
antifa BTFO

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Wait, we found out who it fucking was?

You absolute fucking lads. Well done.

numerics confirm

/pol was right again

Yesterday or the day before. Some people on here are clever as fuck. I hope I never piss Sup Forums off

Hope he gets done for attempted murder, he can spend a lot of time in prison with those friendly blacks he defends so valiantly

Will any of the hacked amazon account be admissible in court?

Well shit, good job people.


We did it Reddit! Yay!

Eric Klansman is going to get blown the fuck out.

>hurr guys let's bash fash
Let me translate this to you: Let's violently attack people we disagree with using deadly force while wearing masks because we're scared of the consequences.
Finally some justice. The fucker had it coming. Hope that spergout was worth it, because now he's gonna spend at least a couple years in jail. I'll definitely be following his trial.

Nice gets...but of course we already new that..now to let's focus on the M80 guy.

The long hair will coming in HANDY in prison.

Must be sweet for you Krauts to see these cunts get rekt.

Can anyone tell us if he showed up at his job today?

Any sources if he has been arrested yet?


Please tell me this is real!

Wait it was a professor???
what the fuck?

How the fuck is he gonna get any evidence that's actually admissable in court?

Perhaps or perhaps not. Since it was not authorities that uncovered his orders or hacked into his account the Defense is going to have a hard time having it thrown out. Since they cannot claim anyone really committed an illegal act without identifying who did it to begin with. Plus there is plenty of other evidence to nail his ass to the wall. Buying a fuckload of locks to pass out doesn't change the fact he smashed someone across the head at random.

he should sue the school also. Assaulted by an employee on a campus is solid grounds.

>ruin your career and receive a permanent criminal record as well as possible jail time just because you hate Trump

this. If the right circumstances are present and Sup Forums unites with a cause, it has some serious manpower. Don't forget that there is a Sup Forumslack in every city or village in the developed world

Sup Forums is continually demonised yet selflessly does so much good... I genuinely love you lads

>a weapon to surpass metal gear

it is real my brother



How the hell can a college professor go out in the streets and assault students with an improvised weapon and still have a job?

Mans gunna get blacked.coon

I hope niggers gang rape him in prison.

anyone who teaches at a uni is a proffessor in america probably a lecturer

Clanton won't see a jail cell. After all, he has tenure.

We need to help contact witnesses!

The court case might need witnesses from areas outside of Berkley that saw the attack.

>yfw a bunch of angry neckbeards do a better job than a million dollar funded spy agency

Damn it men we need a source, stat!

Just imagine what the AB is gonna do to this cuck in prison.

still fucking crazy

well, he studied gender studies or some shit no?

now he's just about to get some field experience from both perspectives





DVC is not in berkely

community college
also innocent until proven guilty

You have no idea. It's super frustrating though. If you speak out against antifa in Germany, people will literally think you're a nazi.
By the way, why the fuck do you Burgers call everyone teaching at college level "professor"? What do you call people who are, you know, actual professors?

im still not totally convinced thats him, but it might be. im just hesitant to trust mob justice

No one saw it happen. The only people who knew who he was were there helping. These people have very warped views about the world after living in academia for so long.

It's not attempted murder though, he'll likely be charged with aggravated assault, or worst comes to worst, just assault.

Either way, there's a good possibility that he will be meeting Tyrone in prison

autism is my superpower

>Antifa Professor
U fookin w0t? Like a professor at the school participated in the riot!?! He's since been suspended, right!?

really hope this liberal cunt goes to jail. good job Sup Forums. weaponized autism strikes again.

>its not even summer yet

He thought the mask was his ally..we were raised in the shadows of anonymity...Antifags, your masks is not beyond our reach.


But I wish Trump would already make antifa officially a domestic terrorist organization, so we can legally beat the shit out of them


>implying antifa is not funded by that spy agency

See Tyrone will be the least of his concerns

Fuck he has a backpack of the same color! What the fuck!? We discovered his identity!

>wearing a t shirt with a meme food logo

He works at a different school

This cuck is going into lock up

The same thing. These people technically are professors, but considering what most degrees are worth it's just public school until someone says you are PhD.

why are you into girls who look like boys?

Do you really think there will be justice for a soros sponsored goon? Nothing will happen to him.

>community college

>a 'professor' at community college

Ahahahahahahahaha! That's some nice doublespeak.

The digits confirm, tenure status is above the law in the (((US Justice System))).

whoops, ignore that greentext





You need to go outside... there's a whole world full of women for you to idolize



True, didn't think of that.

Don't know how they'll find out though



militaire sans frontières

He hit him over the head with an improvised weapon that could kill him, they could easily get him charged with attempted murder.


>implying Soros payed for lawyer wont get this thrown out

great job lads. I knew you could do it.

Find out what prison he'll be sent to and inform the Nazis gangs of his presence.

I'm still amazed that they have found popularity outside of Germany, Netherlands and Scandinavia.
Aren't there cooler ways to be a left wing rebel in North America?

What the fuck? Shipped in with those other retards?! What the fuck man. I just don't understand this shit. The world is going crazy and I haven't taken my crazy pills I guess.

Not the first time he's done this though, he's the same guy who was swinging the bike lock at people in a milo event. Those locks weigh around 1.5kg, which could easily be considered a lethal weapon if our guy has a good lawyer.

I'll chip in some cash for him to get a decent one if there's a way.

Ruin his career? He is going to be promoted. And he has no criminal record. Standing in a protest is not a crime.

You didn't happen to catch the "tam news" thread last night, did you?

>show up to a riot completely in black
>bandana over face
>sunglasses over eyes
>assault some people with a deadly weapon because they disagree with you
>leave smugly satisfied with your good deeds and your status as an anonymous moral crusader in the many headed, untouchable force that is antifa

>four days later
>a random group of autistic loli enthusiasts on an Indo-Chinese macrame puppetry board have compiled your entire identity, profession, life history, address, family, and contact information based on brief flashes of your presence on youtube videos and images

The bell tolls for thee, your actions bear penance on your soul, the lock with which you have hurt others is the lock which closes your prison cell, Eric "bike lock on the chastity cage on my cock" Clanton.

That is not the only characteristic. Look at the pictures. The eyes are him and the dates are going to match up. The only thing this is lacking is weapon evidence, but if he's dumb enough to be wearing the same boots and glasses he always wears than he probably still has his lock.

>hacked amazon account
Huh? Can I get a quick rundown?

Always turns out to be a "professor" top kek

I have no doubt some of the FBI anons are on our side

I just called the school the antifa fucker worked at.

He got fired from his job there. also the berkley police are investigating him. also the victim is pressing charges.

Why are you surprised?

Professors always yearn to be part of the revolution.

They reside in leftist echo chambers where their political ideas are never challenged. They usually see conservatives as idiot yokels who are wrong about everything and if only they would be educated then everyone would be liberal.

They argue in slogans and they cannot stand being shown up in class.

I got tanked by a department chair because i disagreed with her on her pseudoscience bs. She told the pther professors to refuse to write me letters of rec to grad school and to refuse to take me on as a research assistant.

Is professor just a meme-status in America? Most professors here are 50+ years and have published actual books and stuff

Street justice is best justice. He's been unmasked.

It really was a thing of beauty.

It's unbelievable.


>Standing in a protest is not a crime

Attempted murder is, though.

The combined footage should be more than enough for a search warrant, which will turn up physical evidence.

>If you speak out against antifa in Germany, people will literally think you're a nazi.
Come on. Even my Green friends make fun of them.



a leaf didn't disappoint for once