Why are capitalist assholes like Elon Musk and Steve Jobs so revered in American society when they literally aren't...

Why are capitalist assholes like Elon Musk and Steve Jobs so revered in American society when they literally aren't involved in the production process at all? Its their workers who are the ones using their labor to transform resources into the products consumers love so much.

Because they create jobs and they help advance technology, dipshit.

Yeah, but they invented the product.

People respect order-givers more than order-followers.

Because theyre capitalists fag. Workers aren't

retards ... Americans are generally retarded. They cock worship anyone who they believe is "a visionary", from Obama to Steve Jobs to Elen Musicant to fucking Kim Kardashian.

The jobs wouldn't vanish without them, someone else would lead.

I think you'll find it's the designers and engineers who do that.

Because a few individuals totally are responsible for everything good in a society and society totally doesn't exist. Society is communist and anyone saying otherwise is communist and literally Stalin. Communist.

For kek fuck sheeet.Facking bolshevik niger on Sup Forums

How else could someone take lead if there was no capitalism? Dumb as fuck britbong. As I recall, we kicked your ass 200+ years ago. Would be glad to do it again.

Because there are hundreds of thousands of people capable of being on the Tesla factory floor building cars but only a couple of hundred who can do what Elon Musk does.

This is a weak bait slide thread.

Americans may be dumb, but no one worships Kim Kardashian as a "visionary"

I think it's because the corporations and speculators are so greedy that they give their profits to old white men who do nothing and every single business ever does this which is why competition never eliminates the people paying old white people millions of free slave labour tokens for funsies.

If Musk or Jobs weren't running things, someone else would step up and fill the place. I don't think that's a crazy assertion to make.

Because they are Jews, and the Jews own the Media. Like here

They still would be nothing without the thousands of other people of varying positions in the company. What's more, worker cooperatives exist and create jobs.

Do it world need you!

>Someone else would lead
Why not just come out and say you think you'd do a better job? Your projecting so hard you could point yourself at a wall and give a Power Point presentation all the reasons you're a moron.

Because companies dont appear from zero.

Niger flag.dod you stop killing white farmers?

>working the logistics of international companies and being responsible for billions of dollars worth of capital is not hard, they should try doing real work like putting an phone into a cardboard box which takes real skill

this is what commies actually believe

You literally have proof for this too
Steve Jobs has been dead for how many years? Last I checked apple is still a successful company

What's hard about it, user?

Do you have experience in such a role?

Kim Kard. is already american culture

your people are worshipping her

they create jobs and sustain the company. thats like asking why the government exists when people make all the money and weapons and services that the government distributes and wages war with comes from workers. worker =/= gub. good luck doing anything with his property when you dont work for him. if the workers didnt have his property they couldnt work. if the workers owned his property they would have no incentive like him to improve the production since they make money for themselves while musk makes money from people using his resources.

>commies claim to not only know more than every CEO on the planet combined, but also that lenin didn't understand shit and was wrong from his own experience

If you actually lived here you would realize that's not true at all

dude what the fuck is hard about flying a space rocket lmaooo just push a button or something haha we dont need specialist for that shit we wuz rocket fliers

When you refer to Elon musk as a capitalist while not understanding his business model would be shit if not for government cronyism/corporate welfare/zero interest rate policy

> idol worshipers worshiping the latest movies, gadgets, fads, gossip, services, entertainers, politicians.

your society is about worshiping idols.

Typical marxist horseshit.
>don't celebrate achievement!
>if he didn't do it someone else would have!
>everyone is completely equal!
Have a Participation Award.

Musk was already massively wealthy after selling Paypal. he could have easily gone into retirement, but chose to do more. Why do you think this'd be any different under socialism?

I totaly agree with you

Apple's new products are shite though

Apple also turned to shit when they fired Steve in the 90s. Had to beg him to come back

>Yeah to be honest I could a be a millionaire entrepreneur/venture capitalist, but I don't FEEEEL like it

>if the workers owned his property they would have no incentive like him to improve the production since they make money for themselves while musk makes money from people using his resources.
Pure ideology. You contradicted yourself.

Capitalists take on the risk involved both financially and time-wise. Finish college you LARPing troll.

because he wanted more things
you're also assuming that he'd be able to keep his income from paypal under socialism

and so if he didnt advance his company then the workers would have right?

>The jobs wouldn't vanish without them
Hi Sargon
The jobs wouldn't have existed without them

Nice. I'll steal that one.

I dont agree with you

Jewish Globalist Financiers are killing white African Boers/Farmers/nationalists using dumb chimps as their front...try keep up Kike

If jobs and wealth are created only by capitalist entrepreneurs and their hierarchical, top-down management, why do cooperatives exist?

why are the french, canadians and british so fucking awful at understanding anything economical whatsoever


strawman you fat autist

>If jobs and wealth are created only by burger selling entrepreneurs and their hierarchical, top-down management, why do other businesses exist?

haha btfo time to ban burger shops

I live here and yes we fucking worship that bitch. Just like Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie before her. Maybe if you'd get out of your cum dungeon you could see how stupid the lowest common denominator truly is in this country.

as expected

ok so what are the card board box stuffers reasons for upgrading the production plants and customer service departments and R&D facilities? they dont give a shit because they make money from stuffing iphones in boxes. someone who makes money from the entire process of R&D, customer service, material production, and iphone boxing has more interest in making each department as efficient as possible so he isnt losing out on money over time. the workers dont have this same goal since they are investments of the company.

>Job that requires a combination of innate business acumen, years of education, and decades of experience to master
>Job that requires hands
You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Funnily enough elon musk was born in south africa.

Use it wisely, krautbro

They make shit happen you stupid cuck faggot shitlord bootlicking piece of fucking shit fucker nigger

Because the pleb secretly loves the idea that there are magical people capable of magical feats such as Tony stark in Iron Man.

It's like crack to them to support such fantasies.
They ignorantly support the concepts that oppress them. They ignorantly want a master. They ignorantly want to believe it takes something magical to be at the top.

Want proof?
> Be highly educated on a topic
> Tell them the truth
> Truth conflicts with one of their all-star idols
> They are in no way shape or form educated enough to debate/deny your truth speak
Literally observe them get infuriated at your truth telling about their idols. Watch all sort of irrational nonsense spew out of their mouths.

It's literally a form of idolatry and they're literal zealots who've been brainwashed to support the capitalist structuring that enslaves them... Literally the blue pill at a deep cognitive level.

You could be the actual head design engineer and they'll consider you a peon who knows nothing compared to the talking figurehead at the top...

you could have a son or a daughter that grows up and beats the game of life too become one of these people and change your whole family trees wealth from then on that is why you need these people

>more things
Material goods, or more abstract goals like space travel or saving the planet?
He didn't stop at the former, and I see no reason why one couldn't aspire to the latter under socialism.

Under socialism, he'd still be able to live comfortably, so I'm not sure how that argument holds.

A lot of workers chose to work at SpaceX because they had the same goals, so I don't think that's wrong to say

Systematical Idolatry by zealots.

In a worker-owned company, the workers would benefit directly from improvements in efficiency because they'd get the profits from sales. Literal basic economics.

Mindless workers are a dime a dozen. People with a vision that can actually bring a new product to market are rare.

Apple was shit before that.

They only became a thing when they came out with the ipod on the Steve Jobs reunion tour.

They are across so many different technology companies, Elon has tesla, spacex, hyperloop and a whole bunch of others he has to oversee...
It is also very very expensive to manufacture products.. If you want to earn BIG money in silicon valley u work at google. Its a hell of a lot cheaper to run software projects because its just code, if it sucks then do it again.. but if your like elon and jobs than a failed project is not only the products but the tools to make the product, and the tools to make those tools..

>Under socialism, he'd still be able to live comfortably
You mean like those comfortable Venezuelans? Or comfortable 1930s Russians? Comfortable 1960s Chinese folk?

He wouldn't do what he is doing now if he had to bare the costs from his own wealth. He is likely doing it even more so that he can increase his own wealth.
You're assuming he could even get to his position under socialism.

As you said, only part of it is innate, the rest can be learnt.

That means nothing. It's a filth parasitic Kike first, beholden to the Kike Globalist Mafia. Like Most American and European parasites, it's a Jew First. All else is just Goy.

Why are genuine mass murderers like Stalin so revered in Communist circles?

There are literally a handful of design engineers capable of doing the work that gets these products completed. Were not talking about shop floor workers, were talking about the real all-stars who design these engineering feats.

Hint : Try to name the guy who has designed most of AMD's chip architectures who is now at Tesla .. But but (no one can do what elon does).. Fucking pleb.

If the improvements in efficiency exist then why don't these efficient cooperatives out compete out-dated, inefficient top-down companies?

So why you sooo stupid to let kikeks use you(darke) vs humans

Pretty much...

It isn't the workers who create the products, it's the atoms.

Is this even an attempt at an argument? What is your point here? Do you know what happens to the average entrepreneur? They end up in thousands of dollars of debt and start working a menial job again. The dream of becoming the next Henry Ford drives them all.

elon musk - great businessman/salesman nothing more

people need to get off his dick. hope that whore takes all his shit.

The designers and engineers who are often killed in your communist utopias because they're educated.

you are the biggest bluepilled jew faggot in this thread, get your head out of your ass fast before shit hits the fan commie nigger


What if increasing efficiency means laying off some of the staff? Are the workers going to decide to screw themselves over so that the company survives or thrives?

Why is my penis so revered in the gay community?

I'm not even hung, maybe it's because I'm uncut.

But God created the atoms! All wages are theft from God.

was far worse before socialism

It's worth mentioning that we don't hold all the numerous shitty capitalist economies in second-world and third-world countries as all capitalism can be

without him spacex wouldnt happen retard. sure the workers are actually produving the goods, but elon musk is cto and leads the designing of the rockets. steve jobs is just a greedy fucker tho

In some cases they do. Sunkist for example is one of the main companies in its field. In other cases the traditional businesses are bigger because they get government funding and sponsorship.

Musk is a great business man, marketer, and corporate leader who is very educated w.r.t to engineering. But that's about all he is.

All of the fluff he gets is from idolatries and is undeserved. There are design engineers worth far more in absolute terms. The only reason why they don't run companies is due to the socially immature economic and relational system that requires a borderline sociopath trickster to convince the dumb masses.

They aren't always. A lot of resistance movements in the communist bloc were led by socialists or social democrats.

>that's all he is
Just kill yourself you retard

There aren't any examples.

>Venezuela was far worse before socialism
Must you literally ignore the goings on of the world around you in order to entertain your mathematically impossible fantasy?

Replacing workers with machines increases efficiency. Workers do not benefit from efficiency you retard.

Communism is a personality cult, there is a reason why state atheism usually goes along with it.

>inb4 inevitable NOT REAL CAPITALISM

If you like communism so much, move to china where you have your communism, and you're cut off from Sup Forums so we don't have to listen to you bitch about how great communism is.

and thats why the box stuffers have outdone top down businesses all throughout history right? if you all own one means of production but your sector is the only one that makes you money then its in your best interest to only invest in that. a man at the top can make money from every sector of the means of production which makes the work more efficient by sacrifice of his own capital. the workers dont have the same incentive. a box stuffing employee couldnt care less about another mining facility opening up or a new R&D plant being made and wouldnt give their own money for it since they cant directly benefit from it. maybe a sales team could benefit from the efficiency, but the sales team would then have to spend their work on making the company more efficient instead of doing sales. you would be retarded to suggest elon should spend time doing labor work and the labor workers should be managing the business instead of working.

So you're saying the market would do it right?

If they own the company they get the profits from the sales. Can you read?

Stupid jew bolshevik

Steve jobs was actually the real concept of a visionary CEO... He provided the vision of products that didn't exist and drove people to them.

An electric car isn't a new vision. There were electric cars far before Elon Musk .. they just didn't get heavy subsidies and thus were cost prohibitive for consumers..

Rockets and space innovation? see nasa. Also, I hope people realize that NASA shares its designs and research and there are tons of ex NASA staff at space-x. What, do people think Elon just came up with everything including logistics himself? People are really fucking retarded.

So why are you so stupid to box me using some dumb flag an Obvious Kike owned forum...You think I'm black?

And I suppose the kibbutz are all regretting being better off after having decollectivized and adopting currencies. They were the closest thing to Communism, uninterrupted for more than a generation and their descendants proved that it's unnatural to live in a commune.

>be Elon Musk
>nobody wants to buy your shitty gay electric car
>company can't even turn a profit
>have to live on government handouts
>rockets can't even leave the platform without getting blown to smithereens
>been divorced 3 times in a decade
>marrying another bimbo who famously JUSTed rich folk

Is there anyone who embodies JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP more than Elongated Musket?

Someone photoshop the barber hair on him already...

You mean stuff that the rich hire people to do? Managers who oversee all that stuff? Just lol if you think the rich actually do anything with their business management other than hire people to do it for them.
And almost all of them fail. Haven't you ever heard of "old money"? Families whose ancestors succeeded and pass along their ownership of the means of production generationally. Virtually all of today's rich people inherited their wealth. I was in school with several rich kids and they were all dumb as rocks but it doesn't matter cause they'll just inherit shit and live off of daddy's money.

I'm an engineer, and communism scares me because in the Soviet union they killed thousands of engineers. Sorry if I'm weird for being afraid of communists killing me just because that is what history tells me they do to anyone with an education and anyone who questions their system.