Mexican designers show that Trump's proposed $21 billion wall would be nearly impossible to build

>Mexican designers show that Trump's proposed $21 billion wall would be nearly impossible to build


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Don't make "Mexican designers" jokes

why would we pay attention to what "mexican designers" would say?

To be fair, most US designers thought it would be a god damned mess.

>Chinks with no electricity or modern building tools build one a thousand years ago
>the most technologically advanced nation in history won't be able to do it in the current year

you need to kill yourself, bucko

not clicking that link, but is that the actual design in the picture?

that shit could stop a Kaiju

Because they're building it.

But they make excellent columbian neckties

>Mexican designers

That didn't take long


they are only paying for the wall

You guys did this, like 1000 years ago

There's a target in it and a lack of sombrero'd skulls.

So I'm guessing no.


I came here just to post
>Mexican designers

To be feasible it needs to be 10' higher.

hopefully they don't embarrass Mexico as bad as their warlocks

>Almost impossible

include me in the screencap

>Mexican designers

The US has built almost 50,000 miles of 4 lane interstates crisscrossing the country. The idea that we couldn't build a 2,000 mile long 2 lane access road and a concrete barrier with barbed wire on top + various cameras & seismic sensors along the way is just silly.

Eminent domain - Wikipedia

>mexican designers
>mexican intellectuals
>mexican warlocks
>mexican """"""people""""""


Mexicans sure are smart!

>You guys

those "mexicans" are no more, actual mexishits are 5'1 savage monkeys beheading everyone on sight

Literally the only reason I clicked on the thread

>Mexican designers


>nearly impossible to build

It's a fucking wall, it's not difficult.

hay Mexico, hows that wall on your south border going?