You got neoCONNED
Trump is a con man
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It should been obvious to you, The President changes, not the Policy.
Pls no bully
Change the last one to Israel first
It will piss off more trumptards
Everyone knew that. Republicans knew that. It was the children of the millennial generation that got conned.
Go back to your hut, monkey.
When memes just go too far.
Whether republican or democrat, they seem to both want to have war constantly in the middle east and let islam spread.
Why does everybody forget every time? I guess the huge political divide is to take focus off of what they do and have people fight themselves instead of the establishment.
>Why does everybody forget every time?
This was Bush in 2000. This happens every couple of years.
I don't think you can blame everything on jews.
Trump has built his entire career on fishy deals, scamming and smoke & mirrors. If you actually did your research you would know he was already corrupted by his own greed
lets say your right. whats the plan? certainly you have a plan and you arent just shilling for shekels, right?
Kek taunts you. It shows its true face. Poor little trumplette.
Yeah but it triggered a fuckload of liberals along the way so at least there's that.
What kind of shit do you think (((they))) due to the president once he's elected to mold him to (((their))) will so easily?
thats what happens when when men think us women should stay out of politics!!
>whats the plan?
One that doesn't involve voting....
When did he say China was good?
>When did he say China was good?
Like a few days ago.
There's also no border wall
>Lock her up.
Disappointing but not an extreme priority.
Obamacare is legitimately not his fault. Congressional republicans had a long time to come up with a plan and failed to do so.
>China is good
Given the current DPRK situatioin, this is playing it smart. OTOH China keeps the DPRK afloat for precisely this kind of leverage.
>Assad should go.
I really don't care one way or the other.
>Russia must respect us
Is this wrong? Are we supposed to be cucked by Russia? Would that make you happy?
Strawman. He wants Europe to carry their share.
>implying dominating the world cannot work to our benefit
We have to learn from our mistakes and groom a Rad Trad Catholic like Steve King to be president. We elected a man with no principles.
And this is Obama halfway through a presidency with more foreign interventions than any other in the last 40, years.
Don't blame me, I voted for Hillary !
>liberals hate candidate Trump's policies, pointing out faults
>Trump does 180 on policies
>Liberals still hate policies
>Mock him for listening to masses and changing policies
Tfw nothing is good enough for liberals
He said something very transparent along the lines of "China is helping me right now with North Korea, now would not be a good time to call them currency manipulators"
This is not exactly a ringing endorsement of China and kind of hangs the accusation out there without directly making it.
you guys realize that if you're right and Trump was a zionist Globalist the entire time, it means that our election process has been defeated, right? it means (((they))) can not only put whoever they want into Office but they can actually make the American people WANT who they want put into office. this means there is no longer any such thing as an election. its all just a show.
thats what it means if trump isnt really /ourguy/. it means the U.S. Government is now, and unless there is a legitimate civil war uprising, forever in the control of Israel.
really put some thought into your political opinions. they arent harmless any more.
>Trump does 180 on policies
Neoconservativism isn't popular among liberals either.
He said he no longer wants to label them currency manipulators. I think Trump is one evil motherfucker, but I do admire his willingness and ability to work together with China on North Korea.
Then why did all the neocons support Hillary during the election? She had nearly every Bush official actively campaigning for her.
This. Trump really hasn't flopped on anything
Kek is a god of chaos, it would be foolish to think this would end well.
ughh, no
Catholics are cancerous. Look at what those cucks did to the supreme court.
We need a staunch Calvinist president. Only a president who relies on divine providence can save America.
so laughable to hear this after the election
didnt we say pol was about right wing redpilled individuals who are not buying the bs of public politics?
you guys are live up to none of that. You were 100% on the hype train during election and now denounce your choice afterwards bunny hopping like retards
it was 100% clear what kind of guy trump was. 100%. And it was easy to understand why you needed to vote for him it was not a choice.
Therefore if you had any intelligence in you you would not regret anything.
Its like we have to start explaining to you people that your presidents, like every other western leader basically, does not make major decisions. He continues an agenda already formed by a large list of think tanks and influential people.
If thats where we have to start explaining shit to you you have no place here fuck off to reddit seriously
Sure it is, when Hillary does it.
Hell, Liberals have been spouting some John Birch style shit regarding Russia over the last few years.
Otherwise people would have no longer seen Trump as anti system. All of that is a show. He manipulated Americans into thinking he was a legit good guy.
How much are you being paid to shill this hard?
Was this your first election? This literally always happens with every president.
i dont just blame the jews, i legitimately think every living ex-president should be hanged. i've yet to see enough of trump to think the same of him, though, he said we weren't invading syria and he put down tpp, i like that.
That post actually didn't really deny much changing of positions. He changed on nearly all those positions, that poster mostly just agreed with the changes.
No, nigger.
President Trump has signed executive orders for:
>building the wall
>deporting illegals
>defund sanctuary cities
>hiring freeze and wage freeze for the bureaucracy
>end TPP
>renegotiate NAFTA
>building the Dakota Pipeline
>repeal Obamacare
>prevent agencies from publicly lying
>end wasting taxpayer money on abortions in foreign countries
>denying non-Christian refugees
>blocking immigration from some muslim countries
>5 year ban on government workers lobbying
>restructuring NSA
>orders the pentagon to draft a plan to defeat ISIS and execute the plan
>tried to stop Obama's $221 million to palestine
>restricting H1-Bs
and also:
>nominated Gorsuch, who will protect our Constitutional rights, to the Supreme Court
>made phone calls to corporations to keep jobs in America
>exposed the deep state, globalist puppets, and media as the traitors they always have been, and continue to be, as they keep shilling against Trump 24/7, which should tell you that he really is on our side if you have any common sense
A neocon would've done absolutely none of those things, much less all of them like Trump did. Trump isn't the complete answer to stopping globalism, but he's definitely a badly needed step in the right direction, our first step after over 50 years of globalist control. Support the man until someone is ready to take the next step.
>talk shit about Obama Golfing
>doesn't leave the golf course
>He manipulated Americans into thinking he was a legit good guy.
No, he manipulated Americans into thinking he was the legit best choice.
Which was the truth anyway, so not much of a manipulation.
Oh, so he convinced every Bush official, including all three Bushs to support Hillary ironically?
>Illegal immigration lowest it's been in 17 years
>Deregulation well underway
>Relationship with China stronger than ever
>Federal freezes and cuts underway
>Bidding for Wall construction coming to an end
>Tax and healthcare reform on the way to the point Ryan has stated negotiations could be finished by next week
>Buy American, Hire American EO signed
>Veterans healthcare improvement and reform Act signed
>Travel ban blocked twice by activist Judges
Blow me. Trump is not a Dictator. He's being obstructed.
Are you sure it's the same guy?
What if (((they))) killed and replaced him
He's got a senate majority. He's obstructing himself.
Imagine if he had locked up the bitch and teamed up with Assad and Russia against Israel and Saudi Arabia.
These idiots expect the world to do a 180 degree turn overnight, but that just can't happen and must not happen. People need to be accostumed to change step by step, or they will get more than they could handle.
Also if we changed so much we would have a huge work ahead of us, while this way we do each step perfectly and the end result will be a lot better.
He explicitly stated that he has no problem with using golf to get business done, but he had a problem with Obama golfing because he would just go out with his friends all the time.
>he thinks it's about Republican vs Democrat anymore
Don't be so niave. Trump wants to change the system and the people who benefit from that system are the ones standing in the way.
He didn't. (((They))) did.
No, he actually posed as anti system. He said he would drain the swamp, fight corruption, and be a really honest man doing his best to stop America being a globalist pawn. It's not even a matter of being the best choice, he just posed as the opposite of the establishment candidate to convince voters.
Because they are DC politicians and she is a dc politician and he is a reality TV star. There was no debate who was more prepared and fit. Party is only part of the equation
We knew what we were getting and happily voted against Hillary, The sooner team blues realizes we conned Hillary out of 1.3 Billion because a flake reality show star was still a better choice the less it will sting
Yep, Trump's a scumbag. He's with ISIS - those "animals that chop off heads and drown people in steel cages". He's one of those head-chopping sadists. That's really as much as you need to know about him.
At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if those rape allegations against Trump proved true. Including the alleged Trump-Epstein underage victim.
No, Trump had a good chance of being who we wanted him to be. He ultimately chose Kushner over Bannon.
>Catholics are cancerous. Look at what those cucks did to the supreme court.
Scalia is one of the best we've ever had. Pryor would have been a better pick than Gorsuch.
>We need a staunch Calvinist president
Trump is a Presbyterian
Most of the obstruction of Trump up to this point has been done by the courts, which are acting like tremendous faggots but whom Trump has no control over due to separation of powers, and the same establishment cucks who wanted to have a brokered convention.
They're all kike puppets putting on a performance to manipulate the goy. What is so hard to understand about that? These people all hang out together, go to the same parties, talk to the same donors, and answer to the same master.
If Hillary was elected she'd be much more cuckservative than in her campaign so you'd get the same shit you're getting now.
He was a business man who built a multi-billion dollar company then decided to start a TV show for fun. Don't pretend as though anyone in Congress or even previous presidents had as much experience before they got into politics.
lol butthurt faggot, he may be a huehue but he isn't wrong
Kirk ees dur goat of gayoss. Urt wood bee foulish nuf ta thirk thirs wird ent well.
Im sorry? I don't speak dumb faggot.
Trump didn't have any donors in common with Hillary. Hell, even the Koch Brothers refused to back Trump.
While missiles were flying to the syrian airbase, Raytheon CEO Thomas A. Kennedy was caught on camera somewhere in Washington. Here it is. For your eyes only.
That's how it always go.
Candidates aren't always able to fulfill 100% of their promises.
That's politics.
I just want a wall god damn it.
I still don't believe NK is a real threat to the US and that they are anything more than a crippled country with a shit-talking retard as a leader.
China's currency manipulation depletes the US economy enormously and it affects every citizen, especially, Trump's voters in the Rust Belt. Now, Trump throws away the opportunity to fix the problem quickly for geopolitical expansionism. "Hurr durr Saddam has WMD, bomb 'em" all over again.
i got neocon'd
you're a good goy
How does it feel electing Israel's #1 goy Sup Forumstards?
Trump was discussing working with Rand Paul on a bill even before Ryan put his out. Trump knew he had 110hp, and Ryan had 30, so he let him bind himself to failure. Simple really.
>fight corruption
He is fighting corruption. The swamp is fighting hard against him.
>Trump is a Presbyterian
Trump is not really religious first of all.
Then again the Presbyterians are also not particularly religious and although historically Calvinist tend toward a Wesleyan/Methodist theology these days. I'm Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and one of my college buddies used to tag along with me to church on Easter because he felt that confessional Lutherans are closer to Calvinism than any of the local Presbyterian churches.
Officially. It's not a coincidence he refuses to release his tax returns. He has nothing to lose doing so unless he's trying to cover up some (((donors))).
The wall is coming. Prototypes are being built right now in San Diego. Final selection is scheduled for June 1st. The first segment is already funded as well.
>What kind of shit do you think (((they))) due to the president once he's elected to mold him to (((their))) will so easily?
(((They))) don't mold anybody. (((They))) pick someone who's already molded. If the guy ain't under their heel already, he doesn't stand a chance of winning. Period. (((Trump))) has been a fraud the whole time, from long before the beginning.
If he has done the opposite of everything he promised as you claim, why does the left still hate him so much?
It was hilldawgs turn you niggers!!!!!11
>fighting corruption and establishment with Kushner and Mnunchin
Pure coincidence amirite?
Hitler changed Germany a lot faster than Trump is changing America, and he never softened on a position and he actually fulfilled his promises. He also threw the commies in jail, imprisoned his corrupt political rivals, stamped out the kike press, and was such a hardass most of the undesirables left before hitler could even deport them. Also, and this is the most important and critical difference, he did not go around threatening other countries until he fixed Germany domestically. Trump is running around fighting neocon battles as soon as he's elected.
Cucks and shareblue jackoffs are pushing non topics like this in the pol. What surprise. Tax returns. Ok. We get it. The Russian narrative failed, the piss tapes were fake. Ya lost. Go listen to some Beyoncé and fuck right off already. Petulant children.
Fuck off shill
Good goy
Political donations aren't reported on tax returns.
The reason he's not releasing them is because the media hyperventilates over everything he does. Pic related is his tax return. If they can spin a story out of an obviously fake 20 page dossier, imagine what they'd do with a 5000 page tax return.
>end wasting taxpayer money on abortions in foreign countries
Not sure how I feel about that one.
It's one of the ways you meet and negotiate with people necessary to change policy.
DPRK is not a threat the way Russia is a potential threat. If we get in a non-proxy war with you it's an end of humanity type situation. But the worst case scenario with North Korea is that they nuke California (what a fucking pity that would be) and fuck up worst korea and Japan. It's not really an issue of fearing North Korea so much as it is dreading the mess they could make.
China does manipulate currency but it's not unreasonable to weight the benefit of calling them out vs not calling them out. Calling them out isn't going to make them stop manipulating their currency but will antagonize them. Trump has kind of taken a strange approach by issuing a non-confrontational statement that implicates them.
Not quite the "it was all a ruse" commentary i was expecting but ill take it.
It took two weeks...
you faggots are a joke
people on this board are mostly not old enough to remember ffs i was twelve during the 2000 us election
Finally one of you wakes up. How you could think the most jewed country in history could have legit elections I will never understand, but at least you are starting to see the truth.
All these David Brock loving cucks. So much edge and covert subterfuge. Am amaze.
>posted from a Shariablue-funded terminal
> We must respect Russia
> Russia must respect us
> => We must respect each other
I don't see a problem with this.
why do shill memes look like fucking ass
Soros dollars and fake nazi propaganda campaigns. Still bored and tired.
Why do trumptards call everyone they disagree with shills?