Why white people like beastality and doing sex with animals?

Why white people like beastality and doing sex with animals?

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It's usually central americans (browns). So kys and sage

Good question. I think white people just take everything to extremes. We produce the best scientists, artists, engineers, athletes, but unfortunately we are also the champions of degeneracy too.

Blame sexy animals

Because their women are tired of the tiny white cock of their beta males.

being the best at everything has its downsides

we have enough food from the systems we created that we don't need to eat our pets on the spot

There isn't as much as you might think it's just that a lot of it gets posted on Sup Forums.
Try adding "even compete" to your filters that gets rid of a lot of it.

Shitskin detected

Whites generally dont fuck blacks. Not sure where this bestiality thing comes from.


>asks the goat fucker

>>having the sex with da aminals

something something black people knowing their fathers lmao

at least the child will have a father.

t.goat fucker

As far as I know... Muslim people are fuckin donkeys on a regular basis.

Idk some women fuck niggers. It's weird that they are into beastiality but that's the world we live in


Kinky fucks, when you're king of the world as the white man is then you need special fetishes to get off.
For shitskins the ultimate fetish is to fuck a white girl, for white men that's just every night.
To get off, the whites degenerated into stuff like interracial, BDSM, cuckolding and bestiality, wifesharing and gangbangs.

Disgusting, the birth of Slaanesh is only moments away

Same reason there are so many white liberals...Half our population is defective. This is why we must promote and encourage abortion and homosexuality.


Is that a new maymay? Do they know about African and muzzie beastality?

Vice is usually cancer, but they do have a nice documentary of sorts on Colombians fucking donkeys. It's totally fine and culturally accepted, apparently. Will post link if interested.

only the afghanis but at least they dont recording

>knowing white people

This hurt more than it should have... Maybe it should hurt more.

>muslims fuck goats
>asians fucking cows
>canadians fucking dogs
>blacks fucking all animals and each other

Why are moroccan cucks all over the netherlands and stealing shit?

And kiwis?

anything to not fuck nonwhites

>Making fun of white people for bestiality
You can't make this shit up. Sage.

Urban legend

Only oral sex is legal here

Oh man. Bestiality is normal and part of the culture in many non-Western societies. They shouldn't attack people with their own degeneracy.

and who can blame her?

If white people weren't into beastiality then they'd never have sex with non-whites.

Is this a psyop? No one is retarded enough to believe that humans can have babies with other animals, right?

why dutch butthurt about dutch-marrokaner that cuz they cuckold you in your country?

That's a nice member.
Anyway to answer your question, its better than fucking niggers. No risk of pregnancy and its something different.

If you have a white girlfriend maybe you should just ask her why she fucks you.

yea right, meanwhile arabs are fucking little boys and donkeys, niggers are showering in cowpiss and eating mud cakes. and we are degenerate. ok.

why do Moroccans like climbing trees and eating bananas?

this if foxe wasnt so goddamn sexy i wouldnt have to fuck him

It's ironic, but we have less bestiality than your country, it's just arabization brought this to people who identify as arabs and they non-ironicly think it makes their penises grow (western saharans), they also drink camel urine.
Can you please nuke western Sahara?

dogs and horses are fine

honestly? I'm not gay. But I masturbated countless times on the thought of fisting my girlfriends male horse or suck his dick

you've to know that horse dick flares up before shooting it's semen

meme basically started because dogs dont like black people very much and whites in the US have good loving relationship with their pets.

so blacks turned it into a beastality thing because rover keeps barking at their hip hop bup go mugaffugga as they walk down the street

they fuck niggers so i'm not surprised

pls without searching ,what is race moroccans are?

There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.


netherlands BTFO


animals can consent :^)
just a reminder

I think it's because the media basically only 'shows' Whites being degenerates. They don't want to put dindus or Muslims in a bad light.

whatcha doin there, RabbiT?

Just because a Chink is pale, doesn't make it white.

I don't know why white people love to fuck black people either, moroccobro


You're fapping while making these threads, aren't you, you bestiality-watching degenerate?

Meanwhile, in mudshit land.

Can't you just watch porn?
I agree with you on this, but I can also assure you that there people who actually creates stumili and an invronment for fantasizing about this disgusting shit.

you've seen these sheep born in rural areas, right?

white wimenz be sinnin'

Animal fucking porn is pretty damn white. 95% at least.

how are you celebrating 4/20 jamaicanon?

Marmosets, im pretty sure

Niggers like having sex with animals. They have sex with each other, don't they?

Mostly coked-up Eastern European whores.

Wouldn't know you disgusting degenerate


because arabs wont film themselves lol

and fuck animals, and kids? Because that's what their god tells them to do, and the french apparently didn't manage to fully beat it out of them. Zebras, stripes, and all that...

>Calling anyone sucks
Only Lebanon and Maybe Tunisia rivals you in being cucks for Europeans

i came to dog fucking girl a lot of times, nothing degenerate about it as long as its not you who is getting knoted

In all fairness, for all of the degeneracy in Western society nowadays the non-Westerners are far worse.

Maybe because non-Westerners don't have access to cameras?

Don't lie. You've checked it out. Everybody has.

I have family from South America, this statement is 100% true, they do in fact practice beastiality quite a lot down there. I just think it's funny how other races try to find something bad to say about white people, but most of the time it's they themselves who suffer from these problems, not whites.

it's why they're trying to force the goatfucker meme so hard, projection at it's finest
and the answer is because snow niggers are animals themselves so it's not bestiality
death to snow niggers

It's legal to watch where I am, but not to produce. There's this one video...

I am not proud of it.

this coming from Iraq


All nigger porn is animal porn genius.


go to beastiality is okay cuz they consent. Literally nothing wrong with this

No, it's not really though

It's "ok" in the sense of not being rape, but ANYONE I even hear about rooting a sheep is kicked down a few masculinity notches regardless of status, mmkay

New zealanders and welshmen BTFO

haha yeah

Its actually camels and sheep you fuck right Ahmed?

I can't be the only one who is always amused when untermensch try to trash talk whites. They can shout at many insults as they want, you can't feel insulted if you still rule the world and you're hearing the screeches of your inferiors.
Ha, better to hold the whip than to be whipped.

Funny for such a anti-degeneracy board there are tons of degenerates on here.

Porn is pretty damn white.

Fuck you, you hook-nosed money grabber.
Only an asshole jew can view secularism as being a cuck.
Again I agree with you, but in all seriousness, goatfuckers from the arabic penisula has a history of this, I'm not sure about Europeans, but I'm pretty sure this bestiality shit is new.

Didn't some guy get fucked to death by a horse in America?

That is taking degeneracy to the next level.

nah t󠀁bh fa󠀁m i just like seeing people's reactions through there webcams

Because they'd rather fuck an animal than a nigger. Provides higher IQ offspring too

die snow niggers die
get super aids from horse dicking and die


>i tell people i want a society which venerates meaning
>people look at me weird

i think it's over

Mr Hands? Wanna see?