Why do we hate these alphas Pol?


source ?

All the smartest Indians flee to america. India stays a huge shit hole.

welp, they're american now. thanks, india

They're not 1.5%, they're around 1.25%.

I am joining soon:)



Camp nou

Eternal pajeet

Your country has an average IQ of like 80... how does this work?

The hand full of smart ones leave.

IQ is a meaningless measure that only measures the ability to predict what the creator of the test wants to hear/read/see.

IQ test be racist towards Indians

You forgot 50% of all hotel owners

>100% of the street shitters
stay out of our country we dont want you here

Source: OPs poo filled ass

90% of the people who shit on the ocean are indians
90% of fecal matter found in food are from indians who don't fucking clean their hands

see, I can also make stuff up
oh wait...

Trying too hard Portugal.
Remember you are Indian clay now.

Are they alphas as well

Source? 38 percent of American doctors cant be Indians. Hospitals would smell like shit and nobody would want to go inside. Also intel scientists?

Intel and AMD you name it brah

Indian doctors are the best doctors

>12% scientist

Kek, poos can't even speak English



Nothing wrong with it tough

lmao that's funny

Oh no haha, proof against white privilege how terrible. Thanks for these statistics

I once worked in a private clinic that served a lot of Microsoft employees, and other Indians in the tech industry.

My Indian patients - the women especially - were very different from white American patients.

For instance, if an Indian woman broke her ankle, she would want to know what lifestyle changes she could make to be healthier during her recovery, including diet, exercise, etc. The Indian women wanted to discuss science, philosophy, religion. They wanted to know how their recovery and treatment would affect their children and families, and how to make the best of the situation.

If a white American woman from this same neighborhood broke her ankle, it always involved falling down while shitfaced drunk and trying to post a selfie to Facebook - Every. Single. Time.
They also wanted to talk about reality television and makeup and their iphones.
They also always wanted painkillers and self-treated with wine and laying on their asses rather than doing physical therapy. A year later the break would heal so badly it would require corrective surgery.

the moral of this story? Be like India, Sup Forums. Encourage your girls to go into the STEM disciplines and to value intelligence. Teach them to not glorify ignorance and decadence.

why you are proud of traitors ,they should work for your poor country

Do your own research.