be Pole
>shit on muslims
>send your bydło out of your country
>be openly racist to fags and niggers
>don't accept any immgrants
>still don't get any terrorist attacks
be westerner
>suck muslim dick
>be tolerant and invite countless waves of fighting age males to your country
>offer them your women
>keep spending money on tem trying to get them integrated
>keep saying that it's the right thing to do and your countries are still safe
>keep getting shot and killed
>inb4 butthurt westerners start shitting on Poland
I'll report you to police for hate speech :^).
Daily reminder that there was no terrorist attack since at lest 200 years here
Other urls found in this thread:
your country is still a shithole though
the biggest migrant group in germany are poles
hmmm I wonder why
Poland is cool.
It's time to Make Poland Great Again.
>the biggest migrant group in germany are poles
Like i said, thank you for taking our bydło! Truly Hans you made Poland a better place!
Germanistaner please go.
When will you return Belarus?
This is a legit question. I'm a part-time model here, fully jacked and tall and usually post my gym pics on Instagram. Of all the likes I get 80% are always from poland. Some even DM'd me and we talked and everytime I asked why poland theh were unable to answer properly. Sup with that breh?
the only correct way my man.
>tfw 0 terrorist attacks here too
We build the fence, now they won't come.
not an argument
you russkies love germany as well we have a ton of you over here
Edit; from polish chicks (no homo)
stfu you cabbage eating man-pierogi
When russia's official language is Arabic.
imma let you finish but why are poles only good at cleaning toilets and occasionaly trash disposal services?
>Budget poo in loo with more acid attacks
>Wanted by white women
You're not even one of the mysterious, swarthy Arabs. You're a fucking Indian reject.
Russia has no future, sadly but true.
So when will you take Belarus?
Karta Polaka is invented for this, isn't?
t. beta lardass virgin
Stfu poo, I can steal your girl in legit 3 seconds faggot.
>92 Morocco
>93 Poland
You guys are alright. You know how it is, send your shitty citizens to "good" European countries and watch your crime rate drop down.
kek, you retard before ww1 bombs were going off every week here, Pilsudski was a terrorist, Moscicki was a terrorist, our first government after ww1 was made in a large part of former terrorists. Not to mention Ukrainian terrorism in the interwar period.
Read a book you moron.
but our terrorism was in the name of Poland, and it was internal national terrorism
People don't understand the simple definition of terrorism. It's using violence for political gains/reasons. And if you think about it it's not that uncommon. Especially in the past.
be polack
>be poor
stop making threads about Poland you dumb faggot, you ain't got nothing interesting to say anyway
>Pilsudski was a terrorist
Fuck off commie, go suck PZPR dick.
>be pollack worship nigger Madonna
Lol so true
Some chicks dig exotic. Read about Simon Mol and his adventures in Poland.
They're STDs carriers so I would watch out if I were you. Since you're good looking you can get normal girls where you live instead of being fetishized by some whores.
You said we didn't have a terrorist attack in the last 200 years, which is untrue. In the early 1900s we were the Northern Ireland of the Russian Empire blowing up police stations and assasinating Russian officials.
I know you meant muslims in the west and how calm we have it now but textbook terrorism was big in Poland in the early XX cent
low qualified workers emigrate. Highly skilled ones stay. Still EU politics is making Poland into assembly plant for wealthy countries so we might end up with only low skilled ones.
Its a fact you retard read his biography even on fucking Wikipedia, PPS Organizacja Bojowa was a terrorist organization.
>Highly skilled ones stay.
why is your country still so economically shit then?
>Pilsudski was a terrorist
and your mom is a whore
can you agree?
>be american
>be nigger
>get shot
your point is?
Why is everything east of the Elbe?
let me think...
your country since 1700s?
ww1 and ww2?
gommie occupation?
gee i wonder...
is poland the best country in europe
no point; just letting you know that your countries GDP is well below that of your European counterparts
because you constantly ruin it with russia, hans
we were wealthy as fuckin in 15th century
>Budget shitskin who goes on anime forums to call people beta lardass virgins and brag about random women messaging him or something
>Stealing any girl
If you were from an Arab country or something, maybe. Nobody wants Pakis, my dude.
He was a terrorist you subhuman moron its a fact he was blowing up police stations and even robbed a train. I'm not saying he was bad, the word "terrorist" is neutral to me. Its just the truth and you are a cretin
Fetish bitches looking for something exotic
1939 is a very not fun year.
nigger please. for a country that has just (less than) 30 years of capitalism we're fucking great
>memerican educkayshuuun
you niggers are so dumb it's sometimes hard to read your posts
>mfw-even terrorists cannot be bothered by an irrelevant shithole like pooland
>had army
>be supported by people
>bring legitimacy to the nation and it's government
>a terrorist
if i'm subhuman, you're just a worm
stay buttmad kurwo
No, that's us, and it's not Madonna, it's dick.
Stop complaining about people who actually are men and protect their culture and country. Learn instead.
i to jest kurwa problem z wami jebane pajace.
kto tutaj głównie wsiada na kogo?
polacy na polaków...
jesteście tak zjebani, że na prawdę czas żeby nas ktoś kurwa znowu napadł, bo tylko wspólny wróg nas jednoczy
dosłownie pies was jebał
jak sracie
I'm talking about his activity in 1900-1914 you idiot he had no army then. You are a legit subhuman who doesn't even know Pilsudski's bio, its now official. Do you even know what PPS OB was?
Terrorists dont attack Poland because there would be no point. Literally no one would care. You guys are the niggers of europe, sorry m8.
I was in Poorland once. It’s sad.
>calling other people dumb
>only now speaking about very specific time period
hello pidor. u mad?
Based Poland is based.
it would be burning every shitskin out here
meanwhile you're an easy targer
you're to pussy bitch boi to do anything
Nie jestes Polakiem stulejo tylko podludzka zydowska wsza ktora nie zna biografii Pilsudskiego a robi z siebie debila w internecie. Nawet kurwo nie wiedziales co robil przed pierwsza wojna, co to bylo PPS OB, pewnie cie w szkole specjalnej nie uczyli. Wypierdalaj do gazu.
im scottish senpai. Weve got about the same number of muslims as you.
Only Spaniards can post the original.
ssij lage kurwo
wole takiego terroryste jak innych bohaterów
a w ogóle dzieciaczku to wykurwiaj do spanka bo na pszyre zaśpisz
Jestes niedorozwinietym cwelem kilka razy pisalem ze nie mam problemu z terroryzmem Pilsudskiego. Stwierdzam po prostu fakt a OP pierdoli bzdury ze od 200 lat nie mielidmy ataku, bylo duzo polskich terrorystow przed wojna z Pilsudskim na czele.
oh really? who is brunon kwiecień then? :)
odjeb się kurwa od piłsudskiego
tak op pierdoli bo to kurwa pewnie dałn. w samym międzywojniu non stop coś sie działo, bo a to te świnie jebane z "ukrainy", a to kurwa litwak jakiś...
ale kurwa daj już spokój.
Where do you got this money from? I got it from selling my daddy and mommy!
You sold your future for more Euros and you seem to be very proud of it.
Kurwa, a garncarz z Wrocławia to co? Czy debile zakładający te thready nie mogą napisać islamski terroryzm?
>things that never happened
Still a sandnigger tho
>No terrorist attack since at lest 200 years here
>No Poland a good number of those years
Still luv u tho poland, based AF bby.
>Daily reminder that there was no terrorist attack since at lest 200 years here
Even terrorists have standards.
Ukranian detected, gtfo
Hot post more
not even the same guy
I love Germans sometimes xD
I love you too
If you'd be Iranian i'd call you brother. Iranians are Poles of middle east.
Haha Paki with the bantz!
Please check out my Poland hate thread and leave a comment:
Thank you.
Way ahead of you Hans, I'm this post
We haven't had an attack since the country existed
Check mate Western Europeans
Sick "only when pumped" pic.
Lol you're a wristlet
Btw I copied that post from a Croat who made a Serbia hate thread, I just swapped out Serbia for Poland.
If you want me to admit I'm jealous, I am
Hahahha I've seen this pic floating around, fuck you lying faggot
I think that's how most threads on Sup Forums are made
I want to touch your penis.
i like german posters
Looks like the Führer himself painted that map
Germanics and Mediterraneans, the spirit of European civilization
Literally beautiful
>we were wealthy as fuckin in 15th century
And then you kicked out my jewish ancestors you dumb peasant. Learned your lesson yet?
Russia may not have a BRIGHT future, but Russia doesn't ever end. So, at some point a few hundred years from now, the Golden Era will rise. Hopefully whoevers in charge then doesn't fuck it up with some sort of socialism
Moshe please.
Also, check out my Canada hate thread where I baited dozens of butthurt Canadians into chimping out like feral niggers:
Thank you.
you're literally the same ethnic group lmao
Clean my toilet like your kurwa mother did.
poles are slavs though, and nobody wants to be a slav , live with them or near them
literally learning polish right now. planning to move there if the US gets too bad
The Polish people I've met have all been what well grounded and with the heart at the right spot. And there's lots of pretty wimmins.
>kurwaniggers are ok in my book.
>baiting Leafs
c'mon we all know that is easy mode.
bait (you)'s from 10 different Swiss anons then we will talk
>bait (you)'s from 10 different Swiss anons then we will talk
I've had great success with pic related a few months ago.
All is forgiven if you take refugees.
>brown people bait
bit of a low hanging fruit, surprised it worked honestly, isn't immigration from non-European countries in Switzerland low anyway?
good job nonetheless
>bit of a low hanging fruit
The more retarded the bait, the more bites you get. See pic related, that thread filled up in no time.