Why America, why?

Why do Americans like to glorify their soldiers that much?

In almost every other country of the world (even where military service is compulsory) if you go the the army people don't really give a shit, but in America if you mention that you've been in the military everyone starts saying shit like "Thank you for your service" "so brave!" "you serve our country", what the fuck is up with that?

In many occasions it's faggots, NEETs and degenerates who join the military because they don't know what else they could do with their lives, I see threads on Sup Forums all the time where people who are in the army tell stories about how they blow their friends during night turns, crossdress under their uniform, have gay sex, why should I pay respect to someone who deserves none and instead spends their time doing this kind of shit? Discuss.

>inb4 b...but youre country is shit!!!
>inb4 shut up luigi pasta :DDddd

Get real burgers.

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jesus christ cool it

Hey, take it easy. It's not their fault they can barely rub two braincells together without saying oorah or huuu

>In many occasions it's faggots, NEETs and degenerates who join the military because they don't know what else they could do with their lives

Oh yes, let's send our best and brightest off to sand-land to get turned into hamburger.

If there was no military culture in the US people would quickly realize how hard they are being played

>hey maybe we shouldn't waste trillions and die for Israe-

Of course that's not a good idea, I'm just asking why even the dumbest people are treated like heroes when they come back from the army

>but in America if you mention that you've been in the military everyone starts saying shit like "Thank you for your service" "so brave!" "you serve our country", what the fuck is up with that?

Our government conditions us from when we're born to believe military service is the bravest and most noble thing you can do. It's why violence is glorified so much. This is to lure people into giving their lives to fighting for their interests.

Pretty obvious when you think about it.

Our militarism is extremely entrenched because we spent decades propagandising it. It's just part of the culture now. 1% of the population is military, but that number gets much higher when you consider ex-military. Most soldiers only serve one tour, so every four years another million people become military. We're basically a war-cult.

shut up luigi pasta :DDddd

Italy hasnt won a war since Caesar. Do the fucking math.


look at this

I expected the rednecks and ex-soldiers to come to me but it's nice to see that even you guys know that the military is basically a meme and holds no meaning whatsoever

ebig :DD

What does that have to do with anything I asked?

because if they weren't the troops, I'd be the troops. Plus we bang their girlfriend's while they're gone its only right.

It has everything to do with what you asked. We respect warriors and the warrior spirit in this country. Surprisingly we turn out the worlds best warriors.
You eurofags respect skinny jeans and overpriced cigarettes, hence you are the worlds laughing stock and americas bitch.

The military culture removes people who aren't well-integrated into the service-sector workforce. And in a way that serves American geopolitical interests. An enthusiastic military culture brings in as many people of that character as possible.

Besides, the military-industrial complex in our country employs a massive, massive population of highly skilled people who have to get their products used somewhere. All the hate towards Trump's decision to use 93 million dollar missiles in Syria or MOAB in Afghanistan, for instanced, is misplaced, because those were the product of American manufacture and hardly "taxpayer money" just evaporating in the Levant. Bombs are jobs. More war = more bombs = more jobs.

>Surprisingly we turn out the worlds best warriors.

which is why you lost to rice farmers

Also- bombs do expire. And we are not a wasteful nation. #GottaNukeSomethin

>I expected the rednecks and ex-soldiers to come to me but it's nice to see that even you guys know that the military is basically a meme and holds no meaning whatsoever
Sounds like your mind is already made up. Guess the thread is pointless then.

We lost to rice farmers because we were stabbed in the back by hippy scumbags back home. But we killed a lot of rice farmers.

We're the most impenetrable county on the planet thanks to our military. We can never be touched militarily because of this.

>In many occasions it's faggots, NEETs and degenerates who join the military because they don't know what else they could do with their lives

There certainly are a good minority of degenerate soldiers. At least in the Army there were. But many see it as an honor, a priviledge, or just a major milestone they'd like to cross. American forces don't fuck around when it comes to war. We love it, and we are very good at it. The only ones dooming our operations are the politicians sending us to pointless places to kill insignificant roaches.

Here's an article written by french military fag talking about the differences between euro and US forces


>we train WARRIORS
do you think you're in some old hollywood movie mate?

>you are the worlds laughing stock and americas bitch.
I agree that europe is shit but I'd argue that you guys are the ones who make the whole world laugh with your stupid shit

>inb4 i don't care about what the world thinks I love america YEAH!!

>Italian talking about military service

I was in the US military.

I worked with Italians in Afghanistan. Biggest bunch of assgrabbing fuckups I have ever seen, and I also worked with Romanians.

The level of technical proficiency among Italians in the field was amazingly low. It was like they had never gone through a tech school or training of any type. I believe they literally handed a bunch of random infantry a technical manual and told them to 'go do this here' while pointing at a spot on the map.

Their combat proficiency was actually non-existent, so I never got a chance to actually watch them perform. Whenever our fob or base were attacked, the Italians (who were fully armed and equipped, and designated as base defense), never responded. They hid in their bunkers, or literally slept through everything in their barracks, while forcing the undermanned Americans and Brits to engage on their behalf.

8 months with Italians, and I never saw a single one in the NATO gym, except for their prostitute. Yes, prostitute. The Italians 'enlisted' a prostitute and brought her to a fob in Afghanistan with them.

Not content to simply fuck off and do nothing, these idiots truly believed that they were contributing, and would complain to the commander of the installation if they were ever left out of ceremonies or recognition events. If there was a 'party' and the Italians were not invited, they would lodge a complaint. If there was a special lunch and they didn't get some of the food, you know the Italians would complain.

Italians are not soldiers, not warriors, not men. So you see, I don't blame you for not understanding the concept of military tradition. It is impossible for you luigi pasta-sauce slurping retard to comprehend. Esprit de corp is a totally foreign idea to Italians, and common purpose may as well as be a forbidden phrase.

counter-counter culture == best culture

Say that to one of their faces you insolence scum

So was it your girlfriend or mom that got plowed by a bunch of infantrymen?

Maybe, but the laugh behind our backs. They laugh in your face. Because you scare no-one.

Dont worry, in 10 years the Muslims will be taking care of you and toughen you up.

People are expected to kiss soldiers asses because they get blown up and come back with mental issues and their family is torn apart, but in reality most shoulders don't want sympathy, they joined the military because they either 1. Wanted to kill legally 2. It's easy money/lots of benefits

>everyone starts saying shit like "Thank you for your service" "so brave!" "you serve our country"

This is why I avoid bringing up the fact I was enlisted.

>Why do Americans like to glorify their soldiers that much?

Pretty much this

Because they face horrors and hardships head on and actually remain active and relatively composed. Where as the vast majority of people, you included; would just hide in the corner crying pissing their pants begging for help probably looking up to the sky crying for God.

And they kill Muslims

Well yeah, of course the US Army is going to be full of retards.

Services like the Navy and the Air Force, however, have the luxury of being much more selective because the typical enlisted Sailor or Airman is going to be a technical expert in their rate or specialty.

>1. Wanted to kill legally

Spotted the 19 year old.

Care to share any more deep insights to the human condition with us?

Every country has a surplus of people like this, and the military service works in favor of it.

The problem isn't the troops, that just want to do their jobs correctly, it's the fault of the people that define what that job is.


Because of Vietnam and how those men were treated when they came back home.

Those are some pretty high praises for a frenchie, I'm surprised.

I think it's because the military of most other countries rarely actually sees combat.
I actually see dismembered veterans here in the U.S. while out shopping or whatnot.
I think it's funny seeing the North Korea generals covered in medals trying to look tough, when none of them are old enough to have fought in the Korean War, and therefore any war.

Do you have any idea where the world would be without the American military? You would not be Europe you would be Russia, well the Chinese consume all of Asia... The only good thing about this is these countries would kill Islam.

oh boy here we go, literally defending your arguments with what I said in the OP

>b...but youre country is shit!!!
We don't care about what our soldiers do in war because it's ultimately a useless thing but I guess that you like to glorify violence so much that it's impossible to argue.

>Italians are not soldiers, not warriors, not men.
Oh shit here's another one with the "warriors" thing, are you guys all brainwashed the same way?

Are you some anti-war/ anti-violence faggot?

War is natural and it pays off to be the best at it

war is a useless thing? heh, spoken like somebody that has Americans defending him all his life.

Yes… And Europe basically can't be invaded because of America, unless of course they're stupid enough to just let the Muslims hordes in voluntarily.

There's no comparison when it comes to Muslims versus Mexicans

seriously, I was too. I didn't even realize nobody else performed like us. I figured NATO members would learn something from us but guess not

No one thinks it's the troops fault they're just doing their job, same with cops when people blame them for profiling, blame the higher ups who put blacks in that situation where profiling is necessary to stop crime

Many countries have mandatory military service. When everybody has been in military then it isn't anything special. In America it is a choise, not a duty to serve in military, so it is something special.

Because of how soldiers were treated after the Vietnam War. Decent Americans wanted to make sure people who risked life and limb for their flag, at least know they're supported. It's a cultural thing bud

So basically the country that had the power and capabilities to manipulate the entire world is being laughed at by the manipulated oh God how awful. Shut the fuck up you faggit pleb

>1. Wanted to kill legally
I'm kinda baffled how you could believe this. Only straight up sociopaths would actually want to do this and that would be a very rare. Anyone who isn't and joins the military and ends up killing someone is in for an extremely rude awakening. Killing another human being is normally very traumatic. You might be able to desensitize yourself enough to pull the trigger without hesitation but once the other guy goes down its a much different story.

t. army guy

I'm not making an argument. I am pointing out the simple fact that it is impossible for an Italian to understand the concept of martial prowess or military tradition.

You're like a dog trying to comprehend algebra. The comment is for the benefit of the other readers, not you. You're a bystander here, just how Italians were in the warzone I fought in.

Corruption, laziness, and debauchery are the domain of the Italian. Your country will be occupied by Islamists, and maybe within our shared lifetime I will put my feet on your soil to help liberate you from your future oppressors.

Then, perhaps you will gain a glimmer of understanding. More likely you will be dead by then, because the spineless Italian men will be butchered like cattle by the africans and arabs flooding their nation.

Good riddance, to be perfectly honest. You're a joke.

and joins the military for that reason*

No I'm not, I just think that it's useless to waste huge amounts of money for war, this is probably why smaller countries don't really give a shit and non-american soldiers are not "warriors" according to you guys

should've phrased it better, of course war is not useless as it can literally change history, but I think that it lost it's meaning and has turned into business (jobs, and again money money money)

>had the power
are you implying it doesn't have it anymore? oops looks like you fucked up leaf, try again with your sICK BANTZ

Media propaganda supporting Jews politicsl and economical imperialism, people defend themselves and that's it.

Fuck the military

Shut up pasta, go fuck yourself

People who do war are warriors you fucking imbecile.

They churn out impoverished and destroy all industry and good jobs for lower classes they get more extortionists who are sent on a trip to another planet to enforce political and economic interests of Jews.

I must say, your way of writing is very poetic and book-like, you could've been a nice writer, too bad. Or maybe you could become a modern war poet, who knows?

>More likely you will be dead by then, good riddance, you're a joke etc.
going a bit off-topic aren't we? It's funny because I don't even live in Italy, I literally came back here for a few weeks because of spring holidays soo, good luck with that man

We'll, no, I believe it does have meaning. It is our culture, it's part of who we are. Memes have meaning. It's all very Jungian but that does not diminish it.


Very well said… Did you see his comment in response to the guy who said America builds warriors?

> muh you think you're in a Hollywood movie

What a typical faggot he would know one of warrior is, he has no sense of honour principal. If you make spaghetti hand it out, wear skinny jeans smoke cigarettes and feel sanctimonious but guess what in a test of Might the Americans Will punch your whiny teeth in.

How can one feel superior in the presence of someone that could end their pathetic life with minimal effort in seconds? I've never understood this perspective it always hinges on "Oh society will protect me" well society won't get there before your turned in to the meatball you love so much so pretty irrelevant. What is your life worth if you can't protect yourself, and simply sit around thinking that society has your back

If they flood the country with 3rd world they fuck the poor of the 1st world who now are more incentivized to die for their projects.

no wonder we only ally with the alleged best faction

Hourly reminder that the Falklands will forever belong to Her Majesty.

>look at me, I'm gonna use European stereotypes, skinny jeans sigarettes hahA gotem!!
Come on guy, it's almost as if I called all Americans obese and stupid, you can do better than that

>How can one feel superior in the presence of someone that could end their pathetic life with minimal effort in seconds?
Last time I checked America and Italy were in pretty good terms, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong tho

>"Oh society will protect me" and all the other shit
Fantasizing quite a bit about me aren't you?

You're not wrong, Mario. Here in the USA, people are often very nationalistic but they also mix in a lot of blind statism with their nationalism. The media pushes this to make people to realize that 9/11 was an inside job look unpatriotic and anti-american. We burgers are trained from a very young age that the government if our best friend and would never lie to us, ever. And since our military men are part of the government most people have a knee-jerk 'thank you' reaction even though the military hasn't been useful to the public for decades.
And now, Luigi, you know the truth about the American empire's greatest lie: freedom.

Holy fuck you're disgusting you spineless little rat.

> muh violence

Listen you fucking idiotic Twatt, the world you live in is founded on violence, the ecosystem foundation is violence dog eat dog world. You are nothing more than a byproduct of prosperous times therefore you have developed and become extremely weak with no principal or sense of honor… When shit hits the fan you will be utterly useless, like I said crying in a corner pissing yourself if somehow your instinctually cowardly behaviour keeps you alive long enough the only thing you'll be good for is meat for the stronger humans who fucking boil you up and cannibalize you. Even if they're not that hungry will probably do it anyways just to stop here perpetual whining "how could this happen", "how could we do this to each other", "violence is bad" you're absolutely disgusting

Witness the spineless Italian. Faced with the threat of his nation and his people being annihilated, he cannot even conjure a retort besides "not my problem I don't even live there". How very appropriate. "Not my problem" could be the Italians national motto.

It's interesting actually, Italian cowardice and incompetence changed the course of WWII, and thus all of world history. If Italians had actually been able to hold their own and meet their military obligations to Nazi Germany, Hitler would not have been forced to divert a huge amount of manpower and material to assist them.

The Nazis might have even won on the eastern front and forced a truce with Russia, freeing up 1million+ men to fight the british/us invasion.

So maybe we should be thanking Italians for being worthless at war. Perhaps one day in the far future, Italians will again align themselves with the most evil fuckers on the planet Earth, and then drag them down long enough for the free people to respond.

Because we like them.

Sorry you're not allowed to like yours.

jesus christ man you're really going NUTS with your statements, you're clearly the most upsetti in this thread

>see: pic related

Americans are being reasonable at least in explaining their shit while all you can do is write random stuff, keep it up tho it's great seeing with how many different insults you can come up to avoid any serious talk

Of course America still controls the direction of humanity! Oh you got me there I said had, fucking Italian I don't know what's worse you or my fellow Canadians come actually there is plenty of fucking Italians here.

Without personal praise, nobody would willingly die for Israel. It's a tactic of the Jew.

Who else are we supposed to glorify, the guys in a dress and fishnets marching across campuses?

We need to end wars and care for our poor here not send them to die for Israel, build more factories, raise wages, lower rent, build houses etc..

I completly disagree. Imo Americans have a healthy relationship and view of their soldiers.
People can fucking hate the politics, wars and even the military but they know it's not the individual soldier who has made the decision that America should be fighting in bum-fucki-stan so they can still show support for the soldiers who "fight and die for America".

I would prefer that to how we have it in Sweden where people piss on the monument to our fallen soldiers and only people over the age of 30 think the military is something good while anyone younger thinks soldiers spend their days eating babies alive.

Also every American soldier I have met on exercises or ops have been superchill, the only trouble we ever had is that sometimes some of their guys start to speka in spanish on the radio when they are stressed.

You're preaching to the choir, user. You don't need to persuade me away from Jewish wars.

When public institutions like military and hospitals become yet another arm of your finance economy this is a sign of decline and desperation. Every failing empire tries to pull this off and every time it blows up in their face.

>his nation
>his people
>"Not my problem"
I'm sorry man and don't get me wrong, but I for one don't give a shit about Italy, I was born here and I spent part of my childhood here but that's about it really

everytime I come back to visit my relatives shit just gets worse, government sucks, streets are filthy and full of niggers, for what I care Italy could explode at this moment and I obviously wouldn't be affected

>In many occasions it's faggots, NEETs and degenerates who join the military because they don't know what else they could do with their lives

Well maybe that's just the thing. Instead of staying/becoming worthless degenerates they actually subdued to military authority and allowed the military to craft something out of them

1000000x better than someone that does nothing to improve himself. Some men just need some force and authority in order to get somewhere. And in the end they themselves will end up happier too

PS: not saying every serviceman is like that.

They are the goodest goys because they fight for Israel.

I'll let you in on a secret. Because the military isn't compulsory here, we've developed a genius system that reforms our losers/shitheads with no force. Not saying EVERYONE in the military is one, but people with no other options join and it gives them enough structure to reform their lives. So we suck the dick of former military, thus giving social reinforcement which induces said losers into joining in the first place. They have low self esteem and see other military being treated with respect, it gives them great incentive to join. So to keep our numbers up, we must keep the charade going.

The problem with our military is it's literally a shitskin gibs program now. Almost everyone who joins is a darkie, faggot, spic, or white trash. They aren't over here defending Americans, they're on the other side of the world defending the Jews.

Dude, fag sex is fucking hot. Especially when it's between actual men. Deal with it.

this is where you fucked up

The military breaks more good people than it saves bad ones. Just look at the rates of homelessness and drug use for vets.

Ex military
>judging less than 1% of the population
>and less than 1% of that population
>hurr durr everyones gay in the military
Yeah and your countries houses child molesting priest, so what? Everyones got problems.

I think it's unit dependent, seems like units that handle logistics and such get the most darkies while the combat units are mostly white/hispanic.

There is no need for military, we need to abolish it, and simply build 300 million houses distribute them and that's it.

> we are on good terms

No you're not, your country maybe but you're not look at the way you talked about American soldiers, almost all of which would rip you in half so literally what the fuck are you worth? These people that you're talking down upon, could take away your very existence with ease! probably while talking to their friends making a joke about how pathetic your feeble attempts at stopping them are. See you just pissed them off, they could knock you out break your teeth and leave you toothless, or they could take you and Ducktape you to a tree, they can do whatever the fuck they wanted with you if you ever had the balls to speak like this to their face ( which you certainly don't) seriously what the fuck are you worth then? You just a little bitch bound to be a statistical victim, you're a little sanctimonious antiviolence attitude is going to get yourself fucked one day… Like that soldier said good riddance you vermin. Hide within your bachelors degree, high school degree, Computer skills whatever… But in case you didn't notice Western society is at the tip of its decadence, as it rises it's only a matter of time before it falls in which case everything you hold dear will be absolutely useless and you will be nothing more than an obsolete human, but the vast majority of people a coward, watching better man do what they can to stop the situation: nothing more nothing less.

Like I said you are just a byproduct of easy times, which is where you get your faggot perspectives and lack of principles and sense of honour. Weakness incarnate.


Why do we even have marines anymore

They've been obsolete since WW2 ended

Our military has value, you wouldn't understand.

,,,, absolutely disgraceful

No wars, only self defense, offense abolished.

>See you just pissed them off
Actually 80% of Americans in this thread have been nice and reasonable, giving actual arguments as to why the US likes to praise their soldiers, you on the other hand seem to be very pissed and all you did was insulting me and saying things out of your ass, you really give me the impression that you're going to punch a wall or hit your girlfriend any moment now
>implying you even have a girlfriend
Ok I'll admit I fucked up there, I'm so sorry man!

Faggotry is rife in the military & its full of 'muh patriotisim' tier morons who literally defend multiculturalisim.

War itself is so impractical nowadays.

Would you really wage war with, say, America when you can just buy most of their products and items somewhere else?

Isn't that obvious? They created and fostered a warrior caste that they give reverences to in their everyday culture. They have to maintain the worlds largest military with an voluntary army, so they need to create social incentives to join the army.

Assuming it takes 50 workers to build one house we would need 150 million workers to build 300 million houses in 8 months.

>muh dying for the politicians is so showing of who's who
It's literally as dumb as
>muh hard-working for the capitalists is so showing of who's who

So manly, serving your Jewish owners, oh.

Because our military actually does shit.. rather than talk shit from behind the protection of global superpowers like some pasta eaters I could mention. Just a thought.

I reckon white americans could drop to 30% of the population and blacks could rape white grade school girls on mass before the averge 'muh patriotisim' faggot would ask himself WTF he is actually defending...