Sup Forums I need some advice from race realists

Sup Forums I need some advice from race realists.

I'm black and my family is stupid. Like sub 100 iq stupid. But they are the brand of stupid that thinks it's smart. In fact that's where my story starts. You see, about 4 years ago my dad (my mom and dad are divorced) wanted to go take an iq test because he wanted to get into Mensa. He dragged me along and made me take one too because why not. He scored I think 90 or something. Below average. But I scored 140.

You would think that would be a good thing but it wasn't at all. First off he didn't accept the results of his test and got angry with them. But more importantly he, being a fucking idiot, seeing my score thought that I must be some sort of genius. He pulled me out of high school and tried to get me to apply for college even though I hadn't even taken the SAT yet. 2 years later I was living on my own and working at McDonald's.

I moved half way across the country to get more in touch with my mother. I hoped that she would be less retarded and a bit more comfortable to be around. She wasn't. I can see why the courts gave custody of me to my father. She's still living with her mom, and is about 10,000usd in debt. When she found out that I like to read about obscure science topics she tried to start a conversation about quantum mechanics. She had no fucking idea what she was talking about. But she thought she did. It was actually painful to spend time with her.

This isn't atypical of my experience with other black people. So my question is, as a black person, why should I even bother? Seeing my parents, it really doesn't seem like there's any reason for me to expect to do any more. Seeing other people of my race act like chimps, how can I be sure that I'm not just like them but too stupid to realize it? I guess what I'm asking is, what's the point of even living if you're black? Are we just lost causes?

Other urls found in this thread:–Kruger_effect

life is struggle or something and suffering is good you are self aware and can at least type basic english so youre like king of the niggers

with AA you can probably get a pretty nice job find some smart black bitch to have a family with or whatever

If you have an iq of 140 you should cut ties with the rest of the black community and try becoming an honorary white. You seem to have more in common with white folk.

only advice I can give you is, You can choose your friends but you can't choose your family. hang in there broseph.

What Anime?

Just end your life. Deny the programming in your brain and don't reproduce to have even more niglets.

shut up and go find some white friends.

Just gonna add to this.
Even if you do become some type of honorary white, that doesn't mean its okay to race mix, that would just make you a nigger like your parents.

Honorary whites exist. Can't you apply for an SAT?

What are the benefits of joining mensa? Can they help me leave my shithole?

Get into an apprenticeship or trade. I've heard some good things about aircraft mechanic apprenticeships.

Alternatively, you could do the world a favor and KYS

at some point you just have to accept you are not like your family. for one reason or another you were spared the humiliation of being a full blown tard.

maybe it was dietary influence during early developmental phases maybe you simply were not over stimulated as a child who knows

instead of taking it personally you should use your parents as a reminder of whats out there in the world driving cars with nothing more than a thin painted line separating your vehicle from theirs

You have a 140 IQ, for fuck sake just get out into the world. There is probably a full boat scholarship for your black ass

Don't associate with blacks anymore. Start talking and acting like a white man.

Learn everything you can and give it all you got. Make children and teach them values , they will be smarter , so will their children. Maybe not in one or two generations but human brain can improve even if its genetically different to one another. The black people are held back not by genes alone but self hinderance and lack of commitment.

This, every black individual that I meet that adopts midwest diction = hella successful.

Your IQ is meaningless without discipline.

Gimme sauce on that anime QT and I will teach you

Looks like to me
could be wrong

>1 Post by this ID
I'll take the bait
You are an oppressed minority and "intelligent" thus you can rule the world now

Try to find a nice white person and racemix

netherlands what are you doing?!

Will Sup Forums advise this Black American into a functional and productive member of society?

Just follow your own path, they may be your parents but you're a grown man/woman/whatever.

And this: Do not let anyone, ANYONE, black or white, make you down.

>When she found out that I like to read about obscure science topics she tried to start a conversation about quantum mechanics. She had no fucking idea what she was talking about. But she thought she did.
Your mum sounds like she could be not that terrible of a person. I mean she's a fuckup but you will be as well in the future so don't judge her this harshly.

hand + timestamp pls

You shouldn't. You should commit suicide.

The only answer is to cut all family ties and surround yourself with people that you DO want to be around with. Easier said than done of course.

Good luck.

You're the type of guy that gives me hope that whites and black COULD actually coexist in the same country.


I'm not sure of your age, but...hear me out...I'd suggest tou join the military. You'll be fed, you'll be housed, you'll learn a trade, and you'll have money for education when you get out.

>Not the Army, though

If you have 20/20 eyesight I'd say go into the Air Force...they might let you get into pilot training if you score well...they usually like college grads, though. Afterward you could fly for FedEx...they love ex-military pilots.

If you're blind as a bat, go into the Navy. Be a plumber. I know a bunch of plumbers/boilermakers that do very well.
Navy would also allow you to get away from family and travel the world.

Good luck, user.

>But they are the brand of stupid that thinks it's smart.

Dunning-Krueger effect... it's more common than you realize.–Kruger_effect

Just find some other intelligent black people and make them your new family.

It kinda sounds like your dad was trying to turn you into money, to be honest.

leave or die, nigger

I only posted once because I'm just trying to see if there's any general concensus behind the advice I'm given. It doesn't really require an extended discussion, unless that's specifically what you want. It feels a little tactless to bump your own blogpost thread to me though.


its ok op you can say nigger

It will be fine, just marry a White woman.

Go back to african and never and never have children.

You're aware of your surroundings and how you don't fit in. You'll be fine user, there are others like you. We're all here.

And not all of us hate blacks.

If you can't even do reverse google image search, you have nothing to teach a person with a 140 iq.

If your answer is anything other than kill yourself nigger you're a cuck.

As one of the rare Negros of high intelligence, the best thing you can do is promote a separate nation for blacks, and foster separatist sympathies within the black community. It would be best for both the white and black races to exist and develop within their own societies. Given enough time and focus, blacks could eventually develop to the point of being on-par with whites. Liberia was actually a pretty decent nation for a good while until military coups and civil wars fucked everything up, so the idea of a black separatist nation is at least somewhat viable.

Based Korea.

He will never be an honorary white. At best he will be a house nigger.
A better Idea would be to save up some money, go to Liberal and become a king using superior intellect.

All this IQ stuff aside, remember that Yahushua (Jesus) considers what is in the heart the most important. The sick, the lame, the mentally compromised all came to Him and He healed them, accepted them and viewed them by their position and merit. Identity politics is poison. White, black, yellow, we are all the same in front of God. Just remember that before you digest some of the things on this message board. There are a lot of very disturbed individuals who come here, as well as the crowd of ironically racist troll. Get right with Jesus, obey His law (all of it) and avoid pride. Advocate for your family and others of your tribe to humble themselves before God as well. Pride is a killer brother.

Anyway, that is my 2 cents. YHWH bless you. Check out the Hebrew Israelites. You might like them.

you must be new here
my family is white and stupid and I haven't spoken to them for a year. Get yourself where you need to be and make as good a life for yourself as you can, then see how you can help your community.

take as many as you can to africa and set up a new nation.

avg black iq in america hovers around 82, that includes mulattos and 1.4 black people, as well as half nig half spic monstrosities. pure blacks have a maximal avg iq of around 75, which means the TOP 1% of pureblood niggers have an iq the same as the average white

unless you're the top 1%, there's a strong chance you are also sub 100. recall the dunning kruger effect.

we don't want the "good" ones like sharpton or ta nehisi coates, because they just encourage the dumb ones to kill whites.

you're not smart. you're probably not "good."

leave, or die.

>Tfw too intelligent to do the work others will do for me

You have a lot to learn


join military. pick combat job. serve honorably. marry within your own race. congrats: you're no longer a nigger.

Yes or just organize a small militia group in america then go to Liberia and take it for yourself.

addendum: child iq rarely deviates more than 1/3 of an SD away from that of the parents, and WHEN it does, it's almost always downward. This has to do with a combination of genetic damage and regression to the mean.

if both of your parents are retarded, it means you're certainly also retarded, and blaming them for 'ruining' your life.

no nigger has a good life. if you weren't blaming your nigger parents, you'd be blaming whitey.

leave or die.

You're already better than 90% of your race dude, just work hard and you'll be alright.

Fucking traitor

Honestly, start a back to Africa movement and get blacks back to their home continent.
Make Africa great again.

If you're IQ is really 140, you'll never be at home with other blacks anyhow. Just give up.

It's like a fag child in the country. You can never win. You simply have to find a new family of outcasts to lean on as a support structure. YEAH DIVERSITY!

>Sup Forums misadvicing a fine specimen because of their race complexes

just don't get caught in gangsta black culture, dress white, act white, shouldn't be hard since you have a white brain

As a tourist when I go to the US I immediately fear all these black men groupped up with their saggy pants and big coats and saying random gibberish. It's way different when a black man is properly dressed, I feel really safe and generally those who do are normally very kind and sympathethic.

They could probably help you network. In the end smart people get good positions in companies if they're so smart.

but in murica red is the right?

I guess you could teach him about that. Although he could probably learn plenty about not doing work from his own people.

If his post is real and not bait, he's plainly at least of average intelligence.

Also, it's late, fellow expat, go to bed.

Are you calling op a liar?

Hey look at me imma nazi hur dur kill yourself

Nah bro you have the world open to you, get a GED, be fiscally conservative, learn how to invest, get into a trade or mabye the military or if your scores are good enough get your associates at a community college and transfer into a high end stem school.

Or you could be like your parents and most of the fags on Sup Forums and waste your potential.

his iq is not 140. 140 is 1/10k individuals for whites, and closer to 1/5million for niggers. the z score is SO low and SO unlikely it isn't even printed on statistical charts.

einstein was probably around 145, for fucking reference.

this is either a troll or a stupid as fuck nigger who took an online test

No. The difference within a cohort is larger than the difference between racial groups.

Meaning IQ or "intelligence" in general is something that develops from generation to generation e.g. in central Europe within 100 years the IQ increased about 4 standard deviations.

You seem like a smart guy and are an excellent example of my first point.

He will still be a nigger. Stop trying to change and redefine the definitions of words to fit your narrative like a liberal. Low IQ people are retarded. Blacks are niggers.
Its like saying not call white people are crackers. The very definition of cracker is a derogatory term for white people.

Truth be told, I think Liberia is just a wholly lost cause at this point, and it probably isn't a good starting point for the development of any black-separatist nation.

...what exactly leads you to that accusation?

This is the point you break and start to understand that in order to have a future in this world, you need to swallow the redpill and become a black nationalist. "What does that mean?!" It means you should start to rescue your culture and start to seed your new values. If you're an intelligent black man, look for an intelligent black woman, and get a fresh start for your family. Now you have an intelligent black family, and that's how you start to change things, just make sure your kids won't fuck up with the current promoted nigger (((culture))).

Understand that, being a black nationalist doesn't mean being against white nationalists or even asian nationalists. Once you care about your kin and start to value it, you will care about the others as well. Different races have different problems, and you have a long path to walk.

its a bad idea anyway, cgp grey did a pretty convincing video on why dictatorships are shit and will stay that way

they could be remnants of infiltrators from reddit or leftypol

I will repeat this as many times as I need to. niggers with 140 iq points don't exist.

140 would be the average iq of an elite physicist who makes breakthroughs, such as newton.

you'll note that despite money pouring out of the ears for nigg physicists, the best they have is black science guy, who FAILED at his incredibly easy astronomy phd, btw

Wrong you dumb nigger. Has kek taught you nothing? Make order from the chaos.

The only way to survive as a black with average or above average IQ in America is to come to grips that you're a special snowflake for your specific race. Don't bother with the hood or ghetto speak. You need to go full Alfonso Ribeiro. I would also realize that you are a privileged class in the USA and that your bar is set far lower being non-white. You'll have to deal with that in your head and push it down deep.

>> Envious sub 100 IQ "white"

Also malnutrition is a big thing for low intelligence.

>Seeing other people of my race act like chimps, how can I be sure that I'm not just like them but too stupid to realize it?
Use objective measures like standardized tests. You sound 120+ IQ just from your writing.

>I guess what I'm asking is, what's the point of even living if you're black?
There's no objective point to anything other than goals you decide to set. You are an individual and are responsible for yourself, not anyone else. Find a group based on similar interests/values, not race. Every person with a 130+ IQ is going to be alienated from mainstream culture even in a racially homogeneous society.

When AIs completely take over in about 12 years even the most intelligent humans will seem retarded by comparison, that is unless they have connected their brains to a synthetic neocortex cloud.

I'm not kidding.

I am very proud of you user.

>> Has no clue how IQ works...

Back to the cheap plastic toys factory, plz

nah dude if you kill urself, think about how many new things you will miss

>durr dumb nigger hurr

Whatever race you are, LEAVE toxic family behind and move forward.

As ANY person, improve your life by changing your environment. Intelligence thrives on challenge among and interaction with smart people.

Also beware of IQ tests. I've taken them twice and scored 99 and 147.

Instead, do things which challenge you then consider results thoughtfully to get reasonable feedback.

No matter what race you are, lower classes a shit. Make money, get educated and kick ass. That's it, that's all, and this advice is proven constantly by outcomes.

I think white and black nationalists should be allies against the juden, with the knowledge that neither of us want to intermix, with the ultimate goal of geographic separation and improving each other's respective race

I have great respect for a black man that openly says he doesn't want his people mixed with my people, doesn't want either of our identities removed, and wants to go separate ways in the end. no respect for liberal blacks who want to poach white genes.

First. I actually tested and was accepted for mensa, so I know your lying. I know because MENSA never tells you your score. Only if you pass or fail. If you pass your induction letter actually specifically states that MENSA will not release your score but congratulates on passing because your score was within the top 2%.
Fucking liar

You are asking these questions. You have introspection. You actually question your self-worth. Low IQ people do not question, they posture. They value themselves highly regardless of their accomplishments and attack anyone who would question their supposed high value.

You are you. You are not your race and you are most certainly not representative of your race. Be a good person and you'll eventually meet good people willing to look part your blackness. Just understand that the average person can't tell you apart from the rest, as you are literally the Newton of your people IQ-wise. Exceedingly, unicorn-rare.

Average black IQ is near 70 worldwide, higher when mixed with Europeans/Asians.

Absolutely nothing. You can go to meetings of a bunch of autists with inflated egos.

>When AIs completely take over in about 12 years
What a fucking moron. Cut down on the Reddit lurking FFS.

people can get all the way down to 88 or so without exhibiting noticeable spoken anomalies.

you will note that many spics and arabs are intelligent enough to PRETEND to be more intelligent. which is how we end up with black science guy who can probably barely do tenser calc, but who can speak... not well at all, actually

also note: the fact he even THINKS he's 140 iq, and the ridiculous magnitude of 140 seeming probably both significantly indicate he is below average.

dumb people are both more likely to be wrong, and are wrong by larger magnitudes

he's muh dikking/muh spinnin rims with his iq

anyway, I'm NEETing it up in the land of my ancestors. no need to wagecuck. comfy.jpg

OP wold never lie..

>> "Rescue your culture".
Wtf do you mean by that? Living in mud huts and believing in sorcery?
Nah man, this "back to the roots" idea of culture is fucking awful and divisive.

Se didn't take a Mensa test itself. Mensa accepts other iq tests so you can take another test and give it to them afterwards if it's acceptable. Although I still doubt the validity of the test.

How white pussiz like?

pic related is a black man. his IQ is probably the same as the average white IQ in America. he's against niggertry: acting like a nigger. this is why he isn't a nigger. please stop being 15 yrs old.

try to get a job at NASA, that's where all the smart blacks work

monkey using jew tactics

just because you say it doesn't mean it's true

shout that race doesn't exist 1k times and drown out the rational voice. you can fool people up until the point they hang you from a pole

Exactly, we should want for ethnic and cultural separation, while not harming each other in the process, but instead, helping each other when necessary. The improvement for both races would be drastic, many blacks would understand the problem is not white people, and white people would finally get those white children rates up again, for example. It would be what South Africa could/should have been without the mistakes.

I never said anything about dictators. Liberia was a constitutional republic up until the 80s. Also,
>cgp grey

In the case of the original formation of Liberia (which again, as I said, was a rather decent nation for quite a while), we gave the Americo-Liberians a bunch of their own land and helped them set up colonies/infrastructure--the only thing they really had to worry about were indigenous peoples. They were able to largely develop their own communities and cultures in a relatively peaceful environment (with western guidance).

If we were to drop blacks into Liberia nowadays, it would pretty much just be adding fuel to the fire. The Liberians of today share pretty much nothing in common with the American blacks of today, and the nation is a complete shithole. Shipping our blacks over there would do nothing but amplify the number of niggers killing each other. It would have none of the same qualities that made the original Liberia a semi-successful experiment. At that point, you may as well just ship our blacks over to any other shithole African country and hope for similar results.

Doesn't really matter if he's bullshitting or telling the truth. Blacks are fucked as a culture and group in the USA. He will always be looked upon as having privilege and being given handouts. Matters little if he actually earns anything because of how institutionalized the racism is against whites/asians.

Do as white people do: live as an individual.

See people like neil degreese tyson?
Do you see him hanging around blacks?
Do the same.

>brand of stupid that thinks it's smart
thats common amongst every race

i hope even blacks realize that reason blacks or any other race is considered a serious threat is that socialists went and feed the idiots to become masses and eventually any trace of smart ppl in a race are pushed into minority or possibly completely wiped out

that what socialists and "world helpers" do, they want to pleasure themselves by giving themselves status for "helping" others, when in reality it does exact the opposite

your post isn't redundant, but I just want to highlight to other anons just how transparently stupid of a nigger OP is

if any of you legitimately sympathize with him or believe him, you need to exit the gene pool

>double digit IQ negroes producing child in the 99th percentile

Yeah, I don't buy it.

Because some retard from Taiwan said so? Kys user.

Redpill whites on how niggerish your family is.

You are the resistance. Always say no to the herbal jew, and drink whiskey. No more rap and nigger culture. It's white man blue collar work and music until you earn a white collar job.

Marry a jew and convert. Become deep cover black jewman and redpill Jews. goyim will think you're a novelty until you redpill them on Jews. In the end, you'll convert more liberals to actually hating themselves and their promotion of nigger culture. Two or three things could happen, liberals go closet racist and get less involved, or they convert to hating niggers like you.

Don't give up, and get DNA tested to see if you have genetic nigger qualities or actual black man qualities (Douglas, Carver, Washington, Cosby, Pendergrass, etc)

Nah, man. There are plenty of smart black folks. Don't fall for the eugenics hype. It's an agenda & a failed agenda at that.

Best thing you can do is maximize your potential by working hard, not spending your savings on worthless consumer goods, prioritize your health & approach life with an unbiased mentality.

Also, cut your folks some slack. Yeah, they sound like bums - but guess what. About 85% of all people are bums, regardless of their melanin content or lack thereof. Hating your family is what (((they))) want.

Find a niche you're good and passionate about and pursue it relentlessly.