If you use Tinder you are contributing to the Feminism movement you hate so much

Sup Forums is always complaining that women are whores, riding the cock carousel. That women arent wife material past the age of 25 and so on.

By using apps like Tinder you contribute to this. YOU are one of those cocks on the carousel.

You contribute to this degeneracy

Having degenerate sex with thots you wont see again is the rockbed of this nation faggot

>Implying anyone on Sup Forums gets laid

So then youre basically contradicting Sup Forums, dumbass

Tinder was created by the Jews.

Okay, so I shouldn't fuck some whore because some buttmad autist might want to marry her someday. Sure, I'll keep that in mind while I'm boning your future wife. Cuck.

There's no such thing as pussy communism. You get what you earn, no more, no less.


I'm using it by I'm not contributing desu.

America needs to be genocided

Why are you redirecting him there? You're on Sup Forums, about 95% of its population is made up of virgins.

I use tinder but I only like black girls and they are not feminist

It's not hard if you go full degenerate. But it is unfulfilling, so you don't really lose much.

meh, I want a real conservative qt

>YOU are one of those cocks on the carousel.

Yes, AND? You mad about not getting any powsi?

No shit. But it's pretty much a database of whores.

So makes filtering a hell of a lot easier.

Instead of having to ask a shit ton of encrypted questions (are your parents still together) just ask if she's ever tried tinder or if your just looking to bust a nut pull one off there.

>get matched with pierced face uni girl on tinder
>looks good enough for a fuck if a bit chunky
>meet up with her at bowling alley
>total fatty and smells funny
>like man the harpoon fatty
>be polite but don't invite her to house and end the date as soon as considerately possible
>ghost her til she stops texting me
>3 months later
>she pops up on tinder again, this time with a male-ified version of her name, her hair cut short, and profile filled up with patriarchy this, problematic that, etc.

And I never used it again

Tinder degenerate here. Been using it for like 2 years. This is my second account

My first one for up to 2300 matches, finally met a gf material girl, we deleted it, broke up a couple months later:/

I just use it for sex to fill the void in my heart. I am attractive, I am at a good school with a good major, yet I still can't find a gf. Girls only see me as hookup material for some reason

And so what, burger?

It has never been easier to get laid and you probably still sit there jerking it to Chinese cartoons.

I don't even give a fuck if the bitch is a single mother. Does she really think she'll find some beta dummy to father her bastard? The expectations are laughable and they should never be taken seriously.

>Uses a hook up app
>To hook up with women who only want empty casual sex
>Continues using it for several years
>Sleeps around with whores
>"Why can't I find a girlfriend?"

Good job. You played yourself. You, the modern man incarnate, decided to build your own cage out of the finest materials you could find, then locked yourself inside. It's only now that your bowl is empty that you are starting to wonder if maybe the iron bars were such a good idea after all.

>It has never been easier to get laid and you probably still sit there jerking it to Chinese cartoons.
I want normies to leave REEEEEE.

>>meet up with her at bowling alley
Why'd you two meet at a bowling alley? Did you plan it or her?

It's time to grow up, Sup Forumsnon :^)

Tinder is amazing because of feminism. None if the girls on there are long term material, however they are so concerned with breaking gender stereotypes they will pay for your meals on dates. Free meal --> sex--> delete and never speak to her again

>hehe fucking virgins from /r9/, some of us are getting laid regulary amirite?

Nigger I don't even own a smart phone. I still use pic related. I'm not using any shitty dating app

>if you hunt for witches and find witches you're making witches

k then

I don't even talk to roasties.
>muh give me power because I have a wet hole and exploded ham sandwich between my legs


degenerate indeed


[citation needed]

Yes, actually.

haha this fucking guy

>[citation needed]
You're on Sup Forums.


Into the trash you go

>Having sex makes you a normie

Travis Bickle went on dates.

I use it to be spiteful and throw cheesy pickup lines.
I don't get too many matches, and most of them are girls who don't deserve the hate but now and then I get a basic bitch or a feminist that I utterly destroy.

>when archetypal socially alienated characters are more normie than you
activates my almonds desu

It's kind of funny to see how 5/10 roasties get their ego-trip from Tinder-matches and pickup lines then go apeshit when they hit the wall.

only degenerates use tinder


It should be banned

What if you only use it to spread lolbertarianism?

>Be on Tinder
>Use it to occasionally fuck a few 5-7/10s on my weekends off
>Never leads on to anything and my giving/receiving ratio is like 1/4

Yeah I'm really empowering these lonely women alright

And your nation is the rockbed of degeneracy

And? You do know males are out numbered 7 to 1. Meaning we can each fuck up to 7 women each. Personally I have never used tinder, lots of fish ECT but the women on there tend to be so used up they have no options and believe me, these walking fleshlights were ruined looooooooooong before.

>losers on Sup Forums is always complaining that women are whores
Fixed that for you. This timeline is the best for men. You don't have to commit and can have unlimited supply of free pussy. And when you fed up, you just find 18yo girl from a good traditional family and create your perfect wife from there. What's not to like, unless you're seriously lost in genetic lottery.

and those women won't be marriage material. so yes, you are contributing. congratulations

It's the opposite you dumb fuck. Way, wayyy more men than women. Same as on dating sites. That's why they get hundreds of messages a day. And that's why those things are useless for men if you're not above average.

i have fucked over 40 women off tinder

if anything i'm not contributing to feminism because i treat them like shit. i don't read their profile or anything and use the same line and mass-spam it to every girl.

i do it as a means to an end.

then you'll complain when there are only whores to marry

Actually I think it's pretty even in terms of men/women ratio on Tinder.

The difference is that guys normally swipe everthing right and then see what fish ended up in the net.

Women are more picky so the top guys have multiple picks while the lower guys don't get anything

So what's a good alternative way to find responsible women to date?

Are you nuts? Or just Canadian? I just jewgled the ratio idiot. Wont take you 3 seconds.

>Watch out, nazis punch back


Most of those look 4/10 at best

no. more like you help witches with their degenerate ways

If you marry anything other than a 9/10 you're fucking the gene pool 2bh

Have any of you had actual hookups on tinder, meeting just for sex, or only meeting in a date like fashion?

Oh OK. Surprising desu. I guess they must really like being able to pick like this without having to meet first.

what is this magic line that gets you all these sluts?

>There's no such thing as pussy communism

There was. It was called civilization. Pic related.


Are you uberhot or something? Or are American women just that whorish?

her profile said she likes punching nazis

cool story bro

i've had a good amount. one came over within 30 minutes on her way home from work and i fucked her and never heard from her again. it was about as anonymous as you can get.

but usually i meet them 2 blocks away from my place at a bar, have a couple drinks and then demonstrate i'm not a 'weird' and then suggest my place.

t. Tinder shill

I get 2:1 and 6:1 male/female ratios.

Literally instant Chad-delivery for women kek.

>Not contributing to feminism
>Enables women to get the validation they want from shallow sexual encounters with strangers
>Doesn't rebuke or disallow this in any way
>Participates in a system he will steadily grow to resent when he realises every single woman around him has been stuffed with dozens or hundreds of strange cocks

You are contributing. You're like some fucking teenage communist claiming he doesn't "contribute to capitalism" because he half-asses his job at McDonald's. Don't rationalise it, just admit you're buying into your biological imperative to "mate" with as many women as possible.

It was probably a bot.

You use pick up lines? I thought women considered them outdated and cringy

this is it in a nutshell. 20% of men get all the pussy. basically the majority of women are fucking the same pool of guys and then consider men shallow. They don't think about 80% of dudes that don't get pussy and would gladly have them. Either way its evolution the top guys get all the pussy.

you mean you can't use a shitty dating app? Or any app for that matter?

The two chicks I've fucked on tinder were pretty conservative desu.

He was trying bowl in her alley, if you catch my drift.

A whore is a whore is a whore. If you're stupid enough to marry one there will be consequences. If she "used to be" a whore then there will be consequences. The simple solution is this, date. Date her for a month, dig deep and get to know her, that's it. Whether she's a whore or not it's going to take money and time to get to know someone. So get a job, don't be a cheap piece of shit and explore. Once you learn if she's a gold digging tramp or not then move from there. Is she a fuck n dump, a temporary keeper, or something more permanent, you'll decide when you get to that point. The problem with beta's is they see a cutie and base her wifely potential on looks alone but then act shocked when its revealed she took 10 dicks in one night. Dig fellas, that's the best advice I've been given.

It was a bot bro

It's great isn't. Pussy on call. Unless you want to politely pretend it wouldn't still happen without sites like these amr.

I know a lot of people who use Tinder. It is what it is. I was gonna download it and fuck around with it, for fun, but you have to use Facebook. Fuck facebook. I don't touch anything associated with those motherfuckers.

I only know one couple who got together off Tinder. The rest is pump and dumps, and insane cunts who stalk guys.

So glad getting older means sex is less important. And no, I'm not low test, you faggots, I just don't need women to relieve the stress. You date for 25 years, and see how into it you still are. I gave up on finding decent women a decade ago.

You know you've had enough of women when even no strings cheap sex has no appeal.

>tfw met my qt 3.14 virgin gf on tinder
>conservative values, comes from a wealthy family
>loves to cook and engage in generally traditional feminine activities, hates feminism
>incredibly intelligent, goes to an ivy league school
>popped her cherry and now she worships my cock
>her rich uncle is getting me an internship at Goldman Sachs, which will most likely lead to a cushy job.

Tinder is the best thing that has ever happened to my life.

Truth for few, a jealous realization by many

It's usually best to pretend that you're not looking for sex, though some are slutty enough to let you know that'd what they want after you chat them up a bit.

Give them the feeling that you want to know them before fucking them and leaving.

fpbp OP BTFO

Marriage is over! MGTOW!

God damn, now I wonder if Tinder actually hire shills.
No need to though, we'll LARP for fun.

i used to use "may i eat nutella off you?" but my account actually got reported and eventually banned. let me weed out girls without any humor and girls who have no desire to bang. pathetic girls who just use the app for attention, which is on the rise more and more.

they don't mind as long as it's funny. i used one related to the united airline fiasco last week and they really seem to like that one. besides the 'omg how dare you' SJWs that i unmatch afterwards.

just be a little crude and original, it goes a long way. don't listen to girls.

i do 'disavow' it, i don't even use tinder anymore. i used it because my mom died of cancer and i had a shitty few years. your example is terrible. and just because i fucked them doesn't mean i give them validation. if anything when i don't text them back, they feel like shit and question the app.

plus most girls worth dating don't even use tinder, they might be on bumble and that's about it. tinder sucks in 2017.

Maybe from you user. Maybe from you.

If a girl likes the look of you she'll compliment whatever you say.

I don't believe all the shit about the perfect opening line. Mass spam or say whatever the fuck you want.

one thing i will say about tinder is that its so fucking interesting in other countries. If you travel its brilliant.
I've fucked a Moroccan girl off this thing for example.
They're not the hardest if they are in europe. But in Morocco to find one that wont charge you for sex is pretty hard.

Then sengal, ethiopia, most of the countries i've been to in europe i've fucked a girl off tinder. Even in Bosnia although she was danish.

Maybe you can't find a native to fuck on tinder but you can certainly find one to meet and talk with which is actually a good experience if she's not just some typical whore from your home country.

Germany is great for tinder because the germans are easy but the americans are the most easy and there are a lot of them in some cities.

American black girls are so stupidly easy. Its like they're not even pretending to use it for anything but sex.

I dispute those numbers. I think it's more like 60% of the guys have sex, 10% can't for medical reasons or religious, and 30% give up because they're total betas and can't figure it out.

I've met a lot of people in life, and it's been a small pool of losers who can't get laid, eventually. Average dudes get laid all the time, they just have to work at it a little harder, or be in relationships. But they get some.

Sex has never been hard, for me. Getting a woman naked is easy. Getting her to not get naked for other guys, is harder.

You don't understand evolution or genetics, if you think only 20% of the male population is breeding. Oh, wait - Sup Forums, where beta manlets afraid of vagina rationalize everything, and spout bogus numbers to hide their failure.

>and just because i fucked them doesn't mean i give them validation

You have no idea how human beings, particularly women, work. Good job. Let the depth of your grave be of your own choosing, my man.

>Implying banging a bunch of white whores and spreading your genes at nigger tier levels isn't redpilled as you are helping to propagate the white race

I swear to God about all of it. I am not pretending this is your typical Tinder experience. I met plenty of slags on the app, and 90% of the people you match with will be irredeemable trash. I'm personally glad I never have to see the app again, because it would be soul crushing. Some of the females I've gone on dates with were absolutely mind numbing. I just got really fucking lucky, I found a beautiful chick who is perfect for me.

lighten up you dumb, bitter faggot.

not everything is so fucking serious.

>the autist who says i don't know how women work
>ranting about 'feminism' because dumb girls fuck guys

good riddance

>gf material
>on a hook up sex app

Social media is literally custom made for women and feminine sensibilities. "Like only" buttons, places to virtue signal (muh feelings) and that phoney self-congratulatory ego stroking they love. Tinder is fast-food tier social media and bitches are engorging on it.

This. Such a good filter question. Lets you know what you're working with if you didn't already. Then proceed.

90% of the people you match with will be irredeemable trash...

True of Tinder, Craigslist, eHarmony and Match.

After age 25 they have all fucked whole football teams of guys. It's very difficult to find a good girl. I've had virgins and trash. Trash is so much easier to find.

Isn't pol about saying and doing whatever you want with complete disregard for the opinion of others? It has no intrinsic values or morals or ethics. There are no guidelines save law.

I can't believe those here with the "der-der-degeneracy" I am going to go stick my benis in a sea of pussy that you jealous ugly toads can't have.

1. Sup Forums is NOT satire
2. Sup Forums is 100% national socialist
3. Sup Forums has never supported blumpf and always supported based muslim Assad
4. gtfo backtoreddit.jpg

t. oldfag since 2002

O yeah because with me being socially awkward meme introvert i'll totally be able to go to a coffee shop or library, approach a woman without daddy issues and convince her to have sex with me. That's totally a lot more realistic than gaming up a stupid girl over text, inviting her over to "totally not bang" and then fucking her brains out and never contacting her again.

Brb let me go to church to hit on some ladies, better yet i'll just jerk off to anime and be a celibate loser

me on the right


I don't give a shit what you do faggot. I do degenerate shit all the time myself, but I at least acknowledge it's amoral and try to do better.

I don't care if you're a hedonistic leaf, not like the world will miss anything if your nation dies away.

You fuck off to reddit. youre the one who wants rules and censorship so much you hive mind virgin.

Not enough Trailer Park Boys memes. You honor kek leaf
> kek

America was a mistake

t. Jewsteingoldenberg

>t. oldfag since 2002

>inb4 merely pretending