What's the limit for accepting things that don't harm any non-consenting human?

What's the limit for accepting things that don't harm any non-consenting human?

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This law is Halal.

please don't fug the animals

Bestiality shilling push today I see

Hold onto your butts


God, what happened to you people?

dog is mine and i will do anything i want. if you disagree you can go suck dick

haha fug :DDD

meh, keeps 'em out of the gene pool....

First of all take our name out.
Second take hungarobro's name out.
Third , we nothing in common with this west degeneracy.
We are the last defending bastion of the East
Show some respect u fucking furries

Do animals have detectable orgasms?

Why wouldn't they? (at least mammalians)

Gotta keep their horses entertained.

I don't know. I just never really thought about it. I guess the males would just about have to as part of the ejaculaltion process. But even for human females they don't always and it's not functionally necessary for reproduction.

So it just made me wonder if one were to shag a sheep, would it be obvious at some point that the sheep had an orgasm?

Thanks, based Romanianbro to come in a hurry.

that's a very cute pic

wow what a bunch of disgusting perverts

>work with animal rescue league in ms
>man dies family goes through his belongings
>family finds malnourished miniature pony kept indoors in horrid conditions
>animals genitals have been mutilated and is full of studs

This happened recently. The family dropped off the animal. Unsure wtf must be going through their minds

Before that there was a sting to find out how prized pigs contracted stds. Hidden cam setup. Catches black dude returning multiple times.

It's been legal in the US as well since 1967.

>when you mistake the consent woof for the no woof and the doggo bites your cock off but it's okay because socialized medicine means somebody else has to pay for it so you can get back to the proper business of dog fucking

Huh. How common are cross-species STDs? I would assume most are not transmissible simply because humans don't have all that much sex with animals on the whole.

>knowitall euros btfo

Should putting sperm in your children's food/drink be banned as well?

>be trapped in the land of the free
>prostitution is illegal
>roasties have to be 18+
>no supreme mare pussy
How do you even keep on living?

this sounds like something /mlp/ would do

Here's a list on Wikipedia

Age of consent is lower in most places, and that hardly stops kids from messing around.

Stop fantasizing about fucking a donkey, you sick Swede.

it is not the poor animal's fault that your women prefer to have nigger cock.


>Hold onto your butts
That's what sheep said.

>JUST get into a plane and fly 3000km to the next state if you want to have a date
This is how you sound.

You're being silly. I don't have a map at hand but it's lower than 18 almost everywhere. My point is that kids in the US are just like kids anywhere else ever, and they'll find some place and time to get laid if they want to regardless of the law.

But if you are a 30 year old chad with the money to support a family you won't get a 16 year old to marry you.
Kids fooling around means nothing.

I wasn't attracted to high school girls any more by late 20s. I don't see why it would be all that much of a priority for Chad unless Chad has a thing for nailing children.

2 additional years to produce healthy kids that aren't autistic retards are a lot.

>this is what we killed the nazis for
WW2 was a mistake.

Only if you're a smoker

Is there an age of consent for animals? Can I fuck a newborn cow or smash a little duckling with my dick?

So Fins can now racemix with Slavs?


how tight is bitchdog pussy and horsepussy lads
can a dog giv succ?

>fuck prostitute
>your dick now itches forever
>hurts to pee
how do you even keep on living at that point?

o fug :-DDDD

>>can a dog giv succ?
It can easily give lick, for succ you have to train it and that takes a while.

how do you know if the doggy wants it

They say you put peanut butter on your junk so the dog will lick it off. I have no experience with this.

Sounds like my kind of town!

idk im just asking out of morbid curiosity. I wouldnt want a dog to succ me.

imagine all the fucking microbes and bacteria on its saliva.

Supreme goat pussy

IIRC dogs fall into the category of animals that have cleaner mouths than humans. I'd be a lot more worries about the teeth, and I don't particularly expect a dog licking my wang would get me off so why not just same time, mess, and effort and jerk off normally unless for some reason you get really turned on by the thought of a dog.

Doggo eet homework fug doggo

She wants the Bs

>mfw the law that allows homosexual relationships is the exact same one that allows beastiality
We had some real shitlords in the government once upon a time.

Funny thing is that it used to be illegal before the 70s, but then it was thought that if someone fucks an animal, that person is messed up and won't get mentally stable by getting thrown into jail.
So the criminality of the act was dropped and changed to a trip to the psychologist.
Of course there's no law that says that you receive a one way ticket to the mental institute, so I guess there's no repercussions for fucking an animal.
As long as you don't harm the creature, it doesn't classify as animal abuse.

notice how none wanting to fuck animals or posting animal gentials in this thread is a Swede

Well Sup Forums you will all call me a huge degenerate and I probably am, but let me know how you feel about this.

I seriously want to fuck my sister. I'm attracted to her. We're really great friends, very close to each other (we have been since childhood). We still live together and although I know she probably doesn't want to have sex with me, I certainly have feelings and am attracted to her.

Not even joking here at all, but think of this. If I had sex with my sister and she agreed, who am I hurting? I would never have kids with her because I don't want a fucked up kid, but really, what exactly is wrong about me fucking a girl I happened to grow up in the same house with. I would be hurting no one and it would literally just be like fucking another girl if I did it.