Why did Europe abandon Christianity?
Why did Europe abandon Christianity?
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Why did you emigrate from middle east?
Where did you get the idea that I did?
Why so defensive Mehmet?
Asking you to clarify your question is being defensive?
I dont think there are many people who can actually answer that question it is difficult to understand as far as I can see.
But i like something a muslim priest said. He remarked on the fact that 2 world wars lead to atheism in europe, saying that Europeans were a very religious civilization, and the world wars was enough for them and they stopped believing.
Thats not the deeper reason though. But it most certainly contributed.
its because your german parents force you to go to church as kid.
and if you are forced to something you hate it.
and they stop forcing you after you did confirmation and after that you never go to church agaIn
A heavily industrious world full of commodities makes it possible to act with a moral compass that would have been seen as death and destruction in times of scarcity and collective closeness.
Birth control allows for lust to be pardoned by technology rather than God.
Gluttony and sloth can be pardoned with welfare programs that slide food under the door.
Wrath of brown people can be pardoned with a kike infested MSM that only gives you the most quintessentially Swedish submission.
Their souls are roasting but their flesh is comfy.
Settle down Abdullah, no need to get defensive.
They are simply trying to propagate the culture of their ancestors.
Yeah, don't u have some kid to rape or kebab to roll?
What do you get out of spamming nonsense like this?
Cultural enrichment is diluting Christianity, this is (((their))) agenda.
dont argue with these people.
They say the same shit every time the arguments have no teeth anymore though, luckily
What do you get out of praying 6 times a day facing space rock?
I'm a Catholic.
Protestantism happened and the flock dispersed.
Absolutely. Europe was a Christian continent. Christianity was the state religion. Now all religions are equal before the state. This is absolute nonsense.
>Inshallah I am a Catholic and native of Jumhuriat Al'Bongland, you dog
What do you get out of this?
This is exactly how I know you are not White or British.
Just stop now, you are getting BTFO.
>Enlightenment happens
>a bunch of people with a shit understanding of Christianity are taken seriously (Voltaire)
>biased historians write about muh Dark Ages (Gibbon)
>Western European elite become degenerate and increasing anti-Christian
>Nietzsche arrives on the scene and falls for the revisionist history bait and pretty much attacks a strawman most of his life
>to top it off he comes from a Lutheran background and never makes a good attempt to understand traditional theology
>modern atheists make even sillier strawmen of Christianity
>after three centuries of this the masses, Christians included, are almost totally subverted
The European wars of religion and sectarian conflict led to much information of Christianity's history in Europe (mainly in the form of anti-Catholic propaganda). During the European Wars of religion a group came in that was educated in the terrible acts of the wars and this propaganda history and decided to focus on promoting tolerance and separating state and church so to ensure the battles end. Some Protestant groups already had this notion of keeping your faith a matter between only you and God so this was a big win for Protestants and effectively ended Christendom.
During this shift and beforehand during the sectarian wars many thinkers began to separate from the academic teaching of the middle ages (Scholasticism). Partially from issues they had and largely from how those teachings were so closely tied to the Catholic Church structure. This led to a movement away from that that culminated in those old academic studies being shamed (For instance, the term "dunce" comes from insulting the Scholastic genius DUNS Scotus) and the very idea of Natural Theology was rejected by these Enlightenment thinkers. Natural Theology is the study of theology and theism through study of the natural world.
Due to the anti-Catholic propaganda and the sectarian wars, people shifting away from Christendom thought highly of themselves and their use of reason compared to those old "barbaric" times and so their movement came to be known as The Enlightenment. And while some still tried to use Natural Theology to defend their theism and redefine the soul under their new non-Scholastic worldview, the popular thing was to uphold that it must be defended as a "leap of faith".
Eventually the new defenses for theism fell apart and Natural Theology generally fell out of disuse and people promoted tolerance to stop violence.
So without a reason to care about your denomination (through tolerance), a "bad history", a diversity of views, and no rational defenses it fell out.
wow can you not be any more defensive?
This. Also the Church decided to become a political power and when European countries finally decided to tell the Pope to fuck off it became less popular
Because they are too stupid to understand its depth.
That said, the rejection of Natural Theology is foolish. That doesn't change that it fell out in academia largely though.
Because Christianity stopped serving her believers with the advent of secular humanism. It then became a religion of works, instructing followers to gib monies and shut up about it.
>Because Christianity stopped serving her believers with the advent of secular humanism.
That's not true at all. Secular Humanism just became an label to justify naturalism in the early 20th century.
2000 years without magic tricks to prove it's real.
Once upon a time in 1930s Germany...
History repeats itself if you blame everything on the Jews. Without the Jews we wouldn't have christianity to begin with.
because once people weren't forced to do it they realized it's pretty gay
>because once people weren't forced to do it they realized it's pretty gay
"it's pretty gay" coming from none other than SWEDEN ahahahahahahah
Srsly you're from Sweden and u think christianity is gay? Dude get your brain the right way up. U should know better than that as a SWED
Jews killed Jesus.
Because age of true logic reveals that religion is holding back progress.
t. Communist
>Without the Jews we wouldn't have christianity to begin with.
jews today have nothing to do with Old Jews
>Sweden saying this
>they deliberately overthrew the Catholic Church for Protestantism because they liked their king more and the king wanted power
>remained Christian for centuries after no one was forcing you
>internalizing memes
Jesus was a Hebrew. Jews are a product of post-second Temple Babylonian Talmudic Pharaseeic thinking
How can a being be part of an establishment which exists to worship him?
define abandon Christianity. How many Christians actually live by the letter of the law? How many darent go against it but use it as a snuggle blanket putting themselves in the "god would like me" category. How many times during a lifetime can you see an infallible word of god diluted because it is X year and thats what people believe now?
It's hard to get people to believe in fairy tales in the age of science, skepticism, logic, and reason.
>Abandon civilized and refined christianity, with rich music and architecture and good morals
>Invite barbaric islamic hordes instead
Age of true logic
>Jews killed Jesus
This is getting older than a pair of socks from 70s. This again? It's like antisemitistic "christians" have nothing else negative to say about jews.
All other people are just as guilty about the death of Christ as the jews are. First of all, Jesus didn't just "get killed" He gave His life WILLINGLY. That means He knew all His life that He was going to die for the sins of all men on the cross so that everyone might be saved.
Secondly if you're so accurate about who killed Jesus, it was actually the ROMAN SOLDIERS who nailed Jesus to the cross. That would mean that ITALIANS who have one of the biggest christian denominations are at fault for killing Christ too. How does that sum up with a catholic who's very anti semitistic because "JEWS KILLED JESUS"? Not very well.
I know this is Sup Forums so my ranting is probably going to dead ears, but all of you people who seriously claim to be christians need to learn your roots where christianity came from and the fact jews share the same religion as christians.
At the very least learn that when you blame jews for killing Christ, you're in fact being hypocrites when your own hands are also bloody and at fault for the same thing.
Strange, because Ezra says "Jews" many, many, many times, and he wrote in the 6th century BC.
Your science, skepticism, logic and reason......
they are a fairy tale.
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t. kike
The Romans were tricked by Jewish rabbis.
t. captain swedecuck
Oh good, Wolfshiem itt.
Question: I find a belief in God to be not unreasonable a la William Lane Craig & Plantinga et. al, but still find myself skeptical about doctrinal/dogmatic claims. I find natural law/natural religion/whatever to be immensely attractive, but am extremely hesitant about revealed religion. I appreciate the moral teaching of the Catholic church (except maybe contraceptives, though I understand the arguments), but find that I still have reservations about the church as an institution. Formalized/ritualized prayers, a rigid metaphysics (transubstantiation), and the belief that one can ascertain absolute truth is concerning for me. I have also read stories (which may or may not be legitimate) about priests leaving the faith. If I could get your thoughts on these things, I would appreciate it.
The (((Sexual Revolution))) of the sixties correlated with the downfall of the family unit. This led to the loss of tradition, ergo the slow rotting away of Christianity.
Because it's fake.
Traditions and conservatism that comes from the church are awesome tho.
I'm a "cultural" christian. Don't believe the religion, but like everything that surrounds it.
All the good Christian men went off to war during WW1 and WW2 while all the cucks and fedoras stayed at home masturbating. All the good Christian men died and the mind virus of atheism, liberalism and Marxism grew.
Have you read any Christian authors like Tolstoy or C.S. Lewis?
Because of the corruption of the Catholic church and a general desire of an end to holy wars after the 1600s. Following that the enlightenment and the creation of modern liberal values, separation of church and state etc. Advances in science throughout the 19th and 20th centuries and finally the two world wars making people apathetic and more cynical.
It's not fake, it's deep.
Poor excuse. Pilatus knew exactly what he was doing and the romans as well. He condemned Jesus to death knowing He was innocent and even washed his hands claiming to be "clean" of the death of Christ.
The soldiers on the other hand put a crown of thorns on Jesus(must've hurt a ton) to mock Him and gambled for His clothes.
Once again anti semites are just demonizing Jews and being hypocrites. Sinners blaming other sinners of sinning is pointless. Follow Christ and accept the fact that you're saved and so are all Jews who decide to follow Yeshua.
Scientific progress and decades of abundance leave people with little reason to cry out in despair for salvation. God will return when the west starts suffering from decline.
> t. Juden
Blood on you and your children!
Though traditional and conservative, I'm a believer. There's something very profound about the thought that Jesus really did rise from the dead, believing that there's a grand design to the universe. You don't have to be a zealot to believe, I mean you still have to get on with your life, pay the bills, etc but it's nice to go and have the Eucharist.
absolutely fucking savage
because they are hedonistic faggots that want to forget actions have consequences
I would say it was because Europeans never wanted to be Jews in the first place. Jesus is King of the Jews. I am not a Jew.
Dude I'm not saying that the jews are not at fault for killing Christ. Of course they are, but NOT ANY MORE than OTHER people.
You guys must have some weird idea that by putting the blame on the "right place" you earn heaven points or get out of purgatory earlier or something. Why is it so important to you people that jews are the ones at fault?
Valid points but the jews are a vehement opponent of Christianity even though they are not Christ killers. They reject Christ with such fervor that the word kike comes from kikel or circle in hebrew because they refused to fill out Ellis Island immigration forms with crosses and instead put circles.
>I would say it was because Europeans never wanted to be Jews in the first place. Jesus is King of the Jews. I am not a Jew.
Amen user.
So this is the case: Jesus is the king of the Jews. Christians are by the grace of God by believing in Christ able to share the same faith and salvation in Jesus Christ. So stop being anti semites people and worship Christ.
Because it is a weak, pansy faggot cuck religion.
I'm not even Catholic, nigga. Besides, trolling heebs with a snappy line that is also connected to hundreds of years of kikes getting BTFO is pretty fun, desu :3
Subversion. Throw as much mental gymnastic at it as you want, but the fact remains. If it weren't for Jews we wouldn't have been going around in a vicious circle for the last 60 years arguing about which toilets trans "people" can have a shit in and other irrelevancies.
It's a monotheist slave religion centered around shame and submission. So no, ta.
That is a mistranslation. Hee was never the king of jews in the original texts
hello i'm from reddit where can I find the upvote button
Because of modern-day church, the pope is a cuckhold that wants to make everyone enter Europe and flood Europe in muslims
I am a catholic christian by myself, but i fucking hate the church
Deus vult, purge the muslims
Did you find your original texts inside a hat, but no one saw them?
Is there anything less reliable than Abrahamic paperwork?
if you aren't ashamed you should just kill yourself
you aren't going to fix this hell
you're a theologically, philosophically illiterate hedonistic child
Everything popular is wrong, due to the bulk of people being clueless on every topic. This redditors and Christians are retards.
Because when we have functioning democracy with a functioning legal system, the main function of religion--to discipline and punish people is no longer needed. Back in tribal times, religion was needed so that people would be afraid of something and wouldn't fuck around too much.
Because they let everyone read the bible even if they hadn't grew up learning latin, greek, and hebrew, along with philosophy and theology. So instead of just listening to what the experts trained in the religion said, everyone tried and failed to figure things out for themselves, having great big arguments over dumb stuff both sides were wrong about. Eventually they just gave up trying to understand it and turned to atheism because what little they could understood made no sense to them.
Also, heresy and sin are pumped into the culture 24/7, so it feels abnormal to be against what is presented to you since birth as the social norm.
Its literally too deep for you .
And yeah the final redpill is realizing that Christianity is literally the same as Buddhism .
No it's a well known mistranslation in the king James bible. Jews didn't exist until the 800s ad. They are based on the teachings of the Pharisees which Christ preached against. That's one of the reasons why kikes hate Christians
There's a reason why people didn't want a Jesuit as the pope
> Why did Europe abandon Christianity?
It doesn't pass scientific scrutiny for shit.
Science and its worse predecessors gave us everything. And the world.
because it's retarded kike shit.
You actually believe you can beat me down to the point I submit to your beliefs. It is the only hell due to Christians all LARPing. Filled with miserable sad fucks pretending they are someone they are not. Following a moral instruction manual because they have no morals of their own and thus commit endless atrocities.
Face it, your religion is evil. Your god wants everyone to except they are scum and grovel at his feet. If there is an evil god, it is the Christian god. No other god abuses his people like the Abrahamic god.
Nope. What are their theories about? Could you give me a quick explanation? Curious about it.
Agree on the Eucharist and being with a clean and good community of righteous people instead of degenerates. Sadly atheists or agnostics (which I consider myself) don't use to have this clean community, and if they do, they use to be kinda degenerate.
I just can't believe, it all seems way to fake, I think that the bible and christianism guide you to a nice life and keep some beautiful values, but it just can't be real and not manipulated, I can't be a hypocrite and go to church if I really don't have faith, since if there was a God I would be lying to it.
I grew Protestant, read the bible entirely in my home with my family more than once, really appreciate it, but I just can't believe it.
> because what little they could understood made no sense to them
More like it doesn't seem to be the word of any god being by any measure.
Some are pretty good stories, some are utterly retarded stories, but they're all just *human* stories.
Not that you can't derive some morals from the good stories. They do tell us experiences of people... but honestly, we are doing better and we understand more than people 1600+ years ago.
translating the bible to english was a mistake
Yet your culture is eroding from the inside and in countries like Germany the government is actively shipping in replacements for its citizens that inhabited the land for thousands of years
Pilate only did it to calm down the jewish masses once he saw that they began to revolt. He even asked them if he should hang the innocent man
Modern Jews share as much blame as modern non-Jews, I'll grant you.
But ancient Jews, specifically the Jewish religious and political elite at the time of Jesus, take a much larger share of the blame.
Were both Judas and Peter sinners? Yes. Was one of them more responsible for Jesus' death than the other? Yes.
Your using semantics. These are branches of the same monotheistic belief system. Islam/Jews?Christians are three branches of one religion.
It's a slave religion which requires submission. All three see their god as competitive and dominating all others. All middle eastern monotheistic slave religions that seek to spread themselves need culled.
No mistranslation is the problem.
Don't forget the dozens of rewrites of the church
>EU run by Jews
>Germany run by a Jew
>Catholic church run by what I believe is literally a Jew
>wonder why Europe abandon their one true god
Glad we can sum that simple process up for you.
When you realize the natural consequences of sin, you realize God and his perfect vision, and his perfect word, are far above and beyond anything you'll ever amount to on your own, and you'd do your best, inviting him to help you, to align yourself with it