How do we stop women doing this to themselves Sup Forums?
How do we stop women doing this to themselves Sup Forums?
>what is burn the coal pay the toll
Women will learn only after the fact. Not before, but after. Nothing will change their nature.
Least we forget that evolution is a constant process: The dumb ones will date niggers (no hate towards black people though (Yes there's a difference, black people are redpilled for instance).
Every coal burner should be marked in some way. This is her scarlet letter for betraying her race. If she wasn't scared no self respecting white man would know if she was a coal burner.
It's better this way.
Holy shit I hope he's executed. Also where did he even get acid from?
They don't, there's an american model who suffered the same destiny and she burned the coal again and had a mulato son.
luckily looks don't matter, it's what's on the inside that counts (learned this in government school)
Agreed. Nigger did a favor to us.
Fuck white women, we cant save them anymore.
The asian(women(female))/white(man(male)) alliance is the only way forward.
Why? If she had broken into a gorilla enclosure and got her face ripped off, would you blame the gorilla, or her?
Inc stormfags calling you nu Sup Forums
I thought Italians weren't white?
she won a stupid prize
>for playing a stupid game
if she doesnt publicly forgive her attacker she needs to be arrested for racism
Asian women are the ones who cheat the most
They are complete trash just like 60% of "white" women
what the hell he's done with her jeans?
>stop women from doing this to themselves
They're sorting themselves out tbqh
We don't, fucking moron. We're not a tribe, I couldnt care less about what these cunts to with their lives. You have no power over them anyway, odds are they will do even worst just to piss you off. Stop thinking like a god damn tribe.
>Beauty Queen/Model
>Tattoos and shiet
you probably don't know because you're from russia, but where we come from here
>normal pantaloons = 50€
>pantaloons with the rips = 150€
no one cared who i was until i put on the mask
>We're not a tribe
There is nothing more cuck than not having your tribe
Go be citizen of the world somewhere else faggot
>Also where did he even get acid from?
It's not that hard to get or make corrosive liquids.
In India they sell high quality acids over the counter to the point women's rights groups (in India) try to ban the OTC sale of them. Just coincidentally the practice of throwing acid in the face of women is sky high there.
But remember, it's the west that has a problem with women. With our "rape culture". Pointing out other cultures have bigger problems is just racism.
If you want to learn how to avoid paying tolls, ask the Greeks.
That didn't really work out for them
>bankrupting multiple times a year
embrace islam and interprate the Quran in a way which prohibits race mixing
thats serious business
she was very beautiful before holy shit man
The irony of them meeting in an aquarium and now she looks like a fish
>We're not a tribe
>Stop thinking like a god damn tribe
I guess it kinda depends on which country you're in. Here in Finland most of them would definitely not be considered white, since most Finns are so pale, have fair hair and blue eyes.
Nothing. We want them to go to hell.
Why would you want to stop that? kek
wait, white men don't abuse women?
You guys believe you have any sort of power over a blond chick who like to suck black cocks on the other side of the world... You won't even have that power over your own daughters. Good luck to you :)
Well, at least it ain't the Day of the Rope
>The dumb ones will date niggers (no hate towards black people though (Yes there's a difference, black people are redpilled for instance).
Of course swen is gonna defend niggers and consider some niggers to not be niggers.
You won't let a nigger fuck your wife rather a black intellect preform the act of insemination of his semenial fluids by the act of intercourse into her ovarian region.
who says we live in an unjust universe?
>j-j-just ignore my cuck rhetoric
>f-f-ocus on my bait
Choose the wrong race lose your face
You didn't close your second parenthesis. Now your post won't compile.
what's up with the white knights in the article comments, whitebois lining up to keep their women safe for jamal
You can easily get strong corrosives or, better, strong bases anywhere in a supermarket
the shit about nigger =/= blacks, why would you say that? if this is actually how you think, then why don't you just say Niggers and stop there - knowing that "blacks" are not included in that.
On a different note I have had similar thoughts about evolution. If one look at South America, like Brazil for instance; then white skin tone appear to float to the top of any merti-based system, government, business, science etc.
I think the same will happen globally.
Even the toll was burning.
Hahaha burn the coal pay the toll.
This shit is old news. It happens everywhere to roasties around the world. Especially in India with shitskin girls, and sand nigger country's
If you want us to say "kill all the niggers and wipe them out,and build a wall", than here you go.
smart people learn the from mistakes of others.
If other women can't learn from her case, then they have it coming.
their body, their choice
Weed out the weak and the stupid.
>Fuck white women, we cant save them anymore.
>The asian(women(female))/white(man(male)) alliance is the only way forward.
You're just pissy because white women won't have sex with you
>pic related
well, good luck making an alpha male out of a hapa son
if you're lucky you'll have a daughter that'll become a porn star
>How do we stop women doing this to themselves Sup Forums?
End socialism. Suddenly muscular tall men with an IQ of 50 don't seem so attractive any more.
Why should I care about women who won't fuck me? German and Swedish women are now crying about being raped by the invaders they invited in. Why should I have sympathy for these idiots?
Its impossible for a woman to resist an alpha male.
Come to memeball general
She deserved it. The guy should be deported for good but he should not serve any jail time.
Her toll has been paid, now what?
Blacked with acid stupid cunt got your devil share