>A significant portion of Sup Forums LITERALLY truly believes in supernatural phenomena like magic, miracles, witchcraft, and paradise
You know this is what nigger villages in nigger africa and the middle east believe, right? This is all just a big internet joke right?
Tell me you're kidding
Other urls found in this thread:
>You know this is what nigger villages in nigger africa and the middle east believe, right?
We are niggers
no you idiot its not a joke. first 19 20 up until maday is a withches holiday. they are sacrafising to baal. 666 is on every barcode
Check the digits.
Time to decolonialize science
its real bros, you have to read and you niggers dont read
Kek smells your stench and will punish your transgressions
Your grasp of this world and what lies beyond it is very shallow and limited by that which the academia of science allows you to grasp.
They are not unlike priests of the medieval times, where they control the flow of information. Those who are quick to discount the accounts of others, not based off of their own experiences and perspective, but based off of others who they deem to be an expert on the subject, namely, the white-coats, is little more than a sheep being herded along.
The best part? You probably think that you're in full control of your actions and perspective. You need to unplug from that and learn on your own. Are you capable? You will find out eventually.
due to the conspiracy stuff we have a lot of overflow of /x/ types who are literally paranoid schizophrenics who consider themselves christian but are really into some autistic gnostic fanfiction shit about ayy lmaos hiding the flat earth from you ect
>He doesn't believe in magic
It's mostly people from the US who post the Jesus spam around here. They don't call it the bible belt for nothing. Old myths and symbolism mean more than empirical tests and measurements done by geniuses. Every one of these autistic fuck's thinks they're smart enough to personally debunk centuries of scientific advancement.
>not having sex tulpas
I pity you.
It's something you can't believe until you experience. Once you do, no one else's opinion about it matters.
If we all start making fun of Christcucks, which is what happens on every other board, they will go away and we won't have to deal with their retarded bible shit anymore.
Your nonsensical words sound suspiciously uppity and outright heretical. It's unwise to question hard truths laid down 2500 years ago
"Hard truths" that people have been ridiculing for 2500 years.
>Tell you guys don't do this
>You wouldn't want to be like the niggers in villages would you?
Hello JIDF
>Quoting an utter decadent sodomite degenerate
That's some fedora tier logic right there.
In this moment, I am euphoric.
>ad hominem
Nice argument you got there.
If my opinion doesn't matter, why the fuck do your kind spend so much time and energy promoting your fantasies?
It's been theorized that broadcasting the children performing this chant on national tv was some form of lesser magic ritual. Far too bizarre to be mere coincidence.
>> This is all just a big internet joke right?
No, you are a joke. You are probably an acadummic and full of the crap your professor has shat into your brain. Return to your alma mater now and leave the smart people alone.
You're anti-progress and you need to go. Religious belief has no place in our future. We can all respect the 'teachings' of Scripture and appreciate the role it played in our history but as soon as you believe the stories literally happened you're getting into dangerously retarded areas.
Jews and Muslims hate us because their "God" says so. Imagine if that wasn't a factor, we would have left Earth by now.
Epicurus was a fucking retard that had the theology of a 13 r/atheist. Any further questions?
Christians are not anti-progress. Also Jews don't particularly hate us, not like Muslims do.
(((They))) dont chop up little kids for shits and giggles
Yet you faggots latch onto Thomas Equinas like he proved God. Equinas was a fucking idiot, at least Epicurus hasn't been refuted.
the concept of magic and paradise originates from ancient Aryans, and you have no idea what either is.
God damn Reddit faggots are so serious. You actually believe people here tell the truth. Perhaps you should go and work on that "progress" for all mankind
Y was she called Morgan le Fay?
>Epicurus hasn't been refuted
Read Inferno nigger. Also You don't know if i even like Aquinas but I will say he had a much better understanding than Epicurus.
Holy Trinity completely destroys this argument. Only the union of the Three godheads is perfect, and its just a concept, based on Plato's perfection.
Not all Christians are inherently anti-progress because they all have different individual values. Yet the Organization that controls the narrative is just as corrupt and power hungry as anyone, and WILL halt progress if it mean their power over their sheeple is affected.
I'm not from reddit Americunt but nice try and shutting down the conversation with buzzwords. Antifa faggots are so serious.
what id science is magic?
Yeah no shit he had a better understanding, he was around more recently so he had access to more knowledge. Guess what? We have way more now. Equinas never saw Earth from space, now anyone can.
Well then don't hold Epicurus on a pedestal then and act as if his arguments are worthwhile.
Happens with any organization. Happened in the (atheist) USSR and it's happening in America currently.
Everyone likes to use the USSR as an example of Atheism. Atheism has no rules or structure or compulsions. The USSR may have been Atheist in theory, but in practice they simply used Communism and worship of the state as a substitute for religion. Atheism has nothing inherent or implied that unites anyone because all it is is a lack of belief.
Also I didn't hold Epicurus up on a pedestal, I was using him as an example of outdated thinking just like Equinas and other bible bangers.
Isn't it funny how the basic premise of Justice is making them "Peh"??
Breathing oxygen and drinking water is one thing but believing you can commune with demons to trade your soul for supernatural powers is something else entirely user
Don't forget bathing in baby blood to prolong your life rofl.
I breathe water and drink oxygen. Get on my level.
Why do you automatically assume that Christ and magic are mutually exclusive? Guess what? We all engage in "magic" everyday of our lives. Black magic is influencing someone or something without their consent. White magic is influencing someone or something with their consent. What did Christ engage in by speaking in parables to the masses? White magic. Therefore, to say that "magic" is forbidden for Christians is retarded and wholly untrue.
I do not follow the Church. I do not follow the church congregation. I follow Christ. Israel is not a land for Jews and false Jews masquerading as real Jews. Israel is the spiritual body of Christ. The real congregation.
What is a demon, really? If you act like one, and do what demons do in the name of greater power, increasing the level of misery, suffering and despair- then what does that make you?
There is a huge difference between doing evil accidentally, or incidentally; and choosing to deliberately do it merely because it is evil.
An asshole. Real easy to understand. No need for spooky language and magical thinking or seeing a plan everywhere you look. There are just assholes man. In every Religion.
There's a huge difference between being an asshole, and a demon user.
Yeah, assholes are everywhere, demons don't exist. Grow up.
>blacks can have magic thinking
>but whites no
T. cucked brit bong
>the bible belt is all US
The fedora movement also started in the US, lad.
1. Do you know of Plato's theory of forms?
2. How do you know that, user?
Le tip le fedora huehuehue so reddit XDXD
Fuck off. Not accepting things as true without a good reason is just basic logic. I'm willing to convert at any moment there just seems to be a lack of one crucial thing; evidence. But there will never be evidence because you people can't even settle on a definition of what God is. Or the definition of God is literally that he's beyond comprehension. Well that's fucking convenient isn't it, you get to believe it without having to prove anything.
You can belive what ever you want faggot
We don't just belive in magic we harness and use the magic, you could say autism is magic indeed
Do your research.
So what? Are you frightened of Kek or something? You sound so assblasted. Europeans have ancient systems of magic, slurring them with "nigger tier" is just you shitting on your ancestors. I accept you're ignorant and know nothing of your own heritage but not everybody is, you don't have to even believe in it to be interested in it.
Funny story about the Tau cross and Taoism....
or is that just auT-istic?
If magic doesnt exist - why was there a Witchcraft Act which was in force till the 20th century?
If Hypnotism doesnt work - then why does one need a license?
If magic is truly bullshit - why get butthurt about what people believe? You going to make a post about fairies, gay rights an womens rights too? Kill yourself, fag
Sony and CIA have already demonstrated it's real. Start training today and you might be worth a fuck, muggle bitch.
Q: Why is God beyond comprehension?
A: Because God already knows everything.....
>anime faggot
>kike worshipper
>hates anime
>talks like reddit
Anyone ever see that blowjob porn where the girl grabs both dicks and rubs them together and says "be friends!!!!" and they get all annoyed?
A weeb, neet, Christcuck redditor all wrapped into one. Cute.
>Europeans have ancient systems of magic
Yes, and we stopped performing them because we realised that the effects of the "magic" ended up being caused by something else entirely and the only time magic appeared to work was by coincidence
>why was there a Witchcraft Act which was in force till the 20th century?
The witchcraft act of 1735 made it illegal to claim to have magical powers specifically to punish con artists tricking people out of their money with illusions and fraudulence
The fact that scotniggers still burned women alive in 1700 for having deformed hands doesn't make the case for magic any stronger
>Comparing magic to hypnotism
Hypnotism does work nigger, it's not magic, it's just guided meditation
They have licences for the same reason therapists do, to make sure that the weak-willed borderline cases who actually seek out therapeutic hypnosis feel safe that they aren't going to try and make them join a cult
Literally every medical or therapeutic practice has such licensing to make sure they're of a professional standard
>Why get butthurt about what people believe?
I just want to understand why people act like this
Is Aleph silent because it indicates a cancellation of forces or origination from a single point of opposite divergence; two opposites of the same?
>blatant antisemitism
It's just an ironic prank bro, like nigga turn off your computer walk away stop shitting up the board.
Nothing is beyond our reach. Praise KEK
>Look mom if I redefine words I can win any argument!
Wrong, it's because the catholics monopolized all spiritual knowlegde and then destroyed it
4th tumblr rain at the 30 min mark
>implying I'm redefining
>implying I'm not revealing what's been hidden
Top kek, britbong. Funny thing, back a few years ago, your country decided to block all occult and esoteric websites from being viewed by your citizens. Given your response, it appears that their "work" is completed on you. Pity, that.
Link us something we can't access, bÜrger
What is the name of these cards again and where can I get a deck? Freaky-Accurate stuff.
Tell me about the "War on IsIs" /pol.
I'm not even a christfag, lad. I only pointed a fact: The skeptic movement of 70's also was born in US, mostly in coastal cities.
Pick a book of philosophy, Hume will be a good start. Not believing in god because >muh evidence xD is the weakest form of atheism in existence.
>not understanding the inherent power in the blood of the Sonnenrad
Grow up
Do you believe in magic?
That's a funny rune to the top mid right, isn't it /pol?
It's not just a lack of evidence, it's all the counter - evidence that makes God unnecessary. We don't need God to explain black holes or star formation. The concept of God just seems like an obviously fallible human concept, a pathetic attempt to rationalize mysteries by attempt ascribing some fatherly intelligence to them.
The entire concept of an unmoved mover just seems like an attempt to the rationalize an outdated philosophy.
Even if I link it, if your ISP has blacklisted it it won't work for you, theoretically, but give it a shot, regardless. If it does work for you, tread lightly and do not engage in what Crowley and others like him have done, unless you of course wish to share the same fate as them.
This is just one category covered. Good luck, and remember the words of Buddha in regards to the journey of truth. There are two ways that a man can fail in his journey of truth. One, is never starting. The other is not going all the way.
Communism filled the vacuum athiesm created. Without a religious structure something always does. That's why nietcize said the death of God would lead to all sorts of evils taking his place.
The "counter - evidence". Very clever user.
Well what do you know, it's working just fine
>A significant portion of Sup Forums LITERALLY truly believes in supernatural phenomena like magic, miracles, witchcraft, and paradise
Reminder that all Christians actually believe miracle shit because they've been forced into a corner. If they don't believe in magical miracles and superhuman Jesus then they become worshipers to the liar criminal fraud that was Jesus.