Asians are smarter than whites

>Asians are smarter than whites
>most of the greatest scientific minds were white
Really made me think

>a few individuals are indicative of a population size of a billion

>Asians are less intelligent than whites
>Asians aren't becoming minorities in their own countries and promulgating stale meneshevik dogma in their universities

Pick one Paco.

Asian here.

I don't think I'm inherently smarter than the pioneers of science.

So I'll just have to try harder.

Modern society was created by whites. Not asians, not jews. The average iq is 105 in east asia, us whites are around 100. Those extra points is autism

Asian detected

Argument: not detected
>this is the blazing might of the Occidental intellectual

Asians are good at repetition and copy others, not innovation

that's why whites are smarter, we're breeding mixed super-men while you're going to be left behind jerking your asian peckers to anime

Of course, now at last I truly see. If your enemy fucks your wife, you win!

Actually if you remove all the non whites, white countries have higher average IQ's than Asian ones

By most any measurable metric I'm smarter than my dad, but he can fix basically anything you put in front of him even if he's never seen it before
I can't.
I'll have my PhD in a couple years
Who's smarter?

Want to be a well known for centuries? find the cure homosexuals

I'm not joking, you'd be in the history books for all eternity.


sup based chink. ill call your 20 odd kills and raise you 60

maybe their average iq is higher than our but we have more geniuses. so the asians may be good in repetitions but not so innovative like we are.

>fell for the education meme
You really gotta ask who's the smart one?

Piece of paper proves little more than that you can jump through hoops.

lol, do you think employers want debt free independent thinkers?

Nah, they want serfs.

Most scientific advances today are still made by white people, it's just they get less news coverage because of the liberal faggot news

thats what the paper proves brother. i know collage is a meme here but irl you cant go above a shift manager at a grocery store without a degree

Sure you can. You just gotta be handy and not sit around on your ass all day.

>What is gunpowder, the first printing press, the compass, paper currency, guns, etc

For centuries Europe basically just imported Asian inventions, until they began refining them a bit later.

Even now Japan puts out an extraordinary amount of scientific research, particularly in computers and robotics.

im sayn dude. really low level jobs require a degree in anything. how many people can be self employed?