Islam will rule the west

Without firing a single bullet.

Ah thought you asked which direction to shoot one bullet... answer is, either left or right

>another muhamed'ed thread

kys roach, saged

Christians will rule the world by firing only a single missle

Only because of the Welfare system, without it, Islam literally has no power at all.

the middle east has been totally destroyed. Tyrants have taken over, multi-billionaires and their hobbies and the rest is drought war and mass insanity. the sand is wet with the blood of an entire culture, entire generations are being mortally wounded... it seems like a tactical error to annoy the west, historically its good at genocide.

you are basically just okaying it for us ethically.

or just integrate and enjoy the benefits and comforts of a secular democracy.

I wonder if the half-roaches the come out of her womb will be regarded as true muslims. They will probably kill them too, peaceful like they are.

You roaches are being used as pawns by the Jews. They are going to kill you soon after you have done your part. Mudslimes are at the lowest end of the hierarchy.

Those are children. White Men don't stand a chance. AOC is genocide.

Underrated post.

You can have all the low class slags and skanks in the world if you ask me for permission. But roaches and goatfuckers still gotta compete with nignogs.

Future world is basically Elysium. Whites, Asians and some better colorskins living in city centers while mixed brown slums hold millions of useless subhumans.

you think so?
imho they would jihad the shit out of westerners and make them their slaves

>Real Jihad
>In an era of nuclear bombs
All out conventional warfare against a superpower is dead, and nothing will bring it back. Sneaking around, bombing specific targets and supplanting the population with your nutsack are the only ways.

>without firing a single bullet
A little late for that, isn't it, roach?

>yoo roach hurr durr
>meanwhile in one of the whitecuck countries


Ultra maximum cuckermany

pls don't tell me thats germany....



>how do I rationalize being a pet sandnigger sent by the Jews to destroy Europe
We wuz conquerors n shit

I'm afraid you're right. Europe at the very least.

trust me pal, you dont want the west in ist current state.

islam will become watered down and weakened by western life just like everything else

the beast of multiculturalism consumes all in its wake

white people will exist forever


no its op´s mom working.

full video?

>Islam will rule the west
Not even a picture of the west, we have basketball courts and baseball fields, not some pussy ass soccer fields.

>Without firing a single bullet
what about the weekly terror attacks?

>without firing a single bullet
like sand niggers have achieved that level of technology
see you at the crusade faggot

>the Krautchan video from 2013

Still can't find a new one? Meanwhile there are hundreds of white-fucking-whites, white-fucking-turk-girls videos

Could be any muslim community in Europe desu. Rotherham probably made tons of these videos.

>Without firing a single bullet
That ship has already sailed long ago.

They drive trucks instead



more like this?

You are underestimating the power of degeneracy, soon most muslims in the west will be like our SJW's, Muslim fag's will order wedding cakes at turkish delights bakery's, demand gay muslim weddings, have new muslim genders, eat pork in the park and worship famous Muslim whores like Mia Khalifa, you made a misstake by comming here, and soon you will see that when your raging like us here at Sup Forums in the future

For fucks sakes you fucking retard. Look at those girls. They cant get anything else.

As much as OP is a piece of shit roach, he is right.

Europe is already taken over by preying on Europes fee fee's. Now its all turned to shit.

*throws hatchets*

They can have Germany. One fewer rival.

pls gib anzu or I report u.

> even failing in sweden
> will rule the west...
Biggest islamic society just lost their funding and now owe the government money... and the way things are going it's just looking worse and worse.

Sorry, there are some good stuff, and despite everything I know theres plenty of decent muslims, but the problem is it's a religion for low-iq populations. It cannot not stick. That why it never became or will become big in europe/china/japan/other high-iq societies.

What are fee fees?

There will eventually be a pushback in Europe. They have it so good that they are ignoring the growing Muslim problem, but eventually they will have to face the music. No coincidence that Brexit happened after a Muslim became mayor of the capital city. Hispania and the Balkans were ruled by Mushits for centuries but they still cleansed their countries. The tragedy is that the entire thing is avoidable.

wtf, sauce?

nah we're all fucked anyway sooner or later... this is a more dramatic show

you can have Germany, France, and Sweden there shit countries with shit people who the rest of the world should have wiped off the face of the planet ages ago.

And Swedish Democrats are gonna win the next election.

Id put boot to his terrorist ass just for tryin that shit

We actually owe the Mongols a debt of gratitude for smashing Baghdad and putting Islam in the gutter where it belongs. As nasty as they were to Russia, sometimes the enemy of your enemy is your "friend."

>Without firing a single bullet.
i believe that train left the station a few year ago cuckroach

Actually, it's pretty clear someone forced them to take this photo, only an autist wouldn't notice their disgust and discomfort.

I remodeled my bathroom so that my toilet is facing mecca.

So that I can piss to the side of mecca every morning.

They're feelings.

They played the "poor us" approach and so Europe let them all over.





Those boys are prob 14, and if this is in Sweden, they can RAPE those girls, they can rape girls EVERY DAY, and they won't get arrested. In Sweden, rapes and murder are not even arrested or prosecuted if age 14 or under.

those snow niggresses crave the AMC (average middle eastern cock)

I just heard today that 5 fucking "refugees" come living next door to me.
They are coming in less than a week.

What do Pol?

Just like the niggers, ragheads will learn that fucking white women will not save them from themselves.

Offer your female family members as a sacrifice to show how accepting and tolerant you are :)

well, the turkish side of my family is pretty kindhearted and im accepted by them, same with my (german) mother. but it depends on the family i guess

>Without firing a single bullet.

Cause they will fuck all the white sluts and make massive families eventually outnumbering pure white people with christian values.

You know if you did it'd be worse than your "successful" euphrates shield. I think bana tweeted something..

but they're shooting all the time...

landmines in the house under the floorboards.