Chaffetz Considers Resigning

What does it mean?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Trump offers complete authorization to investigate whatever you want
>Investigate whatever you want
>Get blackmailed
>Investigate resigning

/ourguy/ has abandoned us
looks like (((they))) want to stop his clinton investigation... sigh
at least they didn't kill him

I dont know, i dont understand english either.

Smells like the Deep State to me

Shabbos go

Isn't it amazing how these guys were so gun-ho and energized when Obama and the DNC were blocking them from success? Now that the obstacles are removed they are completely inept little pieces of shit. Amazing, I tell ya.

Bill Clinton was a mistake.

Sorta like how the republicans can do whatever they want now, but it seems like all they want is to do nothing.

>to spend more time with his family

Podesta ripping on him should be a big clue

how fucked are we XD

He took the easy way out, the (((FBI))) will just plant pedo porn and bust him otherwise.

ya think ya hot shit DONTCHA


Daily Dose:

deep state won. Your boy Trump isn't gonna do shit and will make things worse. Democrats will come back again because of him and the repubs. Shit is fucked

>A Utah source now confirming that Chaffetz resignation expected as early as tomorrow.

I can't fucking wait to see what drops, extramarital affair? Taking illegal bribes? Something to do with Trump?

At least this shit is painfully obvious now. That's the only positive way to look at it.

Rats fleeing a sinking ship.

>Trump will MAGA hahaha
>Dems BTFO hahaha
>Dems losing this hard hahaha
>....ruh roh
Dems will come back with a vengeance. Antifa will be the new mainstream. We're fucked boys.

He's even dirtier than Sup Forums suspected.

Calm the fuck down it's been 3 months since inauguration

Y'all need Jesus

Flynn is out
Bannon has been sidelined
China is no longer a currency manipulator
NATO is important again
Kushner is more or less the shadow SoS and he's pursuing boilerplate neocon polices
NAFTA won't be renegotiated and there will be no tariff tax on Mexico or China
Obamacare is still law

When is Trump going to start winning?

Amen, man.

We are losing all our alt-right e-celebs too!
It's divide and conquer, take the loudest supporters away and Trump will be bare naked.

>We are losing all our alt-right e-celebs too!
Most of those people were never true believers to begin with, they were in it for the book deals, money and profile.

know that trump himself has stated there is no in-fighting and the banner/kushner thing is all media bullshit

No way to tell, nu/pol/. All you posted was a headline.

Kushner/Ivanaka wanted a show of force against Assad, Bannon wants Assad left alone. Bannon wanted to punish China with tariffs, Kushner/Ivanka want to expand their brands in China and cut deals with the Chinese government, its simple shit.

>extramarital affair?

Podesta's "family" tweet would hint in this direction.

we see a proof of that where, homie? i see no right-leaning outlet that states this. its ALL conjecture that was being spewed on Sup Forums during the fucking raid by antifa and /sg/ being angry. you are dangerously close to being called a fucking shill

>listening to podesta



First it was Bannon as shadow-president etc etc etc.

Now its Ivanka and Kushner. What else besides the Syria-"attack" was Ivanka/Kushner behind?. If they are the globalist/neocon-shills in charge, they're failing badly with Syria. Best Korea might be different.

using the same thought process based on what you are saying, im going to say you are working for shareblue directly trying to disrupt support for trump by driving a wedge between Sup Forums users and have them question themselves and their own actions. hillary herself is orchestrating all of this and has told everyone to keep any mention of any people out of all discussion and to keep all light on the republicans, but to ensure that light is twisted with lies to try to make the right look evil.

Jews told him to step aside.

Whatever you want, for me it seems that the MSM/Shareblue is rotating between the people behind Trump and say that they are in charge. Pence -> Bannon etc.

oh man, well if Trump said it

Inb4 he takes bill o Reilly's spot on fox

So you think Chaffetz is being forced out for digging into the Clintons? Do you think Gowdy is in danger then?

link to tweet?

what the hell...i'll not be buying into the official story, muh personal time, wife, kids.

who is forcing him to step down? and why?

>Chaffetz forced out
holy shit nowhere near the fucking article does it say this

it means hes a fucking coward

Does any one have the saved threads of a democratic operative that supposedly had insider knowledge on all of congress. I remember him specifically mentioning chaffeatz but i cant remember what he said about him.

Possible larp but he was saying stuff about hillary using male prostitutes etc.

None of that shit has ever been proven true, there is no WH insider, no FBIanon, all of that shit is made up.

whoa, that made me really sleepy