Salam Aleikum my brother, your pizza has arrived!
That'll be $20.99 plus tips plus jyzia tax
Salam Aleikum my brother, your pizza has arrived!
That'll be $20.99 plus tips plus jyzia tax
jizz what now?
when will people understand the difference between Sikhs and Muslims?
Sikhs hate Islam more than Sup Forumsacks
As a private citizen I will chose to patronise whichever business I like. I reject your "jyzia tax" (whatever the fuck that is) and will take my business elsewhere.
Domino's, Pizza Hut, and Papa John's are all white business. I shall choose to patronise them.
same thing
>Domino's, Pizza Hut, and Papa John's are all white business
They are also shit.
it's bait you retards
just stop responding
*gives 21 trump mark*
You can keep the change, friend
sperm instead of mayonnaise?
Looks mighty super tasty
it's good that the world is like you understand the Muslims. many said that the Kurds are good too
You shut your whore mouth, they're delicious
*shares a hardy laugh with the Sikh bro*
Good one avik, you always crack me up. Here dude here's $25, long day? Would you like some topo Chico for the road?
that's not an Arab, cletus.
>calls the right wing safety squads
Stop replying to this thread srsly
Fucking sage
Insallah brother
I'm a fellow follower of the religion of peace too, why would I pay the jiyza?
Also I hope that doesn't have any pork in it or I'm calling the Shariah police
Burger education
Shut the fuck up paki
now I want to fuck a qt muslim
i fucking hate this pasta
every god damn day the same stupid thread
too fat