defend / oppose this
>guess wich side i'm on
defend / oppose this
>guess wich side i'm on
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i dont have to guess
the fanart for Sup Forums and /lgbtq/ has always been shit but what the fuck is this
I'd have guessed A FUCKING LEAF but Sweden'd have been my second guess
You wanna know why gays are so bad? I'll tell you.
Homosexuality is the result of a genetic disorder. Schizophrenia is also the result of a genetic disorder. Now, imagine for a moment, if you will, that the Government passed a law requiring you to indulge schizos in their delusions. Some homeless fuck on the street wobbles up to you one day and says he's Napoleon Bonaparte, and you have to agree despite knowing damn well that crazy bastard never once in his life conquered Egypt. But it's the law. How would you feel? What would this mean for society? How does it relate to gays? Because, despite homosexuality being a genetic disorder, everyone who is actually normal has to pretend homosexuals are good, normal people. Because it's the law. So what are gays doing about their disorder? Are they demanding Government funding for discovering a cure for their sexual abnormality? Of course not! But even the schizophrenic, who has absolutely no grasp on reality, will eventually seek treatment! How worse off are the gays, who are more deluded and confused than the mentally ill. No. The faggot rubs his abominable, unnatural sexuality in the face of society. When we otherwise wouldn't care about his sexuality, he rubs it in our faces and makes sure we know just how big of a queer he is. And lastly, what's worst than all, is the fact gays are more likely to catch sexually transmitted diseases, be raped, indulge in pedophilia, and get murdered than heterosexual people. But does this humble the gay community? Of course not! They hide their fear of AIDS by acting flamboyant, once again making sure you know they're gay, as they double-down on degeneracy.
That's why gays are bad and God will one day destroy them (by providing man with a cure for homosexuality).
I never said if I was for or against it my dudes
someone change the nazi to isis
didnt have to, fag
i oppose this because it doesn't use our Sup Forums-tan, and instead uses lgbt's old version of Sup Forums-tan because they don't have any drawfags anymore apparently
Justify this fags. I hate you degenerates and your pedophile ways.
>but still act like normal members of society
a fucking faggot.
>never been through any scarring, tragic things
>always found women attractive
>but also find men attractive
>prefer men because they're cooler and kinder
>still act like a normal person and whatnot
I dunno dude
and I'm all against the LGBTQ-"look at me!!!!" people
the parades and conventions should be illigeal
>let's be in a romantic relationship together but still act like normal members of society
Except this literally has never happened. I've never met a faggot that wasn't an annoying, flaming queen.
>guess wich side i'm on
No need for you to say anything.
>Except this literally has never happened. I've never met a faggot that wasn't an annoying, flaming queen.
>never met
where do you live?
you could live in those faggot cities
i've met "normal" people who never even said they were gay
If you went gay, it's only because you're a loser.
Obviously pussy is better. Obviously you wouldn't want to have to bring lube with you wherever you go or have your partner have to get an enema before sex. That's retarded.
The only logical explanation is that you're a loser.
thats cause "normal people" arent gay
>he immediately starts thinking about sex
Boipussy is tighter than any roastie's vagina.
Yep. And your point is....
Yeah, great for transmitting STD's.
a relationship/love is more about sex my dude
That's a nonsensical perversion of it.
I've met very few who act like normal members of society. The ones I do know are totally ostracized by faggots or would be if they told them how they really feel (don't agree with gay "marriage", adoption etc). I've also never known any be in a romantic relationship together or at least not in the traditional sense. Do they live together? Yes. Do they still have multiple partners and spread disease at an incredible rate? Yes.
In a way the ones who are honorary redpilled suffer from the same problem as the majority of Sup Forums. If an HRF told their true feelings to the fag community they would be ostracized for their views, though the HRF wouldn't ostracize completely degenerate fags for the views they hold. That's similar to most of Sup Forums, because while the majority of posters would identify as National Socialist (or at the very very least nationalists) they wouldn't immediately cut ties with someone who disagrees with their views, but the reverse IS true and happens almost constantly. How many times have you been on faceberg and seen "just had to have a good clear out of the racists from my friends list"? These people are braindead, can't see they're everything they claim to oppose, and while I want to see them fail, I don't wish to see them dead (unless we turn complete Sweden tier). Even if I said I did want to see them dead wouldn't that be expected from a "Nazi" or a "racist" anyway, at least in their eyes? And yet they preach the opposite while being worse than those the demonize. Like I said they're braindead. If they ever seen self awareness in the dictionary they would mental gymnastics a trial to burn the dictionary at the stake.
have you ever been together with someone?
cuddling and just loving eachother is the best part of being together
the sex is just another part of it
My hard cock needs a cute boipuccy to blow my load into
Not girly enough.
m-me plis
>A shitskin LARPing as white on Sup Forums fucks a twink
really makes me think
You can come to enjoy anything. That's the big fallacy of LGBT. You believe you need to pursue these specific things to enjoy yourselves.
In reality it is the other way around. You should not enjoy doing that with a guy, only with a girl, because that has value.
Doing it with a guy has no value. You're just effectively castrating yourself.
Wow, calling Sharia police RIGHT NOW
I think you might be the one I'm looking for. Are you a cutie?
Homosexuals are all psychopaths. Trannies are "Silence of the Lambs" crazy.
>Homosexuality is the result of a genetic disorder.
And there's your problem. You see homosexuality as a disorder. You've associated it with STDs, Pedophllia, and unnaturality. Are you saying only gay people are pedophiles? Are you saying that only only homosexuals get STDs?
And what's all this about being unnatural? The most natural state for humanity is being eaten by wolves. Naturality is over rated.
And being uncomfortable about homosexuality being thrown in your face? Well, I don't blame you. Lord knows it bugs me too. However, that's my problem. I'm not going to force others to change over a minor discomfort.
>That's why gays are bad and God will one day destroy them (by providing man with a cure for homosexuality).
You're not a very good christian.
If you need them girly you aren't a faggot technically?
Fucking degenerate spics and brazilians ITT derailing a perfectly legitimate discussion about why gay nazis are cool.
Whichever side is taking the biggest cock at the moment.
You can say anything is natural if you want. A better division is between failing and not failing.
You're trying to justify that you've learned to love failure because you're a loser. And you want to spread failure to others so that you feel better about your own failure.
>Doing it with a guy has no value. You're just effectively castrating yourself.
I agree with that.
the downside (or not downside but... you get it. the NEGATIVE thing) of being into guys is that your family tree is done for.
and I dont agree with gays adopting kids and whatnot. that's just wrong.
>You can come to enjoy anything. That's the big fallacy of LGBT. You believe you need to pursue these specific things to enjoy yourselves.
I dont really see love and feelings as a LGBTQ specific problem.
feelings are feelings my dude. i'd say lust is one thing and loving someone is another thing.
there are gays who are just perverted horny subhumans and they should be shot on sight
but there are also (as the pic says) "normal" gay people who act like normal citizens of society
>that fucking dilapidated wall
>I dont really see love and feelings as a LGBTQ specific problem.
feelings are feelings my dude. i'd say lust is one thing and loving someone is another thing.
No, the problem isn't feelings, the problem is believing that feelings are ends in themselves rather than means, and that you cannot control your own feelings. They would be useless is you couldn't.
What makes gays go down this path is stress and propaganda, not their nature.
I will make you my sissy cumdump, hope you're ready. You will live under my desk from now on. Way better place for you.
>Homosexuality is the result of a genetic disorder.
Fags should all die
And that's that
If I ever see you again Adrian, I will cut your balls off and feed them to you.
>No, the problem isn't feelings, the problem is believing that feelings are ends in themselves rather than means, and that you cannot control your own feelings. They would be useless is you couldn't.
>What makes gays go down this path is stress and propaganda, not their nature.
let me get this straight.
correct me if i'm wrong. you see having love (a relationship) as a end goal instead of just having feelings as a part of reaching a bigger goal is a bad thing?
and I dont qoute get what you said about being able to control your feelings. when you fall in love with someone you get obsessed, like when you fall in love with a pretty girl
and I dont belive it's ALL propagandas fault BUT I AGREE, the kikes have pushed out gay propaganda and it's turning insecure guys into gays becuase they couldnt get a date that one prom night. wich is wrong.
but I dont blame homosexuality all on propaganda
why the fuck are you asking us to justify this. Any sane person would realize this si fucked up.
>This flag
>No Sweden cuck on /polgbt/
>implying anyone supports this
what the fuck
>correct me if i'm wrong. you see having love (a relationship) as a end goal instead of just having feelings as a part of reaching a bigger goal is a bad thing?
Yes, and it's illogical to think differently on the matter. You almost certainly believe that only because of societal propaganda because it's retarded.
This "love is an amazing thing", "true love is unconditional", shit is pure propaganda and it's part of a recipe that produced this shit.
Man is more than what we stick our dicks in. A great man can be gay and an unterschmen can be hetero.
By chimping out at gays you do the cause a great diservice.
>Man is more than what we stick our dicks in. A great man can be gay and an unterschmen can be hetero.
Yeah, what we want is for our "great men" to not have kids.
I can't disagree with that. So bi-sexuals should definitely breed. Homos should dedicate themselves to the broader community.
I'm definitely bisexual but I could never be in a romantic relationship with a man unless they were a passable pre-op transgendered. I don't particularly find most men attractive in the first place at all but there are a few of them.
I'm pretty sure that I just like dick.
But it doesn't feel good with a girl.
It's all ultimately under your control.
I dont agree with it honestly
you see life and love as a goal to procreate, that's the endgoal
and sure, we need kids to let humanity live on but looking at humanity as one big plan is... unhuman.
it's like a factory owner looking at his workers as expendable numbers on a peice of paper. it's unhuman.
and I know. this is getting into "muh feelings" territory but I've always had a hard time to follow the "nazi-we must secure the existance of white people and not have any fun-narrative"...
So a relationship that makes me feel good, or celibacy and loneliness? I'll stick with the former, thanks.
Life isn't about feeling good. It's about procreation with a member of the opposite sex first and foremost. Even 40 years ago people would be ostracized as fucking weirdos for never having kids. It's still the truth. You're still a fucking weirdo if you don't ever raise your own kids.
What the "secure white people"-narrative wants us to do is to settle down with someone and have kids, that's all.
the feelings, the love is just optional and not important
You control how you feel about things, ultimately.
I'm not talking about refusing to feel good, I'm talking about making it so you feel good doing things that help you rather then degenerate shit.
>Life isn't about feeling good.
but why is life worth living then?
I wanna have fun, I wanna feel feelings, we all do.
oh its very human. we wuz ants on a rock, but we might spread to others.
Maybe you have and you just didn't know it because you think all fags are flamers
I'm saying feelings are a means to an end. I'm not saying you shouldn't have feelings, but that YOU should define those feelings for yourself rather than let holywood and society push you around.
the "normal gays" i'm talking about usually dont shove it in your face that they're gay.
in b4 some spook posts the discord
>but that YOU should define those feelings for yourself rather than let holywood and society push you around.
but I AM defining those feelings and this is what i'm into dude.
I barley watch movies or TV.
there's barley any gays where I live so I couldnt be pushed by that.
it's just a feeling I was born with I guess
I'm ok with your faggotry, it's harmless.
>Reduce catfishing tough.
>but I AM defining those feelings and this is what i'm into dude.
Change them. You cannot use your current feelings as a justification for not changing them.
You can feel good being with women and fucking women. You are deciding not to for other reasons, like maybe you're ugly/fat IRL and women reject you.
WW3 can't come soon enough've figured out the meaning of life? Procreation? That's it? That's why we're here? Ok, well, not really interested in that.
And I'm a weirdo. Well no shit. I could've told you that.
Fortunately, I've personally never been one to live my life based on the opinions of others. I'm also not really interested in helping you create your child-producing utopia. Sorry.
all of these are great, keep them comming.
Who made these???
>traps aren't gay
Finally, someone agrees
They're really gay
>Change them. You cannot use your current feelings as a justification for not changing them.
>You can feel good being with women and fucking women. You are deciding not to for other reasons, like maybe you're ugly/fat IRL and women reject you.
I see what you're saying.
I need to change, so I can get kids and white people will continue on living yadayadayada
but I say there's already a lot of people doing that. let us be the little rejects that spend ther lifes doing other things...
And hell, even if I would be intrested in women I still wouldnt have getting kids on my mind. it's never been on my mind.
>You can feel good being with women and fucking women.
it's a personal preference.
I look at a guy and a chick the same way as you do but in reverse
>You control how you feel about things, ultimately.
Buddy, I wish that were the case, I really really do. I'd have my face buried in a beaver right now.
It just does nothing for me. I've tried - all through my late teens and early twenties I tried to fake it. It's just fighting a losing battle, ultimately.
It's a liberal argument.
I can, could, NOT CARE, but as an intelligence human with extensional understanding I realize that It's beyond my own mind to simply write off the evolution of society.
Liberals are literally stupid or broken humans, and if you take their bullshit to heart enough to actually step outside yourself to look it becomes obvious that they're EVEN WORSE THAN YOU ORIGINALLY THOUGHT!
>he doesn't enjoy the best of both worlds equally
this is the best taste really
I'm not a liberal though. I'm a queer republican. We do exist, you know?
>be Sup Forums faggot
>get told my lifestyle is degenerate and I should start fucking women
>meanwhile 100s of threads per day about how women are degenerate roasties who have no loyalty
Really activates my almonds
I think you can still adopt. Its better for a child to have loving parents than to be in foster care, even if two fathers is not ideal
You're a burden on the rest of us. If you manage to grow old because you didn't kill yourself, get killed, or overdose, then take a good look at the world. The world you didn't just not improve, but sucked dry.
You were born in the top 1% of humans who have ever lived so far just by being born in the United States and white I'm sure. But instead of giving that to your posterity, you childishly (Or perhaps wisely because you might be a worthless parent at this point) have decided that from age 40-85 you're going to be a sad pedophile loser.
The gays have a enemy in the refugees who come across the boarder to rape our country. Islam throws gay of buildings and gays ought to work together with the political forces that opposes this type of immigration purely out of their own interests.
Gays ought to have family and children with women, sneak out in the night for the gay sex they crave, but keep int very hidden. This will benefit everyone.
Gays are contributing to the white genocide by being mainly white men. White men are being targeted for emasculination, turning into traps and faggots. We better be on alert, because something bad is going on here!
>being gay
>adopting kids
that's wrong. (i'm bi and people expect me to support it) but no.
imagine all the stuff the child will go through, imagine the bullying.
imagine the birthday parties, where the neighbor kids are visiting and there's two dads instead of a husband and wife
nah dude, I dont like it
>it's a personal preference.
>I look at a guy and a chick the same way as you do but in reverse
No, I'm saying you can change all that.
>It just does nothing for me. I've tried - all through my late teens and early twenties I tried to fake it. It's just fighting a losing battle, ultimately.
You don't fake it, you acknowledge it as it is but change it. Faking it makes it worse.
>No, I'm saying you can change all that.
but if you cant change it?
imagine you trying to go from women to men if you've been into women your entire life
But that is just not the reality anymore. Call it degenerate but gays have been fully accepted by most of society.
Of course I know?
I'm not some random Goddamn Sup Forumsbot.
Most of the men I worked with were fucking gay, i don't care.
But I've lived enough of my life to say with Goddamn certainty fuck you, civilization is the path to the future and that's what I'm supporting, irregardless of how many cocks you enjoy up your ass, enjoy them, that's fine, I don't' fucking care, your dead genetics don't affect my outlook on the human race.
This is the average heterosexual white mans point of view, which is the exact same reason the "people" who want to rule your fucking soul hate us.
are we speaking about gays or faggots?
faggots are the flamboyant sissy look at me people
gays are just normal people
faggots should not be accepted, faggots are degenerates
>The world you didn't just not improve, but sucked dry.
There's other ways to improve the world user other than just spreading your seed around. I'm on the board of directors for my local goodwill. I also volunteer walking dogs at animal shelter. How have you improved the world around you?
>instead of giving that to your posterity
I might not have kids, but that doesn't mean my brothers and sisters don't. I have 12 nieces and nephews that I spoil rotten. My family's posterity is perfectly fine.