I genuinely don't understand the appeal of populism and the alt-right/ Is it simply the fact of being anti-activists as it were, or do you agree with the politics? Interested to find out.
Trump, the Alt-Right and Populism
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Trump represents the end of multiculturalism. He is making people feel proud to be who they are and their culture as Americans. That's why he won, coupled with anti-immigration rhetoric and just being himself. I don't like when people say "Trump won because he was anti-establishment, he was truly a pro-conservative candidate that people wanted", its not exactly true.
This. Trump is merely the stepping stone to New Hitler. Speaking of which, happy birthday.
And what's wrong with multiculturalism? Do you feel threatened by other cultures, or do you feel they're harmful to your way of life? Which parts of "American culture" are important to you and do you feel are under threat by other cultures coinhabiting in America?
Trump is a response to the authoritarian left encroaching into everyone's lives
Though Trump is an excellent ambassador of our cause, this is irrelevant as all that matters is to have someone contradict the left's narrative
>What's wrong with multiculturalism
Africa for Africans
India for Indians
Mexico for Mexicans
America/Sweden/France/Germany/UK for everyone
Now, are you actually a neo-nazi? Or are you just supporting Hitler as a way to be edgy?
Why not both?
Westerners holiday and reap the benefits of those countries all the time? We take advantage of the workforce in India and Mexico, and harvest the natural resources of Africa. Plus, would you rather live in any of those countries (and continent) than a western civilization? I doubt it, so why would anyone else want to live there?
Because, if you were a Neo-Nazi, it wouldn't be edgy in your eyes, it would just be normal surely?
The fact that every single culture originating outside Europe is fucking disgusting
What makes you say that?
It can be normal for you while appearing edgy to normies for fun.
> so why would anyone else want to live there?
Because it is their homeland
America is not a place for people to take advantage of the benevolence of the modern white man
>We take advantage of the workforce in India and Mexico
I wish we wouldn't and Trump is in staunch opposition against that
>harvest the natural resources of Africa
Surely Zimbabwe has the facilities to harvest them as well
No? Wonder why
we do them the service of building them up and it is voluntary.
Anything not Neo-Conservatism has been labelled "alt-right" by the media, even tho NeoCons are barely rightists themselves
You have a point there. So what made you want to become a neo-nazi?
Because other cultures have nothing worthwhile to offer
>I genuinely don't understand the appeal of populism
Then why did people vote for Obama?
National Socialism. I admit though that ethno nationalism cannot work in the US any time soon though. However it is still my preferred ideology. I would advocate for something along the lines of National Libertarianism and perhaps have a way to weed out the bad apples that contribute nothing to society and cannot sustain themselves.
>It is their homeland
Just because someone was born in a shitty situation doesn't mean they have a duty to stay there. Child abuse victims for example.
Also, a question. From you wording, do you believe that black people are less intelligent than white?
Why should people be restricted to stay in the location they were born? Migration is something every organism does, it's just how life works.
But why?
Teenage rebellion.
New technologies springs to mind, both old and new.
Neo-nazis are degenerate retards, but they have their hearts in the right place.
Anyone who calls them self fascist on here is either memeing or is 100% full Mussolini/Hitler fascist.
sure thing dude
>Just because someone was born in a shitty situation doesn't mean they have a duty to stay there.
We have legal means available
Furthermore, just because someone was born in a shitty situation doesn't mean we have to care for them
>Do you believe that black people are less intelligent than white?
Statistically, on average yes
I have met many tremendously intelligent and capable black people
The residents (or at least the government) of South Africa don't fall into this category
In what way is Obama populism?
Multiculturalism ≠ diversity
Multiculturalism is a form of Marxism which sees all cultures and value systems as equal. The problem with this comes with cultures and value systems that violate rights and laws of western countries. For example, how Muslim migrants in Germany (hbd Hitler btw) get let off the hook for degenerate things like rape, because their culture is different than secular German born citizens. People's problem with multiculturalism isn't that chinese restaurants exist, it's shit like migrants getting free passes to rape infidels because governments want to virtue signal.
Identity politics
that fat faggot will buy you one way ticket to hell of south-east asia again you dumb cocksucker
OP, you don't understand it because you're trying to concentrate many disparate political philosophies & ideologies into an easily digestible, ready-made "movement". But this isn't The Left, where we receive our marching orders from agenda driven international financiers. And that's why they lost.
You say anti-activist but the truth is we are the true activists. We are active not only at the political level, but at the social & cultural level. Real activism is treated dismissively & with indifference. Controlled activism is promoted by fake news, official institutions & universities - and condones globalism. We reject artificial constraints & are dissenting against prevailing attitudes of "globalism fuck yeah" & "fuck me harder daddyjew".
WE ARE the activists & now the (((ownership class))) has poked the dragon one time too many.