Leave Eric Clapton alone! He's way too old to be that Antifa guy, and doesn't even have a bike lock made before 1974 and would NEVER wear hiking boots.
We fully understand your concern, however be advised that Eric Clapton is not an employee of San Francisco State University. You guys are ruining lives with your speculation.
Eric Clapton Did Nothing Wrong!
Other urls found in this thread:
>not knowing that eric clapton is a fucking enoch supporting racist bad ass
Sup Forums has nothing against clapton
I don't know about that, but he didn't kill Pepsi guy. He uses old school bike locks that are just a Masterlock and a chain.
>did nothing wrong
Well he shot a sheriff once
>Eric has worked tirelessly for the soft treatment of criminals.
>He might now have to do hard time worshipping BBC day and night with those very criminals he felt so much compassion for.
That's slander. Lots of people wear Raybans
Bump for justice
It was definitely Eric Clapton that did this. WTF Eric? I hate Cream now.
Pretty sure Ginger Baker is top right. Same hair and "NATURAL TIME!" But bike lock guy is not Clapton. Too tall.
Bump 4 bikelockin' Claptomenia justice
What do Eric Clapton and coffee have in common?
They both suck without Cream.
What's the difference between a baby and a bag of cocaine?
Eric Clapton wouldn't let a bag of cocaine fall out of a three story window.
Kinda expected this from Ging but Slowhand?
#EricClapton #WhyYouDoDis #WhyYouDoItEricClapton #LockLockLockinOnHeavensDoor #ILockedTheSheriff #LaylaYouLockMeOnMyKnees
No shit. Ginger is always beating on people. But blaming Eric for Pepsi guys murder is guilt by association.
Wait, someone actually died from a U-lock attack at Berkeley?
Commie rat and bike lock closed down their blog
They didn't want to twas all they had got
Selling socialist shit, mystery meat
And commie rat's collection of dog dicks and feet
Yes. Brain swelling was out of control and he wasn't going to have a normal life. Plug pulled.
For serious? Poor fucking dude.
Anyway. Fuck Cream. Way overrated(Moon was better than Baker) and Clapton hasn't done anything good since the Yardbirds. That doesn't make him a murderer though.
Fuck, was it the guy who got hit while he was taking a knee with his hands up?
All he wanted was a Pepsi. Just one Pepsi.
>your head
Even swore it wasn't self defense.
That deputy wasn't him though.
Come again, faggot? I decide the point, homosexual. My thread, my concept.
Sheriff John Brown always hated him. For what, I don't know.
F, Pepsi man.
Bump, because if they arrest and charge Clapton, a guilty man goes free, to kill again.
He cant keep getting away with it!
At first I was thinking he was incapable of such a thing. Now I'm starting to have some real doubts about the "official story" and the death of his...
NO WAY! No way... It was his own flesh and blood. Nope. Not buying it. Let sleeping dogs lie. He gave us this:
no way he's a killer.
God. The more I read, the more I'm worried he did it. TONS of communist overtones here:
Was my fave song, until I started REALLY listening to it. Red trash.
shameless selfbump, for Eric
Just went by his class and he wasnt there. Its confirmed he must have actually be arrested. Printing up pepe flyers now at the library to put all over his department
Heres his email too
[email protected]
bumparello for head cracking guitar hero
Yeah but he didnt shoot the deputy