>What do you know about war? They'll tell you it's about patriotism, democracy or some shit about the other guy hating our freedom. But you want to know what it's really about? What do you see? A kid from Arkansas doing his patriotic duty to defend his country? I see a helmet, fire-retardant gloves, body armor, and an M16. I see $17,500. That's what it costs to outfit one American soldier. Over two million soldiers fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. It cost the American taxpayer $4. 5 billion each year just to pay the air conditioning bills for those wars. And that's what war is really about, war is an economy. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either in on it or stupid.
Why Do Republicans Want a War With North Korea?
>North Koreans don't want war
kill your children and yourself
>North Koreans want war
I hope you have cancer
Democrats do as well.
Oh I don't know.
Could it be that North korea has threatened the world with Nuclear apocalypse for years?
Could it be that North korea has been proven to actually know how to develop nukes, so we have to take them out before they develop powerful enough nukes that could potentially completely wreck South korea and Japan?
Could it be because commies?
Could it be because North korea refuses to stop developing nuclear weapons?
Could it be because they want to reduce China's influence in the region?
Nah man, let's listen to a fat jew that made a movie about war profiteering. That seems better than actual facts.
because they got sick of libs trying to start a fucking war against russia
a war with korea actually has a slim chance of uniting several superpower players like the US, Russia and China. the dem's attempted war with russia would've killed us all
No one cares they have no power now
>North Koreans don't want war
>trying to develop nukes
North Korea doesn't need nukes you stupid motherfucker. It literally is right next to China and Russia. It is protected by the strongest evil empires that exist. They won't get attacked because Russia and China will jump in to save their faggot ass and they know this. That fat donut faggot kim jong fu or whatever is looking for a war.
Checked digits of truth, Sven is dead-on.
suuuuuure and war is peace freedom is slavery ignorance is strength amirite? And who cares if they reduce chinas influence china is a bad country.
U.S doesnt have money for that shit tho. U.S is 20 tril in debt
They are just scared of U.S
So many retarded plebit shills shilling for Israel in this thread. You're all fucking retarded. remember to shade JIDF threads
there wouldn't be any problems if u burger eating capitalist shilling blue pill addicts wouldn't instigate everything
It's not Republicans it's the fucking Jews who want any country without a Jewish owned central bank to either die entirely or get assfucked by "le democracy" in the form of installing a puppet government, yet again.
same old song and dance. you retards need to read more. saged
You swedes are the most retarded of retards. It's a shame too because I have Swedish blood. I feel really bad for your country and Europe in general, more so than any sympathy I have for my retarded country.
>literally spend entire thread arguing against war
ARe you ill sir?
>It's da jews
Racism is banned on all non-Sup Forums boards, enjoy your ban.
>north koreasn don't want war
>refuse to enter a peace agreement
>attempting to build nukes
>more than half their population are in the military
>inb4 muh rothschild
Firstly this is a myth.
Second if they were really so against the rothschild the best thing Norks could do is not give rothschilds a reason to invade their country.
>>inb4 muh rothschild
>Firstly this is a myth.
>Second if they were really so against the rothschild the best thing Norks could do is not give rothschilds a reason to invade their country.
Yeah okay jidf thanks for correcting the record.
>not give rothschilds a reason to invade their country.
fucking kek. The Norks just want to be left alone. Instead they are being sanctioned, surrounded with foreign military bases, and are constantly shamed and slandered.
You forgot
>refuse peace treaty
>make videos of nuking american cities
The power elite needs to start a nuclear conflict to reduce the world population. They need to do that because we are entering into a long cold period that may result in glaciation of much of the northern hemisphere. We may even enter a full blown ice age.
It is better for them to get rid of the unneeded population in a quick nuclear conflagration than to have us start rioting cause we are starving because of crop loss due to erratic weather and cold summers.
The nuclear war will also be a good excuse to explain why global warming fails to happen. And a great way to paper over the the debt problems that they kicked down the road in 2007-2008.
It will happen. It is just way too convenient for the ruling class for it not to happen.
>Firstly this is a myth.
Rothschilds do exist
>Second if they were really so against the rothschild the best thing Norks could do is not give rothschilds a reason to invade their country.
Iraq didn't but that didn't stop them.
>power elite
>not naming the Jew
>Frogposter with reddit formatting
You reddit faggots are the worst. You act like you're all "redpilled" but are the most bluepilled of normalfags.
Not an argument.
here read this nufag
Yes, war is an economy that we all prosper from. No shit. Everything you love in life came from war. Pacifist faggits just kys already.
That is literally hatespeech
Because out of any president, I trust Trump to finish the fucking job.
Just get this shit started already.
First land, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons and brainwashed population grab of a 4 nuclear powers in history.
China, Russia and US/SK are going to be grabbing as much as they can and with Trump's unpredictability, I want this shit to start.
>Yes, war is an economy that we all prosper from.
Tell that to the hundreds of millions of dead goyim rotting six feet under right now, cuck.
>everything I don't like is a Jewish conspiracy
Haven't we technically been at war with them over 60 years anyway?
No, war makes us all poor. He meant an economy for the 1%. Everything i love came from working people who built things, war just destroys. Please have cancer.
U.S ain't got the money for that.
Stay useful, goy.
Correct, we don't, but if we don't compete Russia and China just got that much more land and minerals and get whatever munitions they conquer.
We have prepared 60 years for this, it's time to finish it.
17500 sounds pretty cheap, if you consider that the computer I use for work has about 100k worth of software on it
I absolutely mean the jews. I just got back from work, so I haven't fully shifted gears from using obfusacted terms to talk about dah jews, and just saying its the fucking kikes.
>war makes us all poor
Explain post-ww2 economies.
The fact is that investment in military created all of the technology you love, such as this very technology that allows you to sperg out all day on a Hitler-worshipping anime forum from the comfort of your air conditioned home. No please go jerk off to Michael Moore elsewhere. I reddit is a good place for pacifist discussions.
Btw-very few Americans would die in a Korean War 2 scenario. This isn't trench warfare anymore. We would just bomb the hell out of them with missiles. Thank Uncle Adolph for his wartime missile technology.
What will the U.S benefit from it? Materially? It's not like U.S will financially get those materials
Well for us it's a lot.
If we let the North Koreans get away with this crap, every two-bit shithole will try the same thing.
Teach them a lesson, Donald!
>Leaf flag
>Citing Jewish propaganda to back your argument
North Korea is traditionally a Chinese proxy, uniting Korea under the South would put a US proxy right on China's border and further isolate them diplomatically. It's a good preclude for when the Chinese economy implodes.
>Iraq didn't
Yes they did. They were doing the same shit N Korea is doing now. On top of the fact that Saddam had already used chemical weapons on other nations. Just fuck off back to moveon.org already.
>explain post ww2 economics
The reason the economy got good is because of the peace! During world war 2 the American debt went up SOOOO much
>The fact is that investment in military created all of the technology you love, such as this very technology that allows you to sperg out all day on a Hitler-worshipping anime forum from the comfort of your air conditioned home. No please go jerk off to Michael Moore elsewhere. I reddit is a good place for pacifist discussions.
Go back to stormfront. Scientific labs create technology not war. 1920s most peaceful decade and most advanced decade scientifically
>Btw-very few Americans would die in a Korean War 2 scenario. This isn't trench warfare anymore. We would just bomb the hell out of them with missiles. Thank Uncle Adolph for his wartime missile technology.
But many tax dollars would die.
So are you saying the commies don't actually have nuclear capabilities?
Oh and by the way the rothschilds do not control all the central banks in the world.
Its painfully obvious you don't do your research.
So remind me again why I should be ok with these gooks?
>refuse peace treaty
>threaten to nuke us constantly
>building nukes
>inb4 they have a right to build nukes
No they don't fuck them. They have threatened us so many times.
We wouldn't allow Japan or South Korea to start making nukes, why the fuck would we allow them to?
You shills are so predictible so let me just shut down every argument you will make.
>they hate Isreal
So do muslims but they are still a cancer to this world. Only a jew would force you to one extreme or the other. How does allowing a country threatening to nuke white people continue help white secure our existence?
>but communist are the real nazis
They are communist, they are not national socialists. The government is typical communist scum abusing their citizens.
>muh rothschild
They don't really work that way. The entire world does not belong to a single family. The world belongs to many families.
>muh war will cost to much
It won't cost much. Their army is stuck in early 20th century. They would run out of bullets in the first month of fighting. Their brainwashing tactics would wear off on the population instantly. South Korea would be our ally for ever and become an extremely strong fore against China.
The military campiagn will be short and or ally in the region would instantly double their capital in 20 years.
>they have the right to a nuke
Sure and we have the right to stop them from making nukes. Again, we don't let our own allies produce nuclear weapons why would we let them after threatening us?
It's not about benefit, it's about being number one in the world and showing leadership.
Think about this:
- We don't know if the Norkies are ether going to fight to the death Japanese ww2 style or have massive amounts of white flags, we have to prepare for both.
-We don't know the military structure of them and if a decapitation will happen come the first attack - preemptive strike or provocation.
-We don't know their arsenal and dead man triggers of what happens when they are active.
First sign of war, all countries are going to be going in and as deep as they can until the lines of battle meet and intersect.
Nukes,money, valuables and minerals are at play and China and Russia are just as desperate to free land as the desperate Korean people.
Proxys cost a SHIT ton to maintain. U.S can't afford anymore.
You obviously have done no rearch. North Korea can't even launch a missile for testing
>We wouldn't allow Japan or South Korea to start making nukes, why the fuck would we allow them to?
Yet you allow your own military to, hypocritical, only a shill like you tries to act like a moderate
>It won't cost much. Their army is stuck in early 20th century. They would run out of bullets in the first month of fighting. Their brainwashing tactics would wear off on the population instantly. South Korea would be our ally for ever and become an extremely strong fore against China.
The military campiagn will be short and or ally in the region would instantly double their capital in 20 years.
Iraq was poor county as well the war took 16 years and counting.
The leaf strikes again. Holy shit, how can someone be this much of a fucking retard.
How about you just not attack them and they don't attack you.
you're so dumb
Because of the timeline, 4-5 years they will be a threat and hold all of us at stake.
North Korea is that crazy guy that enters the 7/11 you are in, you don't make eye contact, you brace and prepare for something to happen, the kicker is, if you see this guy mumbling and threatening as he reaches in his pocket to put together a weapon, you have to react at first sign of aggression
Nice sources though you massive faggot. Rothschild is /x/ tier garbage. Why would Russia be fighting with Assad if the rothschilds controlled the entire world. Pro tip; they wouldn't.
The world does not belong to one family it belongs to many many families of jews.
This is the old call Trump a jew tactic that you've been using since the election.
>inb4 Trump is a jew and some of us were just woke
It was a clear concentrated shill effort. Now fuck off.
By the way. Has Trump declared war on Norks yet? No? So what are you going to shill when nothing happens to the norks in 3 weeks? Will you go back to bitching about the airstrike that did no damage or will you continue this Trump is a kike campaign?
You are a jew.
>wow goy if you don't praise communist threatening to nuke everybody then you must be a jew lover
>goy you either love muslims or you hate jews
Theres no reasoning with your jewish mind. Its one or the other for you.
Leafs are intellectually challenged. Part of their inferior dumbed-down educational system. Europe is the same way.
>Yet you allow your own military to, hypocritical, only a shill like you tries to act like a moderate
>wow how dare you care about your own people more than others
>If you want white people to have guns then you must also want niggers to have guns
Fuck off juden.
>Iraq was poor county as well the war took 16 years and counting.
Just blatantly lying? You think your going to get away with this?
now comes the part where you now play dumb.
LOL, are you fucking retarded? All that technology really helped us alot in Nam, Afghanistan, and fallujah.
Korea has had 60 years to fortify its position against us. You can't seize and hold ground with bombs. It takes actual people on the ground.
Our tranny fighting force doesn't stand much of a chance against 1.8 million ultra patriotic gooks and another 2.7 million gook reservists.
Why not? They have done nothing but talk about nuking the United States. I think it is worth it to destroy their nuclear capabilities.
>body armor, and an M16. I see $17,500
"body armor, and an M16. I see $17,500"
You dumb bastards charge an arm and leg for everything. Then you boast "muh health care is free." Yeah, it's also pretty shitty.
All of these were wars against guerrilas.
But Good job following the exact same pattern I said you would follow.
Jews always play dumb when cornered.
heres whats going to happen in a conflict against NK.
The NK army will hold the border for a short time. China will stop supporting NK all together.
NK will literally run out of bullets. Watch their propaganda videos. They shoot one or two bullets then spend five minutes pretending to fire their weapons with no shells falling out.
We will destroy all of their artillery with superior air force.
This all takes place in the first week. If they haven't already done so, China takes the opportunity to invade the country for themselves from the other side.
NK gets split in 2 by America and China. The ultra patriotic people in their country see american grunts eating more food for breakfast then they've seen in their life time and it will break their conditioning. remember these people aren't patriots, they are brainwashed communists with no access to any information the state doesn't approve.
The entire country is completely taken over and given to Korea in exchange for allowing us to keep our bases in their country.