Muslim here, AMA

Muslim here, AMA

why are you still spreading your religious cancer in current year

Why do you follow the teachings of a war-monger, pedophile, rapist, and then claim that it is a religion of peace? Also, do you have to train your women to wear trashbags all the time, or are they just born with it?

Are you Sunni or Shia?

How many times jackoff per day?

Because some dumbfucks want to convert everyone to Islam they believe we will achieve world peace or something if we can get everyone to be muslim

Quran is fine, but what's up with Hadith? Why do you take stories from the life of a warmonger as some sort of ultimate theology?

This is the third of these threads I've seen in the past few mins

What the fuck? Are we being raided again?

Best start.

>thinks he knows about Islam
>doesn't understand that the "Religion of Peace" line is Taqiyya in action


What are you wearing right now

What's the penalty for apostasy?

why do you ally with leftists, faggots, feminists, abortionists, and degenerates in your fight to destroy Christian countries that share 99% of your view on morality?



will you buy my truck?

why do you hate jews? They are god's chosen people after all, read the Quran!


It conveneient to seize power. When their religion is surplanting yours you will be told its the same god and you can say allah or god its all cool.

Then when they outnumber you you will be told you cannot say Allah, they are different religions and you must convert or die.

Good luck with it.

looks like cod

We don't i love Jews


A fucking shirt

>he's a Muslim
>he loves Jews
>Jews were the original "religion of peace" where degenerates tried to lord over other primitive tribal peoples
>Jews were responsible for the death of Muhammad
>Jews still took over the world through the gateway opened by the Rothschilds and Zionist Lobby henceforth
>Jews have destabilized the lands of hwhites and mudslimes alike
>Jews have caused Muslims to regress back so far in an effort to survive that they went from a time where Hitler approved of them to being radicalized Wahhabi fundamentalists
>Muslims have been set back so fucking hard by the Jews that they can never truly be respected, and when they poke the sleeping bear, they will be packed in the same ovens as the Jews that led them to ruin
>he loves Jews

are you know arabic?if no how you read quran?

This, it must be Stockholm syndrome at this point.

B-But my religion says you should love everyone

There are translations of course

Unless your Imam is lying to you or obscuring the Islamic sources, that's a lie. It says you should love your fellow Muslim, not the infidels.

Whats the reason of talking with muslims if their religion permits them lying to infidels? How do i know that anything you say is not taqiya?

you pray? if yes what surah you read?

not really a question more a request

Why don't you and youn'uns use git to translate, instead of using decades old translation that anyone couldn't review the translation?

“God does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you in the religion or driven you from your homes, or from being just towards them. God loves those who are just.” (Surat al-Mumtahana, 8)

How did you get in here? Get out.

You arent very good at this AMA. You dont even come across as a muzzy. i call bullshit