This short guy sprayed acid in the face of several sluts in some trendy night club in the UK

How does Sup Forums feel about him?

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Manlets should be treated like mudslimes and kikes.

Got pics of his trophies?

that sounds like something you made up

nvm it's real

Top bloke

Which one's the man?


How do you get acid? Asking for a friend.

A true hero.

Any place that sells lawnmower batteries will likely sell the acid as well that stuff can blind a person be careful

Thank you. Check the news tomorrow.

input some info

Yell a bunch of misogynistic slurs into a glass of water. I hear that's really toxic.


oh noooo that sucks


> Man accidentally blinds self with battery acid

Gas it.


Don't assume my gender, faggot.


20 posts later and nobody's asked what the women did?

this is a slide thread


Car battery acid is sulphuric acid. It can be concentrated by cooking it in a well ventialted area(!) up to 95%.

Muriatic acid is often used as concrete cleaner.

Lye is available as drain cleaner, you can easily buy it and make a saturated solution out of it.

wow did you just assume xir's sexuality?

fucking lold

probably an insecure faggot

by having unprotected sex with an acid positive partner



I would bet money that it was actually pepper spray (illegal in the UK) and people are overreacting

>145 lbs


I am 5'11 and that's tiny mode

>How does Sup Forums feel about him?

He looks pretty good in that dress.

nobody knows AFAIK, was an argument indaklub, and, he appears to have chucked it over a man and a woman, rest (20+) were incidentals, maybe, splash, or inhalation. She appears blind in one eye, few in hospital. As to why people actually go to a club carrying a bottle (was apparently fair amount) of battery/whatever acid? - who knows.

lanker is better imo


White females - theyll get their faces fixed like Katie Piper did

>> White Female Powahhhhhh


pom pom pom pom

Jesus Christ that image is sad.. I don't even know if it is ironic or just.

keked irl

Ekans learns it by level 20.

What happened then? Brit girls turned to be cute at last?

Are you on the spectrum?

make it in a pan

nothing but hate desu

>going to nightclubs

That's what you get.


The only thing we can say for certain is not BASEd

>manlet muslim
could this be the angriest combination of humans?

His manlet rage is comical, but nothing of value was lost, so I say no harm no foul.


>145 lbs

after dehydrating himself 20 lbs.

Bermudez walks around at about 170+

>As to why people actually go to a club

I went once, god it was awful.
When they said "Do you want to do some acid?"
what I got was not what I expected.

the word maggot comes to mind

>not muslet

He probably has a small dick too, in addition to be short. That was just too much, he had to compensate in some way. What a cuck.


Once you go a-rab, your face goes a-scab

Vain people are cunts

You know "ekans" is "cobra" backwards?

And Muk is... well...


To be honest Mario he goes out with a 9 despite being a midget and threw acid at a load of Africans and SJWs over a minor argument

He may as well be Italian

well duh, cobra is a portuguese word.

unanticipated kek right here

Desu I don't even care about what happens to w*men anymore uezs

Misogyny is the logical outcome of long term interaction with females

>a 9
KYS, shes a fucking horse


he doesnt look arab.

5'5" manlet checking in. Why do you insecure subhumans hate us so much? Do you not have any real accomplishments in life that you must fall back on your height to justify your ego? I'm an engineer fresh out of school that makes over $70k/yr. Beat that losers.

lanklets BTFO. when will they realize?

hol up. let me get this straight, you guys hate:
Indians and Indian related
Asian dog eaters
Whites who are none right wing
anglos (sometimes)

who exactly can escape Sup Forumss oven of hate?

Certainly not Turkroaches

>Implying there is any escape


You forgot Canadians.

So when are you sucking my dick?

>acid attack

Sounds abt right.

You forgot the Irish