Are jews really superior?

i think they are way smarter than east asian. For instance,their philosopher and movie directors are the best in my opinion

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Is be surprised if the man pictured was smarter than a snicker's bar

The only thing jews are good at is hoarding money and looking like genetic trash

The Jews were the only literate people in Europe for over a thousand years and in Ashkenazi communities the girl with the richest father married the smartest guy so they bred for intelligence

Yes they are smarter on average

No, they aren't. Jews are almost never responsible for any important invention or scientific discovery. Fuck OFF KIKE!

Jews are just vicious predators. That's it.

nice meme

It's a fact. 80% of real scientific achievements were made by western European people. I have literature on the subject. It plots these things.

>Jews are smart
Then why did everyday kicked them out their countries? Why did they stay in Germany and got gassed in the millions when it was clear what Hitler was going to do with them?

They are dumb as fuck. Their intelligence stems from their parasitic behaviour sucking on white societies.

>Fake news

t.Harvard student of jewish history and shiett

which philosopher?

Jews are torturers and genocidal psychopaths
There's nothing lower than a Kike

Spinoza,karl popper

For sympathy.


"Expulsion from the Jewish community"


falsifiability is okay, that's it.

In the dark ages Christians weren't allowed to be literate, Jews were forced to be. Jews had a thousand year head start on education. And yes the richest girl married the smartest man to insure the smart man had the money to be successful and bred many smart rich kids.

To me, the disparity between philosophers was more due to the dominating religions of each culture. Christianity and Judaism promoted more free thought pre-1900s because of the way the belief systems are structured. Even then, china for example produced some pretty interesting philosophers, it's just that you probably haven't read them because why would you? (Examples include Zhuang Zi, Mozi, Li Kui, Mengzi, etc.)

As for movie directors, the east has come out with some pretty dope movies, even their propoganda shit. Consider also the limitations imposed on them because of the restrictions of the communist government and the nationalistic government. Look at Farewell My Concubine for a great Chinese film, or John Wu's filmography. Hollywood has always had greater freedom though so a lot more experimentation was done. Even considering Hollywood though, a lot of the best directors weren't Jewish.

Imo, Asians possess the best genetics for intelligence, Jews have the best culture for intelligence. My opinion also leads me to believe culture is a fucking massive player in determining the intellectual averages of a society, which is why I think blacks, if they had the cultural background of whites, would probably have about the same intelligence spread. (And I've looked through some natsoc sources claiming otherwise and essentially all of them are based on out of context quotes or flat out fabrications that aren't even in the sources they cite.)

you guys always say they are rich because they controlled the banks,but i wanna talk something not about money,like wisdom and art

>be jewish
>catholic church bans loaning makes loaning with intrest
>no once loans with interest
>start loaning with interest
>no one likes the people who loan with interest

Provide your source then. In my experience sources provided by "race realists" are pretty much always bullshit (my background is a degree in a scientific field).

If jews are superior than why were 6 million of them gassed. Checkmate

>Then why did everyday kicked them out their countries?
Well to be honest most of the kicking was done in the European countries and that was the catch-all strategy for dealing with peasants not liking how much money the kings had.

>Why did they stay in Germany and got gassed in the millions when it was clear what Hitler was going to do with them?
Because they really wanted to be Germans, like super bad. Many of them converted to Protestantism and did all tons of goy shit just to be like Germans. They wanted to be nationalists with the Germans and many of them didn't believe Hitler was going to do half the shit he actually did (reminds you of how people don't believe Trump... right?). Nonetheless, the ones that could leave did and many couldn't. Visas were denied left and right with quotas on Jewish immigrants.

Like all races they have their strengths and weaknesses

They are highly intelligent verbally and skills needed to merchant
You don't see many Jewish athletes because they are physically inferior. They have creativity but only when it comes to jewing other merchants or art

Also, bars and inns were traditionally only owned by Jews too. It was an easy tax that could go right to the king.

Christianity cucked the fuck out of Europeans

An issue I have with those who align themselves with nazi or near-nazi ideology is that seem to essentially advocate for them being in the spot jews are now, with the only difference being
>It's my people, so I condemn the jews because their prosperity limits my people's prosperity

ancient chinese philosophers are all shit ,except lao zi and zhuang zi

>movie directors
like Stanley Kubrick? even Dr.Goebbels like jewish films

In the middle ages the preexisting christian societies forbade Christians from handling money so they left it up to Jews. Intelligent jews were more successful and had more children and this process continued for several centuries. Combined with jews only marrying other jews this created an adaptation that accelerated jewish intelligence, by pure accident.

These same people today are called Ashkenazi jews and they are in fact the smartest ethnic group in the world on average. Non ashkenazi jews are just regular dumbfuck middle easterners.

Intelligence is pretty much a trait you can isolate just like in dog breeding, if it exists in the first place (ie. it's much harder to isolate it in minorities).


white people are like the fat bulky kid in school that could probably kick your ass, but doesn't want to
the black race are the kid that antagonize said fat kid physically
the jews are the kid that antagonize him by making him do stupid shit, sometimes including beating him

"the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you."

Jews aren't necessarily smart, but the culture they uphold is smart. It's basically the religion for those that feel that they are intellectual outcasts and for nerds. If you replace any reference to Hebrews or Jews in the Talmud and Torah with "nerds" their culture makes a lot of sense.

Now Jews themselves may not be smart but their culture promotes and supports people who are smart and it allows them to thrive more than non smart people even within their own community. It's an intelligent sort of culling. Whereas in nig cultures like Islam, the culture promotes and supports those that are violent and loud and obedient, so people who are engrossed in that culture tend to be exactly that.

Hope this helps, OP.

People dont know shit about history and science. Jews didnt have access to kings court jobs or to science-related jobs financed by the kings and states. That´s why they were money lenders and jewell smuglers and how they became banksters and jewellery owners today: A forced division of labour and a highly racist endogamy. Not because muh jewish IQ and shieeett.

Ever heard of twin studies?

>Scot Mendelson
>Physically inferior

My point again being that, for the most part, culture determines these things rather than genetics. Genetics obviously play a role, and maybe jews are /slightly/ physically inferior on average genetically, but not to any extent that matters until you get to the absolute limits of the human body.

Yeah but you'd probably say most philosophers are shit because they've been proven "wrong" at this point. Mozi and etc. were pretty great for their time and their achievements stand tall relative to what they were working with. Put Spinoza in their time and he wouldn't have come up with the shit he came up with. (since someone used Spinoza as an example earlier). You're right that Zhuang zi and lao zi are heads and shoulders above the rest though. But then also consider when Lao Zi produced his work. The time period and culture he was surrounded with should surely then put him in the absolute "top tier" of philosophers in terms of intelligence.

>movie directors
Sure the jews are pretty much the best, but again, consider the environment in which they worked. They had an easy in because of plain old nepotism (which isn't an anti-Jew remark, any reasonable group would do the same), so by sheer numbers of those involved they became great. Note again that we have people like Goebbels or John Wu or Chen Kaige or plenty others who were extremely good without the advantages the jews had.

can u explain this?

That's not an Ashkenazi.

>their philosopher and movie directors are the best

They steal most of their movie ideas then if they find anything copyrighted with any potential of mass appeal they will buy it out and change it to fit their agenda. They really are evil just acting innocent, but so are muslims.

Of course, but be specific as to how that applies at all.

Also consider that twin studies don't take into account:
>Parents treating the different race child different than their biological offspring
>Society's impact on the child based on its race
>Pre-separation influences (depending on the study of course)
>the types of parents who would adopt a different race child and how their cultural attitudes might affect the child.


#1 I know people who got in because of family connections, what is Judaism if not family connections on steroids

#2 Implicit perception of Jews as smart

#3 Cultural pressures on Jews to go to top tier universities

#4 Jews being rich as fuck as a group, allowing families to afford to send their kids to expensive schools even if they don't get scholarship (I know plenty of whites who didn't get scholarship, but got in, for example. also know blacks who got in to several Ivys but could only afford a few, not all)

#5 Jews being rich and thus being able to donate their way in

#6 Less Asians than jews in the country (? don't know if this is true though)

#7 Cultural values than emphasize creativity, thus differentiating their applications

#8 Learning multiple languages at a young age is objectively amazing for the brain. Jews go to Jew school and learn Hebrew.

Again my dude, looks like a lot of culture to me.

this is all true
fuck appealing to the race realists

>Jews are the best directors
Not even in the top five in an industry they own and dominate.

showing one top 25 list as fact.

jews are always fucking hideous , even their best looking have that kikey smile

could make them all disappear and nothing of value would be lost

I consider myself a true race realist. I totally believe there are genetic differences between the races, but I believe that those differences were largely just adaptions to their environments, and any notion of "superiority" or "inferiority" is ridiculous. As a hwyte male, I'd be inferior as fuck to an African were I living in Africa. I also don't think these differences really mean much in our modern society, barring extreme cases like Africans will probably always be generally better sprinters than whites at the highest levels, for example.

I also believe that if you're going to be a race realist the most logical course of action would be to breed with different races so that your children have the best traits from both worlds, eg whites should breed with Asians and Jews for any intellectual benefits, and blacks for any physical benefits (if we're assuming those are the benefits of those races, which I do not necessarily believe outside the purpose of this example).

Personally though I think the gains are insignificant enough that you should just breed with who you're happy with, sans genetic disorders, and that were we to create a homogeneous society, we'd just create artificial lines to segregate ourselves within that society since it is human nature to need an other to work against (evolutionary biology and group selection make me believe this)

It applies because there is some evidence from twin studies that the IQ difference between blacks and whites is at least partially biological, whereas afaik there is no evidence for the opposite theory, which you prefer. In general your stance sounds like the vulgar "IQ is mostly nurture because a priori reasons" position.

Nope. Christianity forbade usury not money lending. In fact scholastics studied and promoted the credit and established rules about ... . The real problem was that the were those of public and religion-orientated instead of being a merchant or a money-lender. So the highly superior christian iq just dissapeared in churches ( catholic ministers cannot have children) and academia ( christian intelectualls built the fucking entire capitalism, industrialism, human rights, economic principles, commercial principles, ... but they didnt found banks, merchant empires or cultural monopolies ( hollywood, televisions, newspapers...)

>Christians weren't allowed to be literate
This just isn't true. There are universities in Europe that have been continuously running and teaching the public for almost 1000 years. That's not even to address older academies and schools that have long since been shut down.


Jewish culture pushes you to be the best at whatever field
That's why so many of them are anxious and neurotic

Any clear vision black man can see that the true problem with black people has always been a culture that doesn't promote intelligence, hard work and foresight.

That list is shit but you're right in saying Jews are not the greatest directors of all time. Possibly the best screenwriters though.

Checkmate pic faglord

If you were the vicious predator in this situation you would say that it was instead on the Jews to adapt to your predation to stay alive. Are you saying goyim are weak, user?

>Natalie Portman
>Mila Kunis
>Scarlet Johansson
>Rashida Jones
>Kate Hudson

Gonna have to disagree with ya pal.

Intelligence is partially heritable. I will not dispute that. I /do not/ believe that an abundance of the "smart genes" lie with one race though. Furthermore I also do not believe that all else being equal, these genes would not produce radically different populations. The thing is, the world is not equal, hence differences.

>Twin studies indicate
To an extent, but again, look at all the issues with twin studies I raised. Twin studies are good at noting correlation, but SHIT at denoting causation in many cases (not all cases, mind).

Again, socioeconomic differences are not boiled down to just money. I have black friends raised on equal financial footing as me who had very different childhoods because society (society, not laws, per say) treats blacks and whites differently. It's been anecdotally confirmed, for example, that if police are looking for someone to bust, they'll troll black neighborhoods instead of white neighborhoods because there is a smaller chance of the black person they arrest will be connected to someone powerful who can fuck their career over.

Love the nazi flag so much. Seriously one of the best and most striking flag designs out there. Shame bout those connotations though.

>whatever field
That's not true, Jews are very much pushed into specific careers if my jew friends are to be believed, similar to asians. Jews accept certain creative fields while asians typically don't though.

>black culture
Very much agree. Had an intellectual conversation with a black guy at an ivy league, one of the smartest people I've met, then a black guy came over and they talked about the struggle of feeling like they've distanced themselves from their people and roots by becoming part of academia. That's toxic, and that's culture, not race.

No, Jews get someone else to antagonize people for them. Why would I do it myself and play my hand out in the open when I could pretend to be a blameless and neutral party?

Cont'd on that last point:

I agree with Charles Barkley and Dez Bryant in that black culture and the judgement of blacks traps the shit out of them. You can see parallel structures in how Irish Americans and Italian Americans acted about 100 years ago (to a lesser extent). The main difference is that John Smith wasn't preventing his children from playing with Alfonzo or Sean as late as 50, 40, even 30 years ago like white parents would when their kids played with black kids. Italians and the Irish escaped the crime culture because their outward whiteness allowed them to mix easily with other "traditional American" whites, whereas blacks haven't had that advantage.

They're studying literally all day.
Shlomos think theyre above the world


Though I will say that I was in a natsoc thread the other day probing them with questions like this and the answer seemed to generally be

>Yeah but I'm not Jewish and I care about my people so obviously I'm going to fight against others doing it to us until we're at the top.

I give them points for not going the hypocrite route, though it gets questionable when you get into the whole "jews are inferior" territory.

well,they are like the muslims

#10 more Jews were let in post muh 6 gorillion and moved up into the university administration, then changed the screening to admit more Jews.

It's the same thing that happened with Communists and Maoists in the SF Bay Area universities. They got in on a sympathy admission for differing racial and philosophical merits, then changed the rules once they got to be a majority to promote their own philosophy above the others.

I want a jewish gf.
She will protect me from (((them))) thanks to her skills in camouflage.


cite your source that jewish enrollment spiked in the 1940s-1950s or your basing your argument on muh fee-fees.

>Communists and Maoists in SF universities
BS. That was caused by the counterculture revolution which was itself caused by McCarthy and the general shunning of free speech. Like true Americans, those at Berkeley stood up for free speech. The liberalism of these campuses has just shifted as the overton window has shifted left. Unfortunately they've now become authoritarian because muh horse shoe theory.

You seem to me a bit like the man who lost his keys but never thinks to look outside the area that is conveniently lit by the street light. The ways in which black culture inhibits and jewish culture strengthens intellectuality are so obvious and the resulting theory so structurally pleasant you don't want to consider they might still ne only half the story, as evidence suggests. Even further ist should be noted that cultures didnt emerge Out of a vacuum, and probably reflect the nature of its people at least in part.
A jew is way more powerful

Jews are disgusting.
Grab 'em by the sideburns and give 'em a swift knee to the ZOG dome.
Usually sheckles fall out...

It'd be easy to say it's all genetics. It'd be easy to say it's all white people oppressing blacks. It'd be easy to say these things, but it'd be dishonest.

Culture emerges out of the needs of a people in an environment. Sub-Saharan Africa does not lend itself to sprawling culture hubs, as such their culture never needed to progress past tribalism. This says nothing about their inherent genetic characteristics. Consider the native American. Some were nomads, some lived in teepees, some had comparatively extremely advanced cultures. Would you then say that the Mayan is genetically more intelligent than the Sioux, or that they had genetically differentiated enough to possess the "culture genes"? Surely not. If you DO believe that, then you must believe that the "culture gene" is one that can be developed extremely rapidly and thus maybe two generations of inbreeding would lead to culturally equal blacks, in which case racial differences are a non-issue and will be gone in 100 years.

I said after the 50s, when muh holocaust meme and antisemite meme started to take hold and was used to guilt people into affirmative action. Look up Jewish quota and Numerus clausus. Until the 50s, Yale restricted Jewish admissions to just 5 per year. Not 5%, 5.

>BS. That was caused by the counterculture revolution which was itself caused by McCarthy

Isn't that what I said? I didn't mention the cause, only the action itself. But yes, Admissions boards were thoroughly embarrassed by McCarthy so commies started playing the free speech is penultimate card on them. Now of course, at those same schools, those same commies are fighting to prevent free speech. Funny enough, just like McCarthy and others warned they would. Also funny, 85% of the people McCarthy accused turned out to have been agents or associates of the USSR, according to the USSR records released after 1992.

>pretending Hitchcock and Welles and Ford don't top every list of greatest directors.

It isn't affirmative action when you change a policy from "we will explicitly be anti-semetic" to "Ok fine we'll let you come".

These anti-semetic policies, if I'm reading correctly, only originally came about because Jews were naturally getting in too much. Desegregating schools for blacks, for example, was not affirmative action. Affirmative action was created later in order to allow the best blacks to get into ok schools, since being able to climb out of the ghetto means you're probably a cut above average. I mean, some of the stupidest people at my high school got into good colleges by dint of it being a well renowned high school (which money could get you in to). Going to shitpubschool wouldn't confer those same advantages.

It isn't what you said, as there was no intentional effort to only accept communists. People go to schools with atmospheres they want to exist in, liberals wanted to go to the school that embodied freedom and liberalism. In recent years "liberalism" has come to mean different things, hence different people tend to go there. That doesn't mean its some plot to make these schools communist by only accepting communists, unless you think putting "im a communist xD" on your app makes you more desirable, in which case you're insane. If anything it has been the cultural shift of California itself that has done it since you have a leg up going to UC schools if you live in California, same as any state.

no they just think they are

Its even easier and certainly more satisfying for an intellectual type such as yourself to say: its neither, Its actually cultures having evolved in a certain way according to peoples surroundings.

So the end result is Most people are wrong, you are right, you have a relatively sophisticated and prima facie plausible theory. This situation pleases the intellectual. On top of that according to your theory race is only skin deep and no one is really at fault for current problems.( the cultures did it ) There is plenty of psychological incentive to adopt this theory but there is of yet no empirical evidence in its favor. So if you want to be sincere you should consider giving biology a bit more space in your theory especially in light of evolutionary considerations ( wouldnt it be the biggest miracle if groups having genetically adapted to such different surroundings for a very long time and showing many different biological traits ended up with the same IQ dispositions.)

>most people are wrong, you are right

Most people aren't scientists, and don't evaluate things from scientific perspectives. I don't hate or disrespect Joe America for not tracking down the source for every article he reads after he works 12 hours on the farm, but I'm also not going to just agree with whatever he says.

>No one is at fault for our current problems
People at fault for blacks having lower bell curves:
>Blacks who sold them hundreds of years ago
>Whites who bought them and enslaved them
>Whites who fought integrating them into society, then and now.
>Blacks who tear down other blacks for joining the establishment
>Blacks who violently protest for vague concepts instead of rallying against and fixing specific instances of racism
>Blacks who blame everything on whites
>Whites who blame everything on blacks
>Whites who blame everything on whites
>Whites who individually hamper black people's progress
>The environment of Africa for not being conducive to intellectually stimulating culture.

>No empirical evidence
Black intellectuals/scientists, blacks who integrate into white society, differences in IQ between whites of different cultures, crime cultures of various white groups, etc.

>especially in light of evolutionary considerations ( wouldnt it be the biggest miracle if groups having genetically adapted to such different surroundings for a very long time and showing many different biological traits ended up with the same IQ dispositions.)

It'd be a miracle if blacks were radically genetically different than whites and this were the case, but they are not. Even with single gene diseases, often they are not BOUND to one race. As far as multi-gene diseases, we see only different frequencies. There is no "black disease" or "white disease" and as such we can make an educated guess that the races don't differ genetically all that much.

I think they are way richer. A money for example, is a team effort of 100s of people.
You get what you pay for.

No, no they're fuckign not you stupid goddeamn piece of shit.

Let me spill some real life working man fucking shit for you guys before I'm too drunk to give a fuck anymore.

The kikes are worthless, barely more than the niggers they try to inject into every part of modern society, they pretend to be white so the can take advantage. Reality brings us back to the realization, along with any white man who works for a living, that that everyone else is worthless beyond belief, and the white women we're demanded to bow down to in every aspect of life are someone MORE worthless than the niggers we need to dispklace in the first place.

The daunting, soul crushing reality of the ENTIRE UNIVERSE is that white men are the only ones worth of existing becuase everyone else would literally let the world DIE than manifested the destiny of the human race.

I hate ALL of you beyond words. FUCK.

None of those are evidence. To argue that because there are no racially exclusive diseases there are no differences in IQ distribution is certainly a guess but i don't see how it is intelligent.
Anyway i don't think we will gain any ground here, im out. Nice talking to you.

All I'm saying is I haven't seen scientific data, specific studies which show that IQ is genetic and more specifically the genes that differ between the races cause these differences.

But you're ultimately right it's quite unlikely we'd change each others opinions, always great to get different perspective though.

Lol my favorite type of "thinker". The ones claiming that culture is the problem and answer to everything. Completely ignorant to the fact that it is people who produce cultures, not the other way around. All cultures are an image of their people and their intelligence / nature. Cultures can adapt and change, but its usually based on what is best and comfortable to them by their own ethnic standards.

If we're being honest it's parents. Niggers are terrible parents, dance out any horse and pony bullshit video you want, but stop wasting my fucking time and admit it.

Koko the gorilla is a goddamn animal but she was raised by white trainers and is a fucking sweetheart.

You can't even say that about the average fucking grape ape urban retard living in the USA.

>Let me spill some real life working man fucking shit for you guys before I'm too drunk to give a fuck anymore.

It would've been a lot easier to just say you're an uneducated piece of white trash.

Yep, I'm a part of that Urban retard group you Commiefonians blame for not letting you dictate the political future of the other 49 states.

You commie dick sucking nigger.

I live in West Virginia you dumb nigger.

I wonder who's behind those...

Would whites/jews/asians have created London/etc. in sub-saharan africa? I don't think so. Cultures are a product of people adapting to their environment. Again I raise the native American example: were the Mayan people genetically so radically different than the Sioux that they were able to produce cities and etc. while the Sioux weren't? Or were they genetically pretty damn similar but lived in different environments?

Yeah I'll give you that's a big factor. But keep in mind that for many of these parents getting an education, getting a white collar job, integrating with society, etc. was not possible. So the cycle will continue for a while, and if America can get its shit together and stop caring so much about race from both sides, the problem will end.

I mean, look at white trash, look at that Daddyofive channel, they're shit parents too. They're probably going to raise largely dumb as shit kids too. Doesn't mean all whites are of inferior intelligence.

I can't becuase I literally grew up in nigger schools and had to self teach myself anything of value for the last two decades, so I CAN'T give you that, becuase I lived it, becuase they're still fucking worthless after you live it.

Whites can raise a child that can live in the modern world, non-whites CANNOT do this, all they can do is destroy.

rare flag?

Rich population +nepotism
They're intelligent, but not the master race they claim to be.

Blacks make it out of the ghetto too.

But you said it yourself, you went to these schools and had to work your ass off to learn anything. This isn't the case for white schools and it is one reason blacks stay behind, because their schools suck ass.

Dude you're trying to talk to me about a life I've already lived. I was literally the one white kid in my classes growing up.

I had absolute negro bros and I know without a shadow of a doubt are silenced on their views as much as any random nerdy white faggot.

But yes, I guess you're right, black schools are absolute shitholes where trying to learn anything you're not dedicated enough to learn on your own is a nigh goddamn impossibility.

Shit, I forgot a counter-point.

My counter-point is that being the white kid in this situation I had more mind and control over it than anyone else.

in 5th grade I held an entire class back due to bell curve tests.

Even looking back on it I realize that my own evolved mind knew well enough to try to self-teach while the vast majority of my fellow classmates just looked to dial in and then fuck off as soon as possible.

Spinoza was excommunicated by Jews for his beliefs/philosophy, it wasn't evil enough for the Talmudic Jews.