How do you respond, pol?

Is american culture just an excuse for white supremacists to ignore their insecurities that blackies have bigger dicks?

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At least they're not Brazil.

All that effort to construct something so worthless
>The bitchnigger tears pack

I hate these people so much. Fucking niggers.

I'd rather be a man with a huge truck and tons of rifles than some shit eating favela mutant from Brazil HUE HUE HUE HUE

>The I lack a identity so I substitute with edge meme
Haha yeah fuck people with a simple family oriented, diy lifestyle. Fucking hicks.

escalade with 26 inch rims, a dew rag, a flag with a black fist, glocks.

You've got too much time on your hands.

>shooting and offroad driving are boring hobbies
low test cucks

Niggers are encouraged to not participate on this board. Please leave, thank you.

too close to home huh

Also, it was a black spanish man who made this

>that picture
Guaranteed typed up by a fat pastel genderqueer liberal arts student with no hint of irony.

sounds like you're projecting

No niggers are niggers.

They are parasites on the culture.

Most of them.

It's not an argument it's just racist ad hominem probably copied word for word from some kike's Twitter.







Copied from a black spanish man's twitter where he talked about afrofeminism and moors


t. Not triggered at all




>The "I'm too smug to realize that I'm the reason why Hillary lost" starter meme.


WTF IS WRONG WITH HUNTING !! Fucking city dwellers



>guns a shitty boring hobby

Ah yes guns are obviously so lame an uninteresting compared to the liberal's favourite pastime: drinking coffee at Starbucks while pretending they're doing something important on their Mac

Are rural and suburban retards voting for Le Pen?

pick one

>shooting guns is boring and frivolous

this was undeniable written by shitskin, woman or faggot or possibly a combination of all three


Only subhumans on suicidal media and women care for those hollow word salads.




Jesus Christ. How come they are so violent in your country? The British ones are relatively peaceful in comparison.

My auntie burned coal once n she told me "don't believe the hype"

you can do the same caption with libcucks, I think it works better actually


I don't know.

Not in my area, in France it depends on the region.

Based Brazil is so degenerate that Muslims gave up on trying to establish themselves there.

All I know is...when the cops come and try to stop them from robbing raping or murdering, the cops wind up having to kill or be killed...then you get a straight chimp out.

Might not know the "real" way to live, but living like a nigger in America ain't it.

Is posting about whites non-insecurities is your attempt to feel better about being made an international state from which you are about to receive multicultural dick up the poop shoot?

heritage not hate always gets me the most

your heritage is a failed traitor nation state that declared war on america over the right to own people as property? okay mate.


This shit is retarded hunting is NOT a pointless activity at least we go outside and dont just get high then go to another friends to get high again and just repeat all day ever day

See F7WY3vMM for an example of said insecurity

Because so many people would rather ignore this shit than be accused of racism.




how does it feel to literally be a monkey

OP is confirmed faggot first of all. Second of all Brazil is pure shit.



Trucks that long are pretty shitty when it comes to off roading, I don't know why americans do this, they should know better.


WTF did I just read

>Whys a gorilla always frown?
>Cause he knows in 10,000 years he will be a nigger.

We get that same thing here, but they just aren't as evil.

Say what you want about hicks but they definitely do not have boring and frivolous hobbies. Liberals are some of the most boring people on this planet.

>im from the city and like city things
>if you aren't from the city you're beneath me

The "if you ain't a redneck you ain't sheit" faggots are annoying af (rural dweller with a truck, some land, and a lot of guns here), I don't know what makes you think you saying the same about your shitty lifestyle is any better.

I substitute my crisis of identity for a set of shitty bigoted politics & boring frivolous hobbies that popular media conditioned me into believing were all a part of the only real way to live through the use of a calculated facade of fabricated authenticity, the starter pack

The simple fact that your cuck ass relates penis size to moral standing refutes your entire claim. You want to measure my dick nigger? See who's is bigger? Are you fucking kidding me? WHITE POWDER!

as someone who's had a 300+ truck mud bog at my house.. its not boring.

These cucked leftists are saltier than McDonald's fries.

If they hate rednecks so much, they should start road raging them and see what happens. I drive a Chevy Volt and keep 18+1 of 124+P ammo on me at all times, and a couple of spare mags.

Fuck I hate identity politics.

Is brazilian culture just an excuse to eat bananas and throw shit at each other?

>tfw suburban retard who can enjoy city and rural things with a little travel

feels good tbqh

The lack of self awareness in that image is breathtaking.

Niggers 400 years ago did not have sense enough to build homes to get out of the sun. Slavery saved your ass. You carry the RH monkey gene because you are one step above monkeys nigger. You fucks have never built any society at all. You never will until you check your animal instincts which rule your decisions based on emotion not logic.

Geo-elitists are the worst kind of elitists.

I run into them all the time in Chicago and then ask them if they hang out in Englewood or bring up the Shooting in Old Town, or robberies at gun point in Lincoln Park.


>We pretend we are tolerant by hating things that we don't understand just because they are different than us.
Why do liberals have no self awareness?

Boring? nothing boring has ever happened after a redneck has slurred the magic words "Hold my beer and watch this"

I don't see anything wrong with that except for having fuck ugly camo on a truck.

what truck?

WTF? This is cultural appropriation DELET DIS


Hard to make out, but it's in the top right image.

Nice summary of modern Southern culture, here's one in exchange.

My grandpa's an idiot. His idea is to ban guns all together so I have to explain to his decrepit ass that we have black problem not a gun problem. I hate my white liberal family, I hate Chicago I hate niggers. Fuck you grandpa.

OP is a faggot.

It ends the way it began.


>Shooting and monster trucks

Boring compared to what? Dyeing your hair and getting roofied by a bartender at da club?

Horses have bigger dicks and are a lot cleaner, more intelligent and less violent than niggers.

Same for elephants.

Kill all the niggers and turn africa into an elephant breeding park.
Maybe given the space they'll evolve where niggers have not.

>crisis of identity
Not everyone can identify themselves with a letter from the LGBT+ alphabet.

Like the one that cut the head off a dude in the street while 20 people watched.

Like the gangs that go around all the inner cities mugging people.
The media doesn't report most of what goes on. Niggers are the same everywhere.

We have that stuff because we live in the country and hunt, dumbfuck.

>learning to shoot and hunt

city "logic"

>if you don't live a big city, buy designer brands, listen to rap music, and conform to politically correct ideas you have no culture or identity
this image was made by either a nigger or a northerner (who am I kidding, they're basically the same)

cityfags are jealous of us because we have a real culture. we do the kinds of things our fathers and their fathers before them did, it's not manufactured like city culture is.

cept there are plenty of black folk who farm and hunt.

That blows. Perhaps take him shooting?

(((American culture))) is a jewish tool to destroy the white race.

whats wrong with southern/american culture, dont really participate in it but i live with it and have no problem with it, way better than nigger culture