Can you white guys stop?
Can you white guys stop?
This is what bumping uglies looks like.
I won't stop, I like pounding that virgin Jap pussy that Jap men won't fuck for some reason. Even hot Jap women are still virgins.
What the fuck is wrong with you nips?
Stop being such cucks.
asians are lower than niggers
Let's not go that far.
lol no and its not even close
niggers pls
Asians are dumber, and weaker than whites, they're fucking insects
creepy old white pedo, what the fuck is this shit
only a cuck would racemix
Nigger lover.
Why is she purposely acting like a retard, or is she really retarded?
God, why would a white man marry a gook?
He has far better options
I didn't say I was but to say Asians are below niggers is cucked.
I sympathize with you Japbro.
When you think about it, black guys "holla"ing at every girl they can see and "axing" if they can gib dick is roughly the same as white guys going to meek asian countries and fucking all of their women. Its just a more exaggerated situation.
Japs are literally a dying breed so let them keep their catgirls and lets breed more white women.
She's Chinese. But it doesn't matter to you fuckers. Your race isn't superior enough to produce good women so you have to move onto the race with the higher IQ. You're no better than the niggers. Same shit different race.
lmao japs and koreans are a bunch of cucks. Their men are feminine faggot traps who want some nigger dick.
Daily reminder racemixing no matter what race is absolutely degenerate, as is fucking virgins while unmarried.
That's great, but I was talking about Jap women, not this chink. It's not my fault you aren't man enough to fuck your women and need white men to fuck them.
There's Asian dudes with white girls that Asian masculinity loves to shove in our face. Should that stop as well?
High-pitched and a foreigner. Bad combo.
She sounds extremely annoying but hey its not her fault user
lasted five seconds because this is shite
The world and especially the small island known as japan doesn't need a shitload of children right now you retard
Many people should be sterilized or die virgins if the human race is to be saved
Fucking hell, it's like he's dating a child.
That's why asian men always kept their women under such strict control (foot binding etc) because no woman EVER wants an asian man. Not even asian women.
If that makes you mad, you are white supremacist trash. Any alpha Asian dude who obtains a white woman for honorable reasons is a good addition to white people in my book
This is not the case with MUH dick niggers and MUH dick yellow fever betas
at least date a decent looking one wtf is this abomination
This is why they racemix the master race when they obtain a 10/10 white girl: they completed the ultimate journey
Also your women are clearly fucking retarded and ugly so there's that.
Nope. Never allow your white woman to cheat on you with an Asian man. That is DEGENERATE.
Lol why did you write ijou, David-san?
I dont understand it.
>White men - Asian women
>Asian men - Black women
>Black men - White women
how do we break this disgusting cycle?
You're literally supporting Asian men fucking our women but are opposed to us fucking theirs. You're cucking for microdick Asians now. You're an extreme cuck.Wow white men are getting lower and lower.
Too bad most asian guys are spoiled little faggots with egomania and a chip on their shoulder.
Maybe if asian mothers didn't treat their sons like perfect little princes, they wouldn't be such insufferable little bitches.
Oh shit I forgot, half of Sup Forums belongs to r/incel
Is that woman supposed to be attractive?
No wonder you guys are all pedos if that's the standard of beauty over there. Good god you might as well start fucking pre-pubescent boys.
Also she sounds retarded.
This. Stop promoting degeneracy.
Concur, he's taking advantage of her lack of an ability due to a less mature brain to anticipate consequences, poor girl will never be happy if she's pumped and dumped.
>the white race will die with both sexes racemixing
You're ass backwards, they need a shitload of kids if they don't want to take in immigrants.
By stopping the superficial bad male subsidizing that comes from women choosing mates based of sexual fetishes and beta men crying about being unable to get higher quality women
She's way more attractive than any white woman. White women are tall, fat and hairy.
White women generally won't fuck male Asian trash you retard
Problem solved and don't call me a cuck
You're not fucking them anyway. Maybe this will get you testosterone high enough to start making more Nippon babies.
Not my fault your people love Americans
Then let em die virgins
Asians are smart and honorable enough to solve this problem on their own
You sound like a nigger
WMAF masterrace
No, just not all of Japan needs to fuck 24/7 like a bunch of hedonistic degenerates
roastie detected
>need more kids to make more gdps for Jew banks
The Jew really has you by the balls kid
Controlled birth rate and automation are the best ways to avoid total chaos and destruction
Japan has a rock bottom birthrate and a shrinking populace so actually they do need a load of kids unless you think resorting to immigration is better.
Kill yourself roastie.
>lets breed more white women
This pedestalization of white roasties is the epitome of cucked desu.
This shit is worse than a white girl with a trash tier nigger
At least a woman is just a product of her environment. This thing that calls itself a man chose this life path.
Would gas/10
>i'm a 5" 5' mudslime who could never pull an American girl -the post
White people need to abort their daughters
has to write a single japanese word so that we all know he's a legit jap!!!!
>Island becomes less dense
>Tries to Jew this into meaning Japan needs immigrants or BIRTHRATES
But that's wrog you fucking jew because you can choose neither and just stabilize.
Who said anything about roasties? It says a lot about you that when i mention white women, you immediately think of the low-class landwhales that you're used to being around
This is why I'll never understand why white guys on Sup Forums whine about interracial dating.
You guys benefit from it, since every other race prefers you even over their own race. If anyone gets screwed over(no pun intended) by interracial relationships, it is non-white males.
And I don't get his worry about white women running off with non-whites. I almost never see white women in the arms of Arab, Black or Asian dudes.
He is giving her ginger tea every morning? Ginger is an aphrodisiac and the guy probably knows that seeing how conscious he is about vitamins and food.
Say it with me
asians are below niggers in every way
I don't think so user. It's just this coveting of them is so fucking repugnant, and they are subconsciously disgusted by the white men who do it.
Your view of white women is really blue pilled user.
You're starting to realize why white supremacy is cancer
The problem is not white women choosing superior non-white men. The problem is white male nations opening their borders and paying taxes to be cucked out of existence. White males are the problem, and everything is the cure.
ChexMixing issues aside....
You slant eyed fucks can't fuck your own women and get insanely jealous of white guys showing up and getting yellow bash practically thrown at them. It's not our fault your own women can't stand you. This whole post reeks of jealousy. Your video proves that even the ugliest oldest white male with a heartbeat can steal your woman with nothing more than being present.
Fuck wimpy gooks. Go cry elsewhere
How can Changs even compete?
I said that immigration was not a resort I would like you moron. But they do need a higher birthrate. The population pyramid needs some stability to function. How is saying to have higher birthrates a Jew move? I make the same argument for White birthrates, or would you rather they go down too? Who's the real Jew here?
They score higher on IQ tests than whites.
Asians are niggers compared to whites
Whites are niggers compared to japanese
What race are you?
There are no wimpy gooks on pol
They're all playing video games or speaking on superior japanese only 2chann
Not like its even harming anything if the white guy was never going to get white pussy in the first place, Resorting to foreign pussy instead of being forever alone spreads white genes better than dying alone,
Isn't the entire point of breeding to concur other races with our dicks?
That guy is fucking ugly, the power of money once again shines and makes chinese women fall for it.
I will never understood how can women see beauty in things that are not beautiful, like niggers.
Their birthrate will rise when they need it to, stop worrying about it.
A low birthrate is literally not even a problem, it's a solution.
No, you moron, i just dont accept your "red-pilled" view that all women are trash because i dont hang out with the low-class SJW trash that are at your social level.
fuckin disgusting.
>Stopping for "ice cream" at mcdonalds
>has money
Honestly, YOU are the problem considering that you seem to have given up on white women completely. I hope you dont pass on your weak genes
t. american nigger obvi
I didn't say that all women are trash or that all white women were trash. I said that your coveting of them is disgusting and blue pilled and disgusting.
>Passing on weaker genes to inferior races
>A bad thing
No wonder white people are dying out
She's fuck ugly too.
>check out my very real youtube video proving yellow bois can't even compete ;^)
might as well have just linked prank invasion
Well they'd better hope it rises or they are gonna get Jew'd into taking an assload of migrants, mainly Latinos and some beta-White English teachers.
You are genuinly retarded
I haven't given up on them, whatever you mean by that. And I'm not trying to buy into something defeatist.
I'm just saying that this coveting of them is counter-productive.
>white men breeding with the lower races is a good thing
The problem is not the women, it is the culture and the borders and the men
Be better men and women will follow. Maybe your definition of a good man is wrong and maybe you misunderstand why women find bad boys attraxtive
>attack America
>get nuked and your women addicted to white dick
That's just what happens.
you guys jealous about this progressive couple she's a strong asian women survivor of the toxic asian patriarchy and culture holding her back
>J-Just a prank bro.
Stay mad Chang. Chinese netizens got fucking pissed and doxxed the girl
why is she acting like a retard? what kind of pedo roleplay bullshit is this?
Holy shit she acts like a child. What's wrong with asian women?
140 IQ here. Can I fuck your gf now?
Objectively wrong
Women should be coveted and protected, because women are beautiful and delicate creatures.
Im sure that MGTOW seems like a good fit for you gentlemen though.
The problem here is that the women that you're thinking of are not beautiful nor delicate and are fussy whiny brats who manipulate and lie and cheat. If you want to romanticize the 40's and 50's then it starts with bringing back strong nuclear family values. Don't worship every woman you stumble across like some fedora, but dont go all fox and grapes either and assume all women are garbage.
daddy and littles. it's a new tumblr trend whre young girls get older men to be their daddies. they are supposed to be submissive and get spanked when they misbehave or something. it's weird.