She president now.
She president now
Proof that a woman CAN be president
She will never win
You guys know she's just another socialist cunt, just a bit tougher on immigration right?
>being a corporate bootlicker
Don't count your chickens before they're hatched.
Well, I wouldn't say Socialist. I would say Centrist. She's pro-tax cuts
No, she isn't.
The FN still has a shit reputation in France. It's a force of nature. People will always feel disgust at the sight of the FN.
Live with it.
Don't sip your tea before it cools.
>being a big government bootlicker
Don't eat your mcnugs before you get your diabetus results
>You guys know she's just another socialist cunt, just a bit tougher on immigration right?
Immigration is the biggest issue.
The rest is debatable. Such is the nature of civilisation and politic, but there's not much to debate about when it comes to globalists wanting to displace your people so that they can pave the way for some stupid global superstate.
Don't kill your enemies or else they've won.
23.7% on second round
mark my kek
dont worry guys, she will win.
Keked! He is here
How come the Conservative Parites don't form a coalition with eachother like the lefty ones do?
lol is he the opposite party?
Vive la politique !
I can't see how she'd lose this one
Is that good news for switzerland or bad news?
Don't underestimate the power of cuckoldry
What did KEK mean by this?
The 22nd of May?
change "nom" to "MOM"
what the fuck sort of a pussy drinks cold tea, jesus do, if that shit dosnt hurt you aint doing it right, you need to get your ass to yorkshire and learn how to be a man.
kek bless her.
Double Double !
Marine confirmed as new Jeanne D'Arc
support your local
Au nom de la Mère, de la Fille et du Saint Pepe
no, he's not running and his party has no chance of winning.
checked and keked
I like exciting news to much for my own good.
Did something happen?
>tea drinking is manly
tea is for middle aged women and pensioners, drink water you poof
/nu/pol supports le pen
old Sup Forums knows women in politics is a disaster waiting to happen
To be honest a France in the hands of right wing extremists???
France which all of europe see as the vanguard of the european forces, falling into extremists hands.
It would like when Germany fell to Hitler, i hope it will not come to that,
Germany did recover and fights for europe the last i heard. But will France recover - who knows and will France drag europe down with them?
I hope LePen if she actually wins realizes what kind of responsibility has been put on her shoulders.
Personally i hope a social democrat wins in France, Social Democrats are easy, they are fair and work for the the country they live in, no drama and no suprises.
woke af. pol is a right wing feminist board now
Sup Forums supports happenings, and le pen is the candidate for happenings
>France which all of europe see as the vanguard of the european forces
Step up your bait game, it is pretty weak.
old Sup Forums was libertarian as fuck, women can do whatever they want
>Social Democrats are easy, they are fair and work for the the country they live in
Kek please explain
Really stupid question. But when is she president?
Is she?
I thought you guys were going for ((((((((((((((((((((Macron)))))))))))))))))))) ?
>drop some redpills on twitter bout paris
>leave computer
>come back 45 minutes later
>hundreds of retweets and likes
>check who was liking/retweeting
>mostly niggers/sandniggers
>many young girls
So is it possible many non whites are actually pro Marine? I thought it`s a mostly French natives vs POC /muslims election.
I think it depends on the number of rounds necessary to get a majority.
>FIllion is an EU shill
>muh free trade muh privatization muh global finance
>implying he will actually limit immigration in any way shape or form
the goyim just keep falling for it
Lots of Muslims laughing right now
Here you go, 1000 hours in ms paint.
marion's ass
Hey remember Swedes forged europe, colonized Normandy, Ireland, Scotland, Greenland, Iceland, Faroe islands and some parts of the US.
We kept the hanzaeder down, almost won the 30 years war and kept the russians out of europe until europe could defend itself.
And we fought countless wars with the Russians since viking times until modern times and won all, last war was a hundred years ago in Ratan where i live, many Russian massgraves have been found up here.
No idea why we did not invade Moscow but i think we had many defaitists in the highest general staff. They just quit without a fight even when we won in 1809 battles.
And now you're the world's laughing stock.
You shame your ancestors with every fiber of your being.
Forgot tamed the Roman Empire, Sacked Rome and kept the Byzantine empire up and running until the mid 1400s.
original pol didn't have any strong political leanings other than "hey, do what you want, just don't hurt others"
Neo-Angevin Empire when?
You Poles should not mock Sweden, we had a Polish king once.
King Sigismund the the ruler of Lithuania and Sweden and the son of Johan the III and Gustavus Vasa and the daughter of Katarina Jagellonica the princess of Poland.
Sigismund was a good king.
He was.
I'm not mocking your history.
I'm mocking what you became. A joke.
Get your shit together.
It is
No, they didn't make it to Nice.
So you were being cucked by an inferior race even back then?
What a surprise.
So are liberals gonna completely ignore that a woman was elected because she doesn't fit their narrative of a "perfect" pro-immigrant woman?
>Forgot tamed the Roman Empire, Sacked Rome
That's a stretch.
Far right nationalism is already dead in Europe
God I pray she wins, if she does I think ethno-nationalism has a chance and if she doesn't it may be the final nail in the coffin of our dreams of an all white Europe and Anglosphere
Fuck off you fucking black girl
Ok English is not my first language; here comes an edited version:
You Poles should not mock Sweden, we had a Polish king once.
King Sigismund the ruler of Lithuania, Poland and Sweden and the son of Johan the III son of Gustavus Vasa and Katerina Jagellonica the princess and ruler of Poland.
Sigismund the king of Sweden, Lithuania, Germany, Hungary, Bohemia, (Poland), Italy and the last Holy Roman Emperor or the King of all Romans.
In Sigismunds times all of europe feared the dread knights of Sweden, Sigismund was a good king.
No, Your ancestors were the cuckold weaklings and thralls that stayed in Sweden to get railed in their assholes by their boyfriends. The Normans are descended from the Swedes who colonized Normandy. The Irish and Scots and Greenlanders and Icelanders and Faroe Islanders all have that blood. You have the "stay behind" blood.
Fuck off you brown girl
Exactly what they said about Trump. Frenchies have told me that she's like a female Trump.
Fucking imagine if there had been some snackbar attack 3 days before trumps election. They helped their enemy.
Coalburning zionist female. Yeah eh
>You Poles should not mock Sweden, we had a Polish king once.
Still grammatically incorrect. It should be something to the effect of, "We once had a King who ruled Poland."
The way you worded it makes it sound like a Polish noble ruled as King of Sweden.
We have literally gotten to the point that CERTAIN tough ladies are better than cucks who like to let muzzies rape their daughters. Marine will win.
Still its amazing the spawn of a Swedish warrior king and a Polish warrior princess once ruled europe and all of the holy roman empire :D.
What the hell, are you fucking nords this retarded?
Weren't you the masterrace or something?
What the hell, even indians on SA know that socialism degenerates societies. Just look at USA after all the regulations by the liberal party. Literally all history is full of their ((("justice"))).
are they /ourguys/?
Yeah, but your current royals piss me off.
Especially since your crown prince got shafted by the change in succession.
Doubt it.
France wants to surrender to Islam. It's in the name itself. You could say the French were the original Islamists.
Were I Muslim I'd be laughing, too.
>being Canadian
That's cold. Almost as cold as Canada
Terrorist attacks are just funny now, knowing that all they do is redpill people and makes people uncomfortable, I just chuckle and move on
Shadilay brothers. He is with us.
>Weren't you the masterrace or something?
I don't know what you are talking about?
The Sweses (the nordics) once ruled all of europe and all of the holy roman empire, you could not rule anything more than that in those times.
Since then we backed down, we do not got the population or resources to rule anything anymore.
We hope Europe and the EU will pick up where Sweden left off.