
all the "opposition" is kosher nationalism

So does most of this board.

At this point i think Varg is just a contrarian for the sake of it.

Why should I care about this nigger's opinion ?

I'm actually AGAINST the defeatism you moron. Trump, Brexit and Le Pen are all just stepping stones until a more viable option comes.

cand facem Rumunia Mare?

Fuck off, deserter scum

well one thing he isn't is a larper

dude is out there with half a dozen kids, a white wife, and lives in the fucking european backwoods

he's an actual traditionalist and a borderline primitivist

yeah he's right on that
didn't watch the vid but le pen is your typical ultra-liberal neo-con bitch

Not unlike trump she's just good at pandering to low iq white niggers with low level anti-immigration catchphrases

for such people, nigs are the only thing wrong with the world, they just love being cucked by jewish dick

>primitivist living off state gibs money

i didn't say he was a primitivist

also source for that claim? not that I don't believe you