I am a trans woman, that means I was born with a biological male body but my gender (gender is not the same as sex) is female.
Sup Forums, why do you fight against my right to change my body so it is aligned with my gender, as well as my right to change my documents to reflect my true gender identity?
Does it really bother you that much what someone does with their body? Is it so hard to respect people who were unfortunately assigned the wrong sex at birth?
The only right trannies have is the right to kill themselves.
Fuck off
Nolan Flores
I'm not gonna read your shit. Kill yourself, degenerate faggot.
Oliver Russell
Stop confusing our children
Thomas Roberts
because it's fucking degenerate and why aren't you as intelligent as other apes like koko
Robert Scott
Nice argument.
Andrew Reyes
Michael Baker
I don't care if you want to cut off your wiener and shit in the ladies room.
Parker Williams
Fine. I'll elaborate.
You are a man in a dress with massive man hands, an Addams apple, heavy facial features, and you are fooling nobody but yourself.
You will never have a period.
You will never have a baby.
You are a man.
Evan Rivera
Actually no one is fighting YOUR rights, you are fighting OURS
In most developed countries it is legal to present yourself as whichever gender you please. Sex change operations are not largely illegal, the only reason this topic is being argued about is because transgendered individuals want get right to use the bathroom of their choice (important to note NOT a gender less bathroom, but access to specific, private facilities)
This "transgender movement" has absolutely nothing to gain except the total annhilation of traditional lifestyle
Tyler Perry
Trans people are just like autistic children Except the autistic children actually do something
Bentley Wilson
Absolutely disgusting.
Brayden Robinson
I don't have a biological male body. That does not mean I am not of the female gender though. Sex and gender are different concepts.
Juan Taylor
Nice moon blood! HAHAHA If you cut your dick every month people might believe you.
Colton Jones
Samuel Parker
Sex and gender as "different concepts" is garbage you tell yourself to feel normal, to feel "correct" or "enlightened."
The truth is you sound like a crazy person. Just babbling on about how your gender is female.
You are not a woman. You are a man.
Logan Thomas
>Implicando que você é trans. Eu preciso de provas aqui.
>Where you get your hormones and blockers. >What's the dosage of each. >What state are you from.
Jose Hill
You have a mental illness When people hear voices doctors dont tell their patients to have conversations with them Stop dwelling on the fact and it would have never bothered you.
Parker Moore
You are not actually a woman, the same way I am not actually Spider-Man on Halloween.
Oliver Lee
Why don't we just put signs on bathrooms that say
>Biological Male >Biological Female
problem solved right?
Jordan Thompson
You're a man, and will always biologically be a man, just cause you cut your limp dick off won't change the mental illness you have you faggot.....do the world a favor and blow your brains out, at least then you will have accomplished something in your mentally retarded existence.
Justin Barnes
Post tits and boipucci faggot
Grayson Fisher
There somewhere is written proof that walstreet tried to feminine Brazil to sell gem shit there. They however, did not expect that would create gays n shit. As long as money gets to their pockets, they don't give a fuck
Chase Butler
Hudson Mitchell
You want to be a woman, You really really really really want to be a woman. You are not a woman. Putting your fingers in your ears and screaming "I AM A WOMAN LALALALALALA" does not make you a woman. Tough luck, learn to be a man. Learn to love yourself.
Robert Hill
Post feminine penis huenigger
Angel Nelson
I do not have the biological body of a cat. That does not mean I am not of the feline species. Biology and self perceptions are different concepts
Alexander White
False symmetry.
Owen Myers
this whole thread is just "LA LA LA I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG GET IN YOU'RE GAS CHAMBER XDDD" I'm sick of neo/pol/ Thanks for trying tho OP
Ethan Evans
Lol this guy is fucking crazy
Joseph Russell
See You stupid whiteknight
Liam Powell
You're thinking of "false equivalence" and no, it is not.
Benjamin Nelson
You are attempting to change the definition of woman from a simple biological determination to a series of what amount to fashion and lifestyle choices.
By doing so, you reduce the female experience to: wearing dresses, makeup, acting "feminine," taking dick, etc.
This is extremely damaging to real women, who can no longer claim womanhood simply by existing, but must now further reduce themselves to patriarchal rules in order to be considered as much of a woman as you. See: Caitlyn Jenner being named one of Glamour's women of the year, despite doing little other than taking some hormones and dressing up like a rich grandmother.
You want equality between the sexes? Why, if there is no longer any meaningful distinction other than choice of clothing? Are you okay with athletic sports being dominated entirely by the XY chromosome, pushing all XX women to the sidelines? Are you okay with men changing their gender to claim female-only scholarships or business credits, then reverting back whenever they choose?
Transgender people exist because they are unable to come to terms with their homosexuality, and must instead craft a female persona to make it okay to fuck guys. Just be a guy who wears dresses and makeup, and maybe chops of their dick or gets breasts or whatever. You'll be living the exact same life as before, except that you won't be living the lie of changing one's gender.
Hunter Murphy
Your body, your right. Just don't expect everyone to be accepting.
Grayson Harris
Hmm. This checks out.
Andrew Turner
You are not biologically female so your documents should not reflect the fact you're biologically female. Really, you are a mentally ill individual who should be seeking therapy to come to terms with the fact that no amount of plastic surgery and hormone therapy will change your chromosomes or physical biology.
Camden Kelly
>False symmetry False Dichotomy hue.
Second it absolutely is not. "Gender" was just a way to clarify language until ideologues took over it to make it subjective.
Samuel Miller
Thread is bait, stop arguing with a favelado monkey trying to trigger you guys. user hasn't answered anything that would prove he's a tranny to begin with.
Jacob Brooks
>Does it really bother you that much what someone does with their body? Yes. >Is it so hard to respect people who were unfortunately assigned the wrong sex at birth? Yes.
Now go kill yourself prematurely, you're wasting oxygen that could have sustained a perfectly good hamster instead.
Anthony Sullivan
>I was born with a biological male body but my gender (gender is not the same as sex) is female.
No, you're a mentally ill man who has a delusion about being a woman, the same as Anorexics who have a delusion about being fat or schizophrenics who have a delusion about hearing voices.
At the end of the day, you're an adult and it is your choice if you want to pump yourself full of hormones, mutilate your body, and commit suicide sometime around age 35. The real problem is that society should not be forced to accept your delusion as normal and healthy and this shit should not be pushed on children.
Adam Fisher
>can't comprehend that two very different words mean two very different things
Lincoln Richardson
You are a threat to the foundations of our society. You are the pipe dream of leftists who foolishly bought into the kikes message that destroying the foundation of society: family and values, will result in a better society. The truth is this attack on values, norms, and family simple atomizes people making them easy to manipulate. We see that in a rising hap between the elites and the commoner, in the trashing of our economies via massive debts and wasting of money on the trash of society. Governments around the world are brain washing children that gender is a social construct and evil (ahem Australia). Fuck you for being one of the things tearing the west apart and turning our great proud culture and identity into a steaming pile of turd that calls anything of true value "phobic", "bigoted", "closeminded"
Elijah Gray
We don't allow to people with body integrity identity disorder to mutilate their bodies, we try to treat them and lock them up if its needed for their own good. I don't see how gender dysphoria is different. Its way more severe if anything. Because you can become a cripple fairly easily, but you cant change your sex or gender(one word for it in Russian, they're the same), that determines by dna, not your brain and you can't change your dna, no matter how much you cut and poison your body. So instead of actual treatment, we allow for harmful body mutilations but only in one of the most severe disorders, not the rest. Its uncivilized, barbaric and decadent.
Jose Baker
Gender is linked to sex absolutely.
This was proved when psychologist John money attempted to raise two twins, one who had his penis amputated in a failed circumcision, as a female, and the other, a normal male. He would force the "girl" to wear dresses and told him he was a female. He always knew he was a man when asked about it. After leaving high school he got married but his wife divorced him and he ended up committing suicide.
Because of your retarded ass theory of gender bullshit a man had his life ruined and ended prematurely.
Samuel Turner
>gender is not the same as sex It is. You are a man and will aways be a man. No amount of dick snipping will change that.
Nicholas Bennett
Kill yourself. Your very existence is damaging the world
Easton Phillips
Basically (you) but with no body exchange technique
Brandon Walker
As long as insurance and tax dollars do not pay for your unnecessary surgeries idgaf.
Adam Jackson
Gender/sex is the same thing in English too. Feminists just made up a word to give their degenerate philosophy legitimacy.
Nathaniel Gutierrez
Camden James
>You are attempting to change the definition of woman from a simple biological determination to a series of what amount to fashion and lifestyle choices. Do you think that trans girls restrict what they do based on what will appear to make them look the best? We do whatever we like. I'm into software and hardware development (of course), which is largely seen as a gross, grueling "man hobby" >By doing so, you reduce the female experience to: wearing dresses, makeup, acting "feminine," taking dick, etc. see above >This is extremely damaging to real women, who can no longer claim womanhood simply by existing, but must now further reduce themselves to patriarchal rules in order to be considered as much of a woman as you. See: Caitlyn Jenner LMAO THAT CUNT NUGGET USED IT TO ATTRACT ATTENTION AWAY FROM THE FACT HE KILLED SOMEONE >all grapes are bad cause I found a bad grape on the sidewalk once
Luke King
Also to add. I won't see you as that new gender you've chosen. (Nor will other straight men) But if you got the money knock yourself out!
Jaxson Johnson
Problem is you have a mental illness but are unwilling to recognise this.
Jack Wright
>I am a trans woman, >woman
You are a man with a hormone deficiency.
Stop deluding yourself.
Daniel Ross
>I don't have a biological male body. You said in the OP, "I was born with a biological male body"
>Is it so hard to respect people who were unfortunately assigned the wrong sex at birth? By your own fucking definitions, sex is immutable. You were assigned the wrong GENDER (on your definitions), not the wrong SEX.
Ryder Green
>No amount of hormone therapy will change your physical biology : ^ )
Isaac Long
So why can you not do all of the same things you do now, but accept the label of male. What do you think is the definition of female that you fit into.
This is the question I always ask trans people: what is the definition of woman. They never have an answer. Why should we change from a simple definition (biological sex) to your whimsical superficial non-definition?
Jeremiah Davis
>gender is not the same as sex > then goes to say it was assigned the wrong sex at birth Even they can't keep their fibs straight. Here's the deal. There is no difference between sex and gender. America just has puritanical influences and sex was too icky of a word for young children so we used gender instead. Gender was for grammar, sex was for biology. You're mentally ill, and you need help and to not be coddled. 2mg of primozide a day will completely eradicate your feelings of transgenderism
Thomas Peterson
William Walker
I couldn't give two shits if you decide to mutilate your body to find whatever harmony you're looking for.
Just don't expect me to respect your decision and worldview. I have my views, you have yours. I mostly blame our media culture for giving you fringe lunatics a platform.
Just fuck off already.
Jack Rivera
Bentley Gray
Adrian Edwards
Ok. Is this a woman? If so, you are saying you have no problem with this person being in the same locker room naked with your daughter. Is that the case? I can promise you he's gonna keep his "TAKE ME HOME TODAY" attitude around her.
Ayden Harris
Great break down, i only want to add is the idea of being feminine is sometimes even more important than the act of changing identities itself. Why is it i never see transgender people take up the identity of a woman in say Saudi Arabia who has to wear a full burka. Its always the idea of a female as a slutty college student or punk rocker chick. Its never the clean cut conservative or even the super religous as i noted before. To me this just illustrates how it's not about gender identity, but about attention.
Zachary Powell
I'll pray for u
Joseph Watson
Oh good if there was't for that semantic differentiation you would just be a man dressing pretending to be a woman. That's lucky.
Levi Reed
>Sex and gender are different concepts. No they aren't. Quit lying to yourself. You are a man. You are not a woman. You will never be a woman.
Samuel Peterson
Implying that anyone would be ok with his child hanging around mentally sick people regarfless of gender.
Asher King
I don't care what you do to your body to get attention. But stop demanding I pay you attention. I don't want to look at you. I have a visceral, gross reaction to transgenders. That my right. I can feel however I want to. Just like you are free to lop your cock off in a desperate plea for society to pay attention to you.
Ryder Turner
Yeah they put on a huge front. I think it's extremely insulting the women character they play. Women feel things "transgenders" never will. The pain of a period, endometriosis, ovarian cancer, childbirth. Etc etc etc. Why not just accept who they are? Accept they have feminine feelings but not go to extremes of mutilating body....And have straight men still see them as freaks and a man despite their butchering.
Dominic Harris
Actually, I wish for once you would go post-op. Sooooooo many pre-ops with soooooo many excuses why...
Jonathan Baker
Mutilate your genitals all you want, you're still a biological male. The worst part isn't the act; it's the insistence that everyone treat you as female, including straight men. Straight men will never, EVER be attracted to you, and gay men are turned off by your mutilated genitals. That's why so many trans people kill themselves (that, and all the brain damage).
Jayden Turner
1- changing your sex could cause legal issues. You could lie your way into marrying one guy that wanted to have children, for example, and legally since you would be "a woman" he can't do anything. Or you could take other benefits that a women normally would have, like entering clubs by paying half of the price.
2- Women, at least where i live, have 18+ more rights than men to defend them; they can't even carry the same weight than men while working, and have more time for a break. This would be priviledge for trans 'women'.
3- I'm not against the operation; if you want to do it, do it, AS LONG AS YOU'RE AN ADULT. However i have to point out that cutting your penis because you're upset with it has the exact same value as cutting your hand or your leg because you didn't like it. Still, a doctor is not legally able to take someone's leg. That person would most likely go to a psychiatrist.
4- changing your documents to a female name is the least impactful, but it must be done with caution, like any other name change.
Ayden Powell
The lunatic in that picture is now in gender limbo - aesthetically speaking. While biologically female, the massive injection of testerone renders it to appear male.
I'd rather have it use the men's washroom, shut the fuck up and quit the irritating virtue signalling that consumes it's life.
Luke Davis
>lol i made the thread again for (you)s
fuck off faggot, (you)s are not currency on here.
Isaiah Nelson
>"Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken." -TD
If you refuse the reality of your gender you have gender dysphoria. This means you have a literal mental illness. There are certain physical characteristics that are inherent with a given gender. No amount of genital-mutilation, chemicals, and clothing choices will change this biological fact.
You are mentally ill.
Anthony Turner
I'd say OP is a fag but it's far worse than that >rights >mfw noticed Brazil flag What's the point of getting a sex change when your women look masculine as fuck anyway? Ultimately I don't give a shit about what trannies do, it's just illogical that an extreme minority should win any cultural grounds that destroy our traditions Also stay the fuck away from any kids
Ryan Rodriguez
"Sex and Chassis are two different concepts. Having a male body doesn't mean you can't be a car. Two different things".
Anthony Morris
One good thing about all of this is that future generations will have these broken mutilated people around to remind them of the dangers of this whole cultural social justice movement of today.
Elijah Bailey
>I'd rather have it use the men's washroom So for societal issues you'd call it a man. Got it. But it's not a man?
Cameron Brown
It sounds like even with your twisted logic you're stuck in a limbo between two groups you are outcasts of. But someone with extreme mental issues to mutilate themselves has and always will not belong.
Joshua Young
You have no point of reference to say that you feel like a woman. You've only ever been male. The female experience is wholly unique and can't be boiled down to feeling "effeminate." A man can feel effeminate, but he has no idea what it truly is to be a woman. To that end, he can only pretend.
Anthony Cox
Kill yourself freak
Owen Nelson
>assigned the wrong sex at birth You are mentally ill.
Jacob Garcia
I'm not sure how I can be any clearer. It is biologically a female, but has now fucked up it's body both internally and externally that most people wouldn't be able to tell.
Trannies that are so far gone that they cut off their actual tits and grow facial hair can use the men's washroom all they want.
Just shut the fuck up about it and no one will care. Does that make you feel better?
Isaac Kelly
>I think I am 220 years old, therefore I am 220 years old. Same goes for gender, you wanted a human example, you have it right here.
Jason Harris
>Brazil >literal gorilla transgender Dropped
Carter Johnson
what part of your genome is female exactly?
Matthew Perez
Do you have a Fertile Womb in which a family can grow to call your own?
Brody Martinez
you are mentally ill, and you should have seeked actual help. oh well though, youll just end up killing yourself when youre 30 like most trannies do
James Richardson
Bentley Sullivan
>Is it so hard to respect people who were unfortunately assigned the wrong sex at birth? Get a XX group of chromosomes , then you may consider yourself a women
Brandon Martinez
>"gender is not the same as sex" Autist spotted
Nathan Johnson
>(gender is not the same as sex)
Can someone please explain this to me a little further? I was trying to bang an SJW a while back and she kept emphasizing the difference between gender and sex and honestly it sounds like semantic bullshit. Like she was splitting hairs to give transgendered people more of a argument in this case.
Frankly I thought it was bullshit, but y'know if you wanna be a chick but you were born as a dude and you wanna cut your dick off and go on hormone therapy thats fine by me but dont fucking stand there and lie to me by saying that gender is a social construct is gonna change everything. Also sub genders is the most retarded thing ever. On top of that fuck transgender snowflakes who get offended if you dont refer to him/her as "they" jesus fucking christ I want to punch them in their man faces so badly.
Gabriel Anderson
who cares what your gender is them? You think I'm attracted to what gender you think you are? I'm a straight male, I want to fuck and marry a biological woman.
Ryder Bennett
>Tranny >woman Pick one
Anthony Anderson
First Person to find that article about getting 2 mg of some drug a day to cure gender dysphoria wins. >it exists
Also check 'em
Ian Lopez
Despite what the libertarians say, personal liberty is not the most important value. Flourishment is.
Jace Powell
>I am a trans woman, that means I was born with a biological male body but my gender (gender is not the same as sex) is female.